SOC-14 5K
I have severe doubts that there would be a recognized "Imperial Culture".
The communications lag is going to be one major factor. When the entire planet understands that the latest news from Capital is over a year old, how much is anyone going to pay attention to it. They will know that things and people, the ins and out, the ups and downs, the latest fad and fashion, will have already changed by the time news of it reaches them. Given that, why will anyone waste the effort on imitating Capital? The nobles will pay attention, somewhat, as to whether or not their patrons are in or out of favor, but even then, what was true a year ago is likely no longer true.
Then you have the full range of government and Law Levels to consider. The culture of a planet with a Government of "0", family ties prevailing, and a Law Level of "0", is going to be enormously different than the culture of a planet with a Government of "9", Impersonal Bureaucracy, and a Law Level of "A". no weapons permitted whatsoever. Add in the different or lifestyle between a Low-population Earth-like planet with a low Tech Level and a High-population planet where dome life is mandatory because of the planet's conditions, and you have a limited basis for a large amount of shared culture. How the Vargr or Aslan are viewed is going to be highly correlated to the distance from the Border and number of Vargr or Aslan raids sustained.
That does not even consider the vast differences you will have between a conquered Terra and Regina/Spinward Marches, which will have little to do with the physical distance between them. Yet both are members of the Imperium.
The communications lag is going to be one major factor. When the entire planet understands that the latest news from Capital is over a year old, how much is anyone going to pay attention to it. They will know that things and people, the ins and out, the ups and downs, the latest fad and fashion, will have already changed by the time news of it reaches them. Given that, why will anyone waste the effort on imitating Capital? The nobles will pay attention, somewhat, as to whether or not their patrons are in or out of favor, but even then, what was true a year ago is likely no longer true.
Then you have the full range of government and Law Levels to consider. The culture of a planet with a Government of "0", family ties prevailing, and a Law Level of "0", is going to be enormously different than the culture of a planet with a Government of "9", Impersonal Bureaucracy, and a Law Level of "A". no weapons permitted whatsoever. Add in the different or lifestyle between a Low-population Earth-like planet with a low Tech Level and a High-population planet where dome life is mandatory because of the planet's conditions, and you have a limited basis for a large amount of shared culture. How the Vargr or Aslan are viewed is going to be highly correlated to the distance from the Border and number of Vargr or Aslan raids sustained.
That does not even consider the vast differences you will have between a conquered Terra and Regina/Spinward Marches, which will have little to do with the physical distance between them. Yet both are members of the Imperium.