3I - Planetary Government Interface
The 3I interface between planetary government and the Imperium seems to be an incredible tolerant one. This given that almost any form of government can exist and is tolerated. The restrictions seem to centre around the use of WMD, payment of taxes, outright human trafficking and permission of free trade (oh and psionics). Aside from this relatively limited list, what occurs on the planet is of no concern to the empire at large.
This is an unusual situation. The avowed respect of domestic affairs is the science fiction part here. What makes for an interesting game is the examination of what this means when human nature is thrust into the situation. As long as no one steps over the line drawn by the 3I, people can do what they like. Our real world models of insurgency and its suppression/encouragement are secondary to this departure from our real world norms.
Insurgency is just another form of change of government. Elections, coup detat, inheritance and revolution are all forms of government change. As long as the new government did not try to secede from the Imperium or break one of the easy to adhere to rules, I see no reason why the 3I would even lift a finger. I would put it to you that any insurgency would at least pay lip service to this, to do otherwise is to invite intervention from high tech marines with very liberal rules of engagement. Liberal because their enemies are threatening the core of the imperial government.
On the contrary to what has been one of the theses of this thread, I think the 3I would be a hotbed of insurgencies.
Now what I have been saying is in general and in principle. In specific circumstances, large corporations may feel that their interests would be served by the present government or the government in waiting. In which case they would be helping one side or the other. Just as the US in Vietnam (hindering), Afghanistan (helping earlier and hindering now) and Nicaragua (helping).
Large corporations often have nobles as their leaders and nobles are members of the 3I government. I would say that this chain of involvement is a bit tenuous and would bring about much less direct involvement than battalions of marines descending from space. A whole lot more interesting types of involvement to play out too.
The 3I interface between planetary government and the Imperium seems to be an incredible tolerant one. This given that almost any form of government can exist and is tolerated. The restrictions seem to centre around the use of WMD, payment of taxes, outright human trafficking and permission of free trade (oh and psionics). Aside from this relatively limited list, what occurs on the planet is of no concern to the empire at large.
This is an unusual situation. The avowed respect of domestic affairs is the science fiction part here. What makes for an interesting game is the examination of what this means when human nature is thrust into the situation. As long as no one steps over the line drawn by the 3I, people can do what they like. Our real world models of insurgency and its suppression/encouragement are secondary to this departure from our real world norms.
Insurgency is just another form of change of government. Elections, coup detat, inheritance and revolution are all forms of government change. As long as the new government did not try to secede from the Imperium or break one of the easy to adhere to rules, I see no reason why the 3I would even lift a finger. I would put it to you that any insurgency would at least pay lip service to this, to do otherwise is to invite intervention from high tech marines with very liberal rules of engagement. Liberal because their enemies are threatening the core of the imperial government.
On the contrary to what has been one of the theses of this thread, I think the 3I would be a hotbed of insurgencies.
Now what I have been saying is in general and in principle. In specific circumstances, large corporations may feel that their interests would be served by the present government or the government in waiting. In which case they would be helping one side or the other. Just as the US in Vietnam (hindering), Afghanistan (helping earlier and hindering now) and Nicaragua (helping).
Large corporations often have nobles as their leaders and nobles are members of the 3I government. I would say that this chain of involvement is a bit tenuous and would bring about much less direct involvement than battalions of marines descending from space. A whole lot more interesting types of involvement to play out too.