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It's a Dangerous Universe

Salmon Jones knew it had to come to this, but he wished it hadn't. What he wished for was another way--one that didn't involve guns. He had chased the McGuffin Cylinder across three solar systems, and it was here, in the depths of a mined-out asteroid in the far reaches of Patinir, that he had almost made the deal.

But, what Jones had to offer wasn't good enough. And, Salmon knew he couldn't leave without the Cylinder, which is why he stood now, back against an abandoned cargo container, sweat dripping off his cheek, SMG cocked, ready, and live in his hand.

Salmon Jones 888478
Morale: 4
Pilot-1 Wheeled Vehicle-1 Dagger-1 Carousing-2 Liaision-1 Streetwise-1 Grav Vehicle-1 Electronics-1 Rifle-3 SMG-1 Tactics-1

Equipped with:
Combat Knife
Spacer's Toga (utility coverall providing no armor protection)

His opponent stood ready, shotgun pumped and pointing in Salmon's direction. Luukhan Pershiire was willing to let the fabled McGuffin Cylinder go, but when he did, he wanted to have no doubt that he would never have to work again.

And, this man Jones just wasn't offering that much.

Luukhan Pershiire AA4B77
Morale: 4
Mechanical-3 Medical-2 Streetwise-1 Shotgun-3 Navigation-1 Blade-1 Bribery-2 Gunnery-1 Vacc Suit-1 Pilot-1

Equipped with:
Cloth Armor (covers torso, groin, and shoulders)
Shotgun (with finnicky cocking mechanism--only one shot per round allowed)

The GM yells, "Let's go to rounds!"


Salmon rolls initiative: 2D for 4-. Rolls 1, 1. He's going on 2.

Luukhan rolls initiative: 2D for 4-. Rolls 5, 6. He's going on 21

Salmon is up first, and since he's got protection from the cargo container, he's considering using the Hold Action option to force Luukahn to go first. That could be dangerous, though. If Luukhan can maneuver to get a shot at Salmon, Salmon may end up sorry (or worse) that he didn't pop around the corner of the container to fire at Luukhan while his opponent was out in the open.

Salmon decides to risk it. He uses the Hold Action. This adds 20 to his Initiative Score, so Salmon is now moving on 22.

Which means Luukhan, with his initiative of 21, moves first.

Luukhan doesn't have a shot. He must use his movement in order to get his site on Salmon behind the cargo container. If Luukhan runs, he can easily find a bead on Salmon. But, running means that Luukhan will use up all of his actions for the round.

If Luukhan walks, he will get an action during the round (which he can use to attack Salmon), but he's not sure if he can make it to where he needs to be in order to see around Salmon's cover.

Luukhan decides to run, Speed 2, for the partial cover of some crates. Salmon will get a shot at him, but the GM should give Luukhan some protection due to the crates.

Luukhan moves, his legs pumping in and around the abandoned debris on the floor--abandoned from the former mining operation. With a simple skip over a shin-high portable generator, Luukhan is behind the crates.

His round has ended.

Salmon heard the movement. Looking to his right, he sees Luukhan make that last little jump behind the crates. Salmon's target is protected by the crate cover to at least chest height.

"I'm going to use Panic Fire." He informs the GM. That's three attacks for the price of one. Since the SMG is full auto, that translates to six attacks (using CT's rule where two attacks are allowed for auto fire).

Range to Luukhan is less than 50 meters, putting Salmon's target at Medium Range.

Lighting in the mined-out cavern is weak, and the GM enacts the Partial Darkness rule. But since Luukhan is within Medium Range, no penalty is instituted.

But, the GM does allow the -4 DM defense bonus due to partial cover.

In order to hit, Salmon must roll 8+ and add modifiers. This is expressed as a UGM task: SMG/DEX/+0.

Since Salmon is using Panic Fire, he's spraying the area down with lead (and using a lot of ammo, too). He'll roll six attack throws.

DM's to Salmon's Attack rolls:
+1 ... Salmon's SMG skill
+3 ... SMG at Medium Range
-2 ... Panic Fire penalty
-4 ... Luukhan's partial cover penalty
-2 ... Luukhan's evasion at Medium range

Attack Roll #1: 4, 3 MISS
Attack Roll #2: 6, 1 MISS
Attack Roll #3: 1, 2 MISS
Attack Roll #4: 1, 6 MISS
Attack Roll #5: 6, 5 MISS
Attack Roll #6: 6, 1 MISS

Basically, Salmon just sprayed out half his magazine (12 rounds from a 30 rd magazine) without hitting his target.

Note, though, that Salmon came close to hitting once, on Attack Roll #5. He missed Luukhan by 1.

This means that the Tactics rule can be used (whenever a target is missed by 1, a check vs. Tactics is made to see is a free attack is allowed).

Salmon has Tactics-1. 1D will be rolled. If the result is "1" (rolling the Tactics skill level or less), then Salmon will be granted one free attack, provided he has the ammo in his weapon to make the attack (he does--he's still got 18 rounds left in his magazine, firing 4 rounds per burst).

1D is thrown for the Tactics check: 1

Salmon gets a free attack, same as before, on his opponent.

Attack Roll #5-re-throw: 4, 2 MISS

Salmon has now fired 14 shots from his SMG. He's got 16 shots left in the magazine.

All movement is done at the beginning of the combat round. Since Salmon chose to fire his weapon from his current position, he gave up his opportunity to move.

So, that's the end of round 1.
Salmon Jones knew it had to come to this, but he wished it hadn't. What he wished for was another way--one that didn't involve guns. He had chased the McGuffin Cylinder across three solar systems, and it was here, in the depths of a mined-out asteroid in the far reaches of Patinir, that he had almost made the deal.

But, what Jones had to offer wasn't good enough. And, Salmon knew he couldn't leave without the Cylinder, which is why he stood now, back against an abandoned cargo container, sweat dripping off his cheek, SMG cocked, ready, and live in his hand.

Salmon Jones 888478
Morale: 4
Pilot-1 Wheeled Vehicle-1 Dagger-1 Carousing-2 Liaision-1 Streetwise-1 Grav Vehicle-1 Electronics-1 Rifle-3 SMG-1 Tactics-1

Equipped with:
Combat Knife
Spacer's Toga (utility coverall providing no armor protection)

His opponent stood ready, shotgun pumped and pointing in Salmon's direction. Luukhan Pershiire was willing to let the fabled McGuffin Cylinder go, but when he did, he wanted to have no doubt that he would never have to work again.

And, this man Jones just wasn't offering that much.

Luukhan Pershiire AA4B77
Morale: 4
Mechanical-3 Medical-2 Streetwise-1 Shotgun-3 Navigation-1 Blade-1 Bribery-2 Gunnery-1 Vacc Suit-1 Pilot-1

Equipped with:
Cloth Armor (covers torso, groin, and shoulders)
Shotgun (with finnicky cocking mechanism--only one shot per round allowed)

The GM yells, "Let's go to rounds!"


Salmon rolls initiative: 2D for 4-. Rolls 1, 1. He's going on 2.

Luukhan rolls initiative: 2D for 4-. Rolls 5, 6. He's going on 21

Salmon is up first, and since he's got protection from the cargo container, he's considering using the Hold Action option to force Luukahn to go first. That could be dangerous, though. If Luukhan can maneuver to get a shot at Salmon, Salmon may end up sorry (or worse) that he didn't pop around the corner of the container to fire at Luukhan while his opponent was out in the open.

Salmon decides to risk it. He uses the Hold Action. This adds 20 to his Initiative Score, so Salmon is now moving on 22.

Which means Luukhan, with his initiative of 21, moves first.

Luukhan doesn't have a shot. He must use his movement in order to get his site on Salmon behind the cargo container. If Luukhan runs, he can easily find a bead on Salmon. But, running means that Luukhan will use up all of his actions for the round.

If Luukhan walks, he will get an action during the round (which he can use to attack Salmon), but he's not sure if he can make it to where he needs to be in order to see around Salmon's cover.

Luukhan decides to run, Speed 2, for the partial cover of some crates. Salmon will get a shot at him, but the GM should give Luukhan some protection due to the crates.

Luukhan moves, his legs pumping in and around the abandoned debris on the floor--abandoned from the former mining operation. With a simple skip over a shin-high portable generator, Luukhan is behind the crates.

His round has ended.

Salmon heard the movement. Looking to his right, he sees Luukhan make that last little jump behind the crates. Salmon's target is protected by the crate cover to at least chest height.

"I'm going to use Panic Fire." He informs the GM. That's three attacks for the price of one. Since the SMG is full auto, that translates to six attacks (using CT's rule where two attacks are allowed for auto fire).

Range to Luukhan is less than 50 meters, putting Salmon's target at Medium Range.

Lighting in the mined-out cavern is weak, and the GM enacts the Partial Darkness rule. But since Luukhan is within Medium Range, no penalty is instituted.

But, the GM does allow the -4 DM defense bonus due to partial cover.

In order to hit, Salmon must roll 8+ and add modifiers. This is expressed as a UGM task: SMG/DEX/+0.

Since Salmon is using Panic Fire, he's spraying the area down with lead (and using a lot of ammo, too). He'll roll six attack throws.

DM's to Salmon's Attack rolls:
+1 ... Salmon's SMG skill
+3 ... SMG at Medium Range
-2 ... Panic Fire penalty
-4 ... Luukhan's partial cover penalty
-2 ... Luukhan's evasion at Medium range

Attack Roll #1: 4, 3 MISS
Attack Roll #2: 6, 1 MISS
Attack Roll #3: 1, 2 MISS
Attack Roll #4: 1, 6 MISS
Attack Roll #5: 6, 5 MISS
Attack Roll #6: 6, 1 MISS

Basically, Salmon just sprayed out half his magazine (12 rounds from a 30 rd magazine) without hitting his target.

Note, though, that Salmon came close to hitting once, on Attack Roll #5. He missed Luukhan by 1.

This means that the Tactics rule can be used (whenever a target is missed by 1, a check vs. Tactics is made to see is a free attack is allowed).

Salmon has Tactics-1. 1D will be rolled. If the result is "1" (rolling the Tactics skill level or less), then Salmon will be granted one free attack, provided he has the ammo in his weapon to make the attack (he does--he's still got 18 rounds left in his magazine, firing 4 rounds per burst).

1D is thrown for the Tactics check: 1

Salmon gets a free attack, same as before, on his opponent.

Attack Roll #5-re-throw: 4, 2 MISS

Salmon has now fired 14 shots from his SMG. He's got 16 shots left in the magazine.

All movement is done at the beginning of the combat round. Since Salmon chose to fire his weapon from his current position, he gave up his opportunity to move.

So, that's the end of round 1.

We're not 15 seconds into this combat, beginning round 2. It's time for initiative.

Salmon rolls init, going on 19.

Luukhan rolls init, going on 18.

Again, if any movement is to be taken during the round, it must be the first action taken. Luukhan decides that he's comfortable here behind the crates. He likes the protection they afford him, and he can pop over the top of them firing a blast from his shotgun into Salmon.

And, this is exactly what he attempt to do.

Since the pump-action on his shotgun is sticky, the GM has ruled that Panic Fire or Rapid Fire is barred from use with this weapon. It's strickly a one-shot-per-round gun (until the cocking mechanism can be re-tooled).

So, from behind the protection of the crates, Luukhan points his shotgun and takes his shot. As with every CT combat task throw (and every UGM task), he needs to roll 8+ to achieve the hit.

DMs to Luukhan's shotgun blast:
+3 ... Luukhan's Shotgun skill
+1 ... DEX bonus with Shotgun
+3 ... Shotgun at Medium Range

Attack Roll: 2, 5 HIT WITH A TOTAL OF 14

Luukhan has hit Salmon. The GM rolls hit location, resulting in a hit to Salmon's right foot.

Now, Luukhan rolls damage. Since Salmon is wearing no armor, the damage roll is modified with a +5 DM (shotgun vs. no armor).

Also note that a total of 14 was thrown on the attack throw, indicating that 3 of the weapon's 4D damage will be rolled for randomly on the target (to indicate this, the first 3 dice of the damage throw will be applied randomly to Salmon's stats, while Salmon can take the last die and the +5 DM at his option).

Damage throw (4D +5): 6, 6, 4, 6, 5.

Wow. Salmon will be hurting after this, unless he's lucky on the random location.

The first random die is applied to Salmon's STR characteristic. The second random die is applied to Salmon's DEX characteristic. And, the third random die is applied to Salmon's DEX characteristic as well.

This reduces Salmon's physical stats of 888 to 208.

Now, since Salmon has one stat at 0, he can dump all his remaining points into that stat that has already been taken to 0.

Using the Stun Rule, Salmon can now make an END check to see if he's only stunned for a round or has been knocked unconscious for 3D minutes.

The Stun check is: 2D for END or less. Salmon must roll 2D for 8- to remain conscious, stunned instead. He rolls 2D: 2, 4.

Salmon is only stunned. He's been slightly grazed in his right boot. He'll loose his action this round but be able to act normally next round.

And, since Salmon has lost his action this round, the entirety of round 2 has come to a close.

We're not 15 seconds into this combat, beginning round 2. It's time for initiative.

Salmon rolls init, going on 19.

Luukhan rolls init, going on 18.

Again, if any movement is to be taken during the round, it must be the first action taken. Luukhan decides that he's comfortable here behind the crates. He likes the protection they afford him, and he can pop over the top of them firing a blast from his shotgun into Salmon.

And, this is exactly what he attempt to do.

Since the pump-action on his shotgun is sticky, the GM has ruled that Panic Fire or Rapid Fire is barred from use with this weapon. It's strickly a one-shot-per-round gun (until the cocking mechanism can be re-tooled).

So, from behind the protection of the crates, Luukhan points his shotgun and takes his shot. As with every CT combat task throw (and every UGM task), he needs to roll 8+ to achieve the hit.

DMs to Luukhan's shotgun blast:
+3 ... Luukhan's Shotgun skill
+1 ... DEX bonus with Shotgun
+3 ... Shotgun at Medium Range

Attack Roll: 2, 5 HIT WITH A TOTAL OF 14

Luukhan has hit Salmon. The GM rolls hit location, resulting in a hit to Salmon's right foot.

Now, Luukhan rolls damage. Since Salmon is wearing no armor, the damage roll is modified with a +5 DM (shotgun vs. no armor).

Also note that a total of 14 was thrown on the attack throw, indicating that 3 of the weapon's 4D damage will be rolled for randomly on the target (to indicate this, the first 3 dice of the damage throw will be applied randomly to Salmon's stats, while Salmon can take the last die and the +5 DM at his option).

Damage throw (4D +5): 6, 6, 4, 6, 5.

Wow. Salmon will be hurting after this, unless he's lucky on the random location.

The first random die is applied to Salmon's STR characteristic. The second random die is applied to Salmon's DEX characteristic. And, the third random die is applied to Salmon's DEX characteristic as well.

This reduces Salmon's physical stats of 888 to 208.

Now, since Salmon has one stat at 0, he can dump all his remaining points into that stat that has already been taken to 0.

Using the Stun Rule, Salmon can now make an END check to see if he's only stunned for a round or has been knocked unconscious for 3D minutes.

The Stun check is: 2D for END or less. Salmon must roll 2D for 8- to remain conscious, stunned instead. He rolls 2D: 2, 4.

Salmon is only stunned. He's been slightly grazed in his right boot. He'll loose his action this round but be able to act normally next round.

And, since Salmon has lost his action this round, the entirety of round 2 has come to a close.

30 seconds of time has elapsed in the preceeding two combat rounds.

Here, we roll initiative again. Since Salmon has had two of his stats wounded, though, he will suffer a +2 DM penalty to his initiative throw.

Salmon rolls initiative, going on 19.

Luukhan rolls initiative, going on 15.

Luukhan wastes no time. He fires his shotgun again. The same DMs apply.

DMs to Luukhan's shotgun blast:
+3 ... Luukhan's Shotgun skill
+1 ... DEX bonus with Shotgun
+3 ... Shotgun at Medium Range

Attack Roll: 3, 2 HIT WITH A TOTAL OF 12

The GM rolls hit location, indicating that Salmon has been hit a second time--this time in his lower torso (stomach) area.

Damage is the same. 4D +5. But only 2 dice will be applied randomly this time.

Damage roll: 6, 2, 6, 6, 5

The first damage die is applied randomly to Salmon's STR score. The second damage die is applied randomly to Salmon's END score.

Salmon's physical stats have been reduced further to: 016.

Salmon attempts the Stun check again, roll 2D for END or less. He rolls: 4, 1. He makes the stun check.

Therefore, Salmon drops all his extra damage into his STR-0, and that STR-0 is raised to STR-1 once the Stun check is made.

Salmon is again stunned. And, again, this round, Salmon can take no actions (for being stunned). But, he's still alive, with physical stats at 116.

That's the end of round 3.

30 seconds of time has elapsed in the preceeding two combat rounds.

Here, we roll initiative again. Since Salmon has had two of his stats wounded, though, he will suffer a +2 DM penalty to his initiative throw.

Salmon rolls initiative, going on 19.

Luukhan rolls initiative, going on 15.

Luukhan wastes no time. He fires his shotgun again. The same DMs apply.

DMs to Luukhan's shotgun blast:
+3 ... Luukhan's Shotgun skill
+1 ... DEX bonus with Shotgun
+3 ... Shotgun at Medium Range

Attack Roll: 3, 2 HIT WITH A TOTAL OF 12

The GM rolls hit location, indicating that Salmon has been hit a second time--this time in his lower torso (stomach) area.

Damage is the same. 4D +5. But only 2 dice will be applied randomly this time.

Damage roll: 6, 2, 6, 6, 5

The first damage die is applied randomly to Salmon's STR score. The second damage die is applied randomly to Salmon's END score.

Salmon's physical stats have been reduced further to: 016.

Salmon attempts the Stun check again, roll 2D for END or less. He rolls: 4, 1. He makes the stun check.

Therefore, Salmon drops all his extra damage into his STR-0, and that STR-0 is raised to STR-1 once the Stun check is made.

Salmon is again stunned. And, again, this round, Salmon can take no actions (for being stunned). But, he's still alive, with physical stats at 116.

That's the end of round 3.

Salmon is desperately hoping that he moves first. With a +4 DM on his initiative now, due to all three of his physical stats being wounded, it's unlikely he'll move before Luukhan. If he does (or if Luukhan misses), you can be that he'll be heading for the nearest cover. He's getting smoked out here in the open.

Salmon rolls init, and (with the +4 penalty) he's going on 22.

Luukhan rolls init, and he's going on 3.

Doesn't look like old Salmon will be getting that McGuffin Cylinder after all--shoulda paid Luukhan what he thought it was worth the first time around.

Luukhan blasts old Salmon again. It's the same attack roll as before, using the same DMs.

DMs to Luukhan's shotgun blast:
+3 ... Luukhan's Shotgun skill
+1 ... DEX bonus with Shotgun
+3 ... Shotgun at Medium Range

Attack Roll: 6, 1 HIT WITH A TOTAL OF 14

Again, the first three dice from Luukhan's blast will be applied randomly to Salmon's stats.

The GM roll hit location: Salmon has been hit in the lower right leg.

Damage of 4D +5 is rolled: 3, 4, 3, 5, 5.

The first die is applied randomly Salmon's END.
The second die is applied randomly to Salmon's STR.
The third die is applied randomly to Salmon's END.

Salmon ended last round with physical stats at 116. This round, he's hurt bad. His physical stats have been reduced to 010.

Salmon is near death. Shotgun blast to the right leg. Bleeding.

And, Luukhan still has the McGuffin Cylinder.

Salmon is desperately hoping that he moves first. With a +4 DM on his initiative now, due to all three of his physical stats being wounded, it's unlikely he'll move before Luukhan. If he does (or if Luukhan misses), you can be that he'll be heading for the nearest cover. He's getting smoked out here in the open.

Salmon rolls init, and (with the +4 penalty) he's going on 22.

Luukhan rolls init, and he's going on 3.

Doesn't look like old Salmon will be getting that McGuffin Cylinder after all--shoulda paid Luukhan what he thought it was worth the first time around.

Luukhan blasts old Salmon again. It's the same attack roll as before, using the same DMs.

DMs to Luukhan's shotgun blast:
+3 ... Luukhan's Shotgun skill
+1 ... DEX bonus with Shotgun
+3 ... Shotgun at Medium Range

Attack Roll: 6, 1 HIT WITH A TOTAL OF 14

Again, the first three dice from Luukhan's blast will be applied randomly to Salmon's stats.

The GM roll hit location: Salmon has been hit in the lower right leg.

Damage of 4D +5 is rolled: 3, 4, 3, 5, 5.

The first die is applied randomly Salmon's END.
The second die is applied randomly to Salmon's STR.
The third die is applied randomly to Salmon's END.

Salmon ended last round with physical stats at 116. This round, he's hurt bad. His physical stats have been reduced to 010.

Salmon is near death. Shotgun blast to the right leg. Bleeding.

And, Luukhan still has the McGuffin Cylinder.
What was I doing?

I just wanted to play out a small encounter using the enhanced CT combat system I've developed--something CT-lovers could see and follow...to see how the mechanics worked in a game.

I didn't "pre-plan" or "fudge" any of this. I just set up a scenario, picked two characters from my campaign, then started playing out the encounter as if it were a real game.

I rolled real dice as I wrote--everything you see in the previous posts was really rolled (even the "1" I rolled when I did the Tactics check...I couldn't BELIEVE that!).

All this stuff I've been discussing with some of you in different threads shows up in different parts of the enounter...the stun check...the tactics check...the enhanced CT combat rules.

The only thing I didn't do was increase Minor Wounds by one point every round, and had I done this, I don't think it would have changed the enounter...but it might have made the player playing Salmon a bit less uneasy.

Old Salmon thought he had it, huh? There at the beginning? He sprayed half a clip at Luukhan--six friggin' attack throws--and you'd think one or two of them would hit.

But, NoooooooooooooOOOOOooooooo.

Nope. Fate turned on the dude with the SMG in this one.

Normally, in a game, I allow shotguns to use the Panic Fire option.

But, in order to balance the scenario, I handicapped Luukhan's weapon. Their stats were relatively close (both their physical stats add up to 24!). And, they both had a morale of 4. But, since the Skill-1 dude had an SMG, I thought I'd balance the game in that the Skill-3 dude had a broken-one-shot-per-round shotgun.

I even game Luukhan some armor since I predicted that Salmon would be blowing him away with Panic Fire.

Not so. Luukhan creamed him.

And, had Lukkhan been able to use Panic Fire, this thing might have been over by the end of Round 2.
What was I doing?

I just wanted to play out a small encounter using the enhanced CT combat system I've developed--something CT-lovers could see and follow...to see how the mechanics worked in a game.

I didn't "pre-plan" or "fudge" any of this. I just set up a scenario, picked two characters from my campaign, then started playing out the encounter as if it were a real game.

I rolled real dice as I wrote--everything you see in the previous posts was really rolled (even the "1" I rolled when I did the Tactics check...I couldn't BELIEVE that!).

All this stuff I've been discussing with some of you in different threads shows up in different parts of the enounter...the stun check...the tactics check...the enhanced CT combat rules.

The only thing I didn't do was increase Minor Wounds by one point every round, and had I done this, I don't think it would have changed the enounter...but it might have made the player playing Salmon a bit less uneasy.

Old Salmon thought he had it, huh? There at the beginning? He sprayed half a clip at Luukhan--six friggin' attack throws--and you'd think one or two of them would hit.

But, NoooooooooooooOOOOOooooooo.

Nope. Fate turned on the dude with the SMG in this one.

Normally, in a game, I allow shotguns to use the Panic Fire option.

But, in order to balance the scenario, I handicapped Luukhan's weapon. Their stats were relatively close (both their physical stats add up to 24!). And, they both had a morale of 4. But, since the Skill-1 dude had an SMG, I thought I'd balance the game in that the Skill-3 dude had a broken-one-shot-per-round shotgun.

I even game Luukhan some armor since I predicted that Salmon would be blowing him away with Panic Fire.

Not so. Luukhan creamed him.

And, had Lukkhan been able to use Panic Fire, this thing might have been over by the end of Round 2.
Yep, Salmon got smoked alright.

I don't see anything here that makes me want to change the way I'm playing right now. But if you and your players enjoy the system tweaks, more power to you all!
Yep, Salmon got smoked alright.

I don't see anything here that makes me want to change the way I'm playing right now. But if you and your players enjoy the system tweaks, more power to you all!
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
I don't see anything here that makes me want to change the way I'm playing right now. But if you and your players enjoy the system tweaks, more power to you all!
Just puttin' it out there for those interested.

You play straight CT rules, BGG?
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
I don't see anything here that makes me want to change the way I'm playing right now. But if you and your players enjoy the system tweaks, more power to you all!
Just puttin' it out there for those interested.

You play straight CT rules, BGG?
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Supplement Four:
You play straight CT rules, BGG?
Pretty much. Works for me. </font>[/QUOTE]I figured so. I remembered you were one of the few I've ever heard of playing Book 2 combat with rulers and protractors on the kitchen floor.

There's a certain fundamentalist vib to that kind of play that makes me smile (even though it's not for me, obviously).

Disscussing damage lately, and running through those couple of rounds above have given me some new found respect, though, for CT's first blood rule.

I've always not used it for fear it was a PC killer. It's really not--it's more of a PC unconscious-er. The PC will be fine--it'll just take about 30 minutes and a medic.

I'm not as "afraid" of the first blood rule as I used to be (for so many years), but I still like that system that's evolved in my game better.

I like how players can't relax after they've been hit the first time--because in my game, any hit can send random damage dice coming your way.

It depends on the quality of the attack throw.
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Supplement Four:
You play straight CT rules, BGG?
Pretty much. Works for me. </font>[/QUOTE]I figured so. I remembered you were one of the few I've ever heard of playing Book 2 combat with rulers and protractors on the kitchen floor.

There's a certain fundamentalist vib to that kind of play that makes me smile (even though it's not for me, obviously).

Disscussing damage lately, and running through those couple of rounds above have given me some new found respect, though, for CT's first blood rule.

I've always not used it for fear it was a PC killer. It's really not--it's more of a PC unconscious-er. The PC will be fine--it'll just take about 30 minutes and a medic.

I'm not as "afraid" of the first blood rule as I used to be (for so many years), but I still like that system that's evolved in my game better.

I like how players can't relax after they've been hit the first time--because in my game, any hit can send random damage dice coming your way.

It depends on the quality of the attack throw.
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
I remembered you were one of the few I've ever heard of playing Book 2 combat with rulers and protractors on the kitchen floor.

Add another person to that list. When we had the room, we played with the rulers. When we didn't have the room we used hex maps. There is no real difference.

Movement in LBB:2 ship combat isn't that difficult, expecially if you've already played Avalon Hill's Jutland. It is just minis with a 2D vector movement system and people play minis all the time.

Have fun,
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
I remembered you were one of the few I've ever heard of playing Book 2 combat with rulers and protractors on the kitchen floor.

Add another person to that list. When we had the room, we played with the rulers. When we didn't have the room we used hex maps. There is no real difference.

Movement in LBB:2 ship combat isn't that difficult, expecially if you've already played Avalon Hill's Jutland. It is just minis with a 2D vector movement system and people play minis all the time.

Have fun,