1 "Fear" in this context does not mean quite what you think it means.
2 I don't know what Agent of the Imperium is. Attitudes about psionics are described in LBB 3. The " Psionic Heresy " is mentioned, IIRC, in early Library Data.
3 I have described the rough outlines of Imperial culture as I see it, based on hints from the LBBs and a few of the early supplements.
I like the Imperium , but I do not care much for some aspects of its later incarnations of the OTU.
I am not a GURPS Traveller fan(although Sword Worlds was well done.) ...
I do like MT's shattered Imperium.Hard Times looks very game worthy.
TNE does not appeal to me.
Knowing my sources may help you understand why my take on the Imperium differs from yours.
As you might guess, I do not think there is a single " canonical" universe on which everyone can possibly agree. ...
1000 years of Imperium is a lot of bandwidth.
not to mention 20 sectors. one would think the imperium resembles the persian empire more than the roman. or the greek diaspora even more.
would a youth's perspective be based on the level of integration of their homeland/world with the 3I?
If all the true Imperials, as opposed to the locals who live on notably independent worlds, speak a language common across the 3I, what would the spread of accents and dialects be like? Would boarding schools or tutors for the high nobility ensure they all spoke the same way, with variations emanating away from a central accent?
If all the true Imperials, as opposed to the locals who live on notably independent worlds, speak a language common across the 3I, what would the spread of accents and dialects be like? Would boarding schools or tutors for the high nobility ensure they all spoke the same way, with variations emanating away from a central accent?
what would the spread of accents and dialects be like?
Would boarding schools or tutors for the high nobility ensure they all spoke the same way
If all the true Imperials, as opposed to the locals who live on notably independent worlds, speak a language common across the 3I, what would the spread of accents and dialects be like? Would boarding schools or tutors for the high nobility ensure they all spoke the same way, with variations emanating away from a central accent?
According to Traveller Canon, there are four main dialects of Galanglic/Anglic:
1) Core - Spoken in the Imperial Core regions2) Rim - Spoken around the Solomani Rim3) Riftian - Spoken "Behind the Claw"4) Transform - Spoken in the Antares Region
According to Traveller Canon, there are four main dialects of Galanglic/Anglic:
1) Core - Spoken in the Imperial Core regions
2) Rim - Spoken around the Solomani Rim
3) Riftian - Spoken "Behind the Claw"
4) Transform - Spoken in the Antares Region
Would you please be so kind to cite your source for this?
Not casting doubt in what you say, just curious, as I don't remember having read any of this, and so, it is either one source I havn't read or I skipped it...
Anglic: The official language of the Third Imperium. A distant descendent of Terran English, Anglic was the language of the Rule of Man (- 2294 to - 1776) Anglic remained a common interstellar language for trade and commerce during the Long Night. Its widespread use on the original worlds of the Third Imperium made it the natural language when the Imperium was established.
On many worlds, Anglic is only a second language used for system traffic control, commercial operations, and interstellar communications. Anglic is sometimes called Galanglic (for Galactic Anglic).
The Imperium has not been able to prevent the emergence of a wide variety of Anglic dialects. Interstellar communications, holocrystals, and recordings help to spread a uniform pronunciation of Anglic throughout the entire Imperium. Within the Imperium, any Anglic speaker can understand almost any other, but isolated communities on worlds with little contact with the interstellar trade lanes shift their speech patterns to form dialects. In addition, broad areas within the Imperium have established their own pronunciation patterns; accepted dialects include Rim (which includes Terra), Core (the central region of the Imperium), Riftian (the spinward frontiers), and Transform (the Antares region).
MT: Imperial Encyclopedia, p.17 (Library Data):
Brings to mind the Mid-Atlanic accent I am thinking of giving my nobles' Anglic. Because one of players is ace at, also I seem to recall that it was made specifically for film so it has that feel of a designed culture.In one of early Inspector Lynley mysteries by Elizabeth George there was a great passage when a local bit of the gentry (or peerage, I can't remember which) tries to snub the "lowly Inspector" as interfering in matters above his social station whereupon Lynley responds with something as his accent is described as "whispering 'eighth Earl of Asherton'"...
I've always kept that sort of thing in mind, when I talk about the differences between the various classes. I could easily see there being even differences in dialect by social class - being educated at the proper schools or by the right tutors, etc.
...probably enforced by nobility preference, if not by outright imperial requirement. "you cannot appear before the count speaking like a barbarian."