The combat resolved using Snapshot:
Salmon Jones 888478 (16 action points)
Luukhan Pershiire AA4B77 (14 action points
Turn 1: Salmon chooses not to preempt Luukhan. Luukhan moves (running) a maximum of 21 squares (-1 DM). If he chooses to move by sneaking (-3 DM) he moves a maximum of 4 squares.
Salmon now has a line of sight to Luukhan. 16 action points allow either 2 aimed shots (8 AP each), 2 snapshots (6 AP each), or one of each. In keeping with the narrative, 2 snapshots are chosen (DM -2).
+1 ..... Salmon's SMG skill
-2 ..... snap attack penalty
-4 ..... Luukhan's partial cover penalty*
-1 or -3 Luukhan's movement status
SMG versus cloth at medium range requires an 8+ to hit. No hits are possible. Salmon expends his remaining AP's using the expletive action.
*: Snapshot has no rule for cover. Azhanti High Lightning would provide a DM of -2 but all hits would become more serious. The Traveller Book provides a DM of -4.
Had he preempted Luukhan and selected the "cover" action, he could have engaged Luukhan as he crossed the open space with either an aimed attack or a snap attack (depending on the geography). These attacks would have been resolved without the -4 cover DM.
Turn 2: Salmon is in a bit of a bind. Luukhan's movement status remains in effect until his turn comes up, so Salmon still can't hit him. He can either withdraw, assume a sneaking posture, or grant initiative to Luukhan. Following the narrative, he allows Luukhan the initiative.
Luukhan conducts an aimed attack.
DMs to Luukhan's shotgun blast:
+3 ... Luukhan's Shotgun skill
+1 ... DEX bonus with Shotgun
Shotgun versus nothing at medium range requires a 0 (automatic hit).
Damage throw (4D): 6, 6, 4, 6.
One characteristic (possibly two) are reduced to zero. Salmon is at the mercy of his opponent.