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Imperial high TL imports.

mike wightman

SOC-14 10K
While looking for a copy of the research areas of Imperial Research Stations I came across this:
the lmperium itself is constantly involved with research projects
at the forefronts of technology. While some new technology can be purchased from
advanced cultures beyond the lmperial boundaries
, such high technology is expensive,
and still requires a solid technological foundation to allow i t s usage.
So how high a TL does the Imperium purchase (the MgT and T5 rules indicate that the Imperium should be able to cope with tech up to TL18)
Who and where are these advanced cultures beyond the Imperial boundaries?
It's also entirely populated by Cylons AI pseudobiological mechanicals who conduct experiments on capture meat beings :)

Darrians are not really TL16 in the 1105 era, and Hiver robot brains are import restricted.

The quote to me says there are advanced cultures out there that the Imperium trades with - so who and where?
Here's one I added to MTU


  • The manufacture of synthetic humans includes ones for uses such as servants, pleasure, and security. These products are generally sold to the extremely wealthy and are often highly illegal.
  • Manufacture of cloned and synthetic pets, plants, and other exotic life is also done. Consumers are usually the wealthy who want the unique and unusual for a status symbol. A wealthy hunter might order a cloned exotic animal or endangered species for sport for example.
  • Ginsharian food products, when available, are another occasional export. These are considered delicacies by buyers.
  • Drugs and pharmaceuticals are a major export. Anagathics are considered some of the most advanced available. The Ral Ranta order and export illegal pleasure drugs from Ginshar for resale. Imperial internal security has secret reports that Schunamann und Sohn (SuSAG) deals extensively with Ginshar in the pharmaceutical market on its "Black ops" side outside Imperial borders.

I see lots of opportunities for single worlds / systems and small polities outside the 3I to produce some unique and much higher tech item because it's something they need locally and specialize in.
You could do a search in Traveller Map for TL G, H, & J to see which ones are close enough to the Imperial Borders for trade.

I just took a look and there are 3 G & 1 H within the Imperium. the H is interdicted, and the 3 G's all have Star Port A's with Pops of A, 4 , and 2. And the Pop 4 has an Imperial Research Station. There are a few Tech G's scattered around that might be close enough for trade (didn't look for those this time, but I have looked for them before)

Except for the ones within the Imperium, the rest are all 'Unofficial'. The ones in the Aslan Hierate, Vargr Extants, and Zhodani Consulate look to be pretty far away for trade, maybe.
Here's another one from MTU I did for all you 'foodies.'

As of 1116, the Mische Conglomerate has collected the best available technologies in food preservation and preparation.

  • The Mische are actively seeking known culinary experts and recruiting them
  • Are currently TL 14 - 15 in food preparation and preservation methodologies.
  • Have opened 3 universities specializing in agriculture, food processing, and culinary techniques.

This is a small polity outside the 3I that excels at food that is out-of-this-world good. I gave them a scheduled shipping line that goes into the edge of the 3I bringing in their products.

Or, the Yeskoth Corporate:

The highest general level of technology encountered in the Yeskoth Corporate is E. The Corporate does excel in two areas of technology however beyond this:

  • Robotics and AI. The maximum level of technology in this area is G and the Corporate is actively working to raise this to H.
  • Terraforming. The importation of terraforming technology from the Cytrialin Unity has given the corporate a level of F in this area.
They have a small 3I scout presence, so their tech is getting back to the 3I slowly

I prefer the less traveled parts of the Traveller universe combining canon with getting to introduce non-canon that ties into it.
While looking for a copy of the research areas of Imperial Research Stations I came across this:

So how high a TL does the Imperium purchase (the MgT and T5 rules indicate that the Imperium should be able to cope with tech up to TL18)
Who and where are these advanced cultures beyond the Imperial boundaries?
It's also entirely populated by Cylons AI pseudobiological mechanicals who conduct experiments on capture meat beings :)

Darrians are not really TL16 in the 1105 era, and Hiver robot brains are import restricted.

The quote to me says there are advanced cultures out there that the Imperium trades with - so who and where?

Remember that in the era in which that quote was made, the two Paranoia Press sectors (Vanguard Reaches and The Beyond) had some beyond-TL-15 worlds that have since been de-canonized, and a number of the products produced on those worlds appeared in their additional publications such as Merchants & Merchandise.
Ah, good shout. I will dig them out and take a look.

What I am looking for are peoples own ideas and any tenuous links to match the criteria
advanced - Tl16 to 18, possibly higher
cultures - worlds or small multi-world polities that exist rather than are relics
beyond the lmperial boundaries - does this include Rimward of Solomani space?
Cross reference Traveller Map with the Traveller RPG Wiki for polities that might have something the Imperium wants to trade for.

Citizen Enoki gave us a sample of some gems that might be found.

Next would be what other Citizens and Nobles have posted in the CotI for worlds they either found, created, or fleshed out.

Just my Cr0.25.
Then there's these guys:

It should be noted, that while the Cytrialin Unity has a considerable collection of TL16+ items in varying number on virtually every world within the polity, these are almost universally regarded as akin to religious relics. They can be found in the possession of the numerous shrines and meditation centers that are found on Cytrialin worlds.

  • Because of the sheer number of these artifacts on Cytrial (world), it has been declared a red zone for travel by the IISS and TAS to help protect them from potential looting by those seeking to exploit the technology represented.
  • These artifacts are seen by the Lemura as focal points for meditation and are often placed in chests, arks, or veiled spaces within a shrine or meditation center.
The Cytrialin are some of the most capable and advanced terraformers (see Planetary Engineering ) in known space. Millennia of reshaping worlds with very hostile and foreign conditions to life has resulted in their having very advanced technology in this area. It generally exceeds Imperial technology significantly. They are currently considered to be TL 16 to 17 in this area.

Ah, good shout. I will dig them out and take a look.

What I am looking for are peoples own ideas and any tenuous links to match the criteria
advanced - Tl16 to 18, possibly higher
cultures - worlds or small multi-world polities that exist rather than are relics
beyond the lmperial boundaries - does this include Rimward of Solomani space?
There are some weird small polities well beyond the Solomani border that could have been founded by Rule of Man era Terrans. Isolated, they might have never felt the Long Night. If they were at, say, TL12 in -1900 and never suffered a collapse, they could easily be TL16-18 by 1105.