I don't think these rule sets totally stand on their own.
In Lorenverse, the Empress and other royals go on "get to know us" trips around the Imperium and to adjust local problems. In CT, Stephon did peaceful interviews.
There are psionic officers in Agent of the Imperium
A robot was knighted back in the original CT adventurers.
What prejudice? Humaniti is the majority.
1 "Fear" in this context does not mean quite what you think it means.
2 I don't know what Agent of the Imperium is. Attitudes about psionics are described in LBB 3. The " Psionic Heresy " is mentioned, IIRC, in early Library Data.
3 I have described the rough outlines of Imperial culture as I see it, based on hints from the LBBs and a few of the early supplements.
I like the Imperium , but I do not care much for some aspects of its later incarnations of the OTU.
I am not a GURPS Traveller fan(although Sword Worlds was well done.) So if that is the Lorenverse, it is not my bag. I write that with all due respect to Wiseman, who is a solid writer and a good designer. The later variants on the setting give me the feeling of a benign state with extensive powers that rules a mostly safe and settled federation of planets. Not utopian, certainly, but also not the rather gritty and " feudal " feeling I get from earlier, core Traveller stuff.
Way less Foundation, Dune, or Star Wars. Hints of Star Trek creeping in, maybe.
I do like MT's shattered Imperium.Hard Times looks very game worthy.
TNE does not appeal to me.
Knowing my sources may help you understand why my take on the Imperium differs from yours.
As you might guess, I do not think there is a single " canonical" universe on which everyone can possibly agree. If there were, threads like this would be pointless. I,peril culture would be written up at length, in clear terms. As it stands, you pick your sources, interpret things as seems right to you, and adjust as fits the sorts of games you want to run.
So I do not think anyone is badwrongfun for going with a default to "Yanks in space" or what have you. I should not have to add that note, but this is the Internet. Some third party might come along and misconstrue my comments. Or yours.