SOC-14 1K
This raises a question: would the majority of planetary-surface invasions be conducted after total orbital superiority has been achieved by the invader, or would, in many cases, an invasion will be launched while an orbital battle is in progress in order to tip the scales in that battle (e.g. knock off SDB hideouts/fueling-posts, missile batteries and deep meson sites)? And is it possible for the orbital zone of a planet to be contested (i.e. no side having total control) for a prolonged time all while planetary forces are clashing as well?
I'd say first wave goes down halfway through the battle. With the enemies mobile space assets pinned or destroyed I can start landing troops to take out that <expletive> deep meson guns and PAD batteries. This would than result in some heavy ground battles (Think Spetznatz against NATO guards in Cold War style). If my forces fail to clear at least a landing zone, they are likely lost but that is a risk Battallion-Sized SpecForce have been taking since the days some 300 gays<<<guys took position in a valley somewhere in Greece.
Taking out those installations will allow me to use smaller units for planetary support where I otherwise would need the heavily shielded and armored battleships to brave the planetary defences. Depending on the rules set a squadron of 3000-5000dton Hull fitted with Lasers (for point defence) and missiles batteries / THOR launchers could do the job as well as a battleship but with less manpower/costs and more flexibility.
Using this strategy would also allow limited invasions to take place. Take a large Island (Say Ireland), destroy/jam the enemies sensors around and either wait for his next move or use it as a base for attacks. At that point he can:
a) Blind-Fire his remaining Meson sites at you, missing quite often and destroying his land/killing his people
b) Come out to fight and risk Ortillery fire
c) Huddle up and wait for you to come at him
Meanwhile you can build up your forces. It won't be totally safe, enemy commandos will be a massiv problem as will the occasional air/space attack.