Several of the UWP actually don't really accurately describe Terra of the 57th century for me.
Hydrographics: Yeah, even at present it's closer to 80%, so I just upped it to 80%.
Population: It's actually a little lower than today. I figure that in the 57th century, they realize that the declining birth rates we see today in the 21st century in industrial countries, is pretty normal: if you have a peaceful, affluent society people just don't feel any pressing need to have kids. In fact, if people from off-world were not moving back to Earth, the population would be in constant decline. Most of the population makes its home in the traditional large cities of Terra. A lot of the world has very low population density, mostly daytrippers flying out there in grav vehicles for a picnic or sightseeing.
Law Level: On most of Terra, you can actually own rifles and shotguns for hobby shooting or hunting. You can go to indoor courses to pay to shoot fusion rifles or VRF gauss weapons (of course, you can't own them). You just have to register them with law enforcement which requires a safety certification. It's also a full fledged surveillance society. It's not necessarily oppressive, most Terrans are used to it and don't really notice it; you go to a cocktail party and it's pretty normal for everyone to talk about 'how scary' it is, but frankly it's been going on for at least a thousand years, so it's just life as normal at this point. But you're not going to be walking around with your rifle without tripping a few expert system-controlled law enforcement sensors. Since most people just walking around with their rifles for legitimate reasons (say, taking them to the sport range or to go hunting), the Expert Systems just make a note of it and move on. On the other hand, they'll make a note if you even take out knives to the backyard BBQ too. They'll just not really do much about it. If you start brandishing the knives, they'll vector in some Copseyes (little anti-grav patrol bots with a stunner) to keep an eye on you from a distance, since even a lot of brandishing is in the spirit of joking around and even the "victim" isn't really threatened by it. If it becomes threatening, they'll zap you and the human cops show up legal proceedings start.
Government Type: The 21st century nations are gone, like long, long gone. United States, China, Germany, or whatever? It's almost ancient history as Uruk or Ur. To the average Terran of that period, they speak of "yeah, those were bad days for Russia, seriously Temujin then Hitler just 700 years later?" As for 57th century Terra: Technically Terra is occupied by the Imperium. In theory, the world is a representative democracy. In practice, it's actually run by large Expert Systems who deal with the individual needs of Terra's citizens, much like before the Imperium invaded. The Imperials technically control the Expert Systems, but in reality the MoJ and INI aren't really sure how much control they have over them. They suspect that if the Terrans wanted the Imperials off their world, they could do it pretty much instantly and bloodlessly. However, the Terrans know, just like the Imperials, that even if that occurred, Imperial retribution would be swift and devastating and the Solomani aren't in any position to relieve Terra fast enough. So they "let" the Imperials occupy Terra. Terrans actually have mixed feelings about the Imperial occupation. Terra IMTU is the oldest of the Old Earth worlds, after all. They weren't big fans of Solomani supremacist dogma. It was all terribly loud and tasteless and frankly, believing it makes you sound stupid. However, it does bug them a lot that Vilani invaders (the TI is identified as "effectively" a Vilani empire since the Solomani Rim War) and their Terran Quislings are occupying their world so they wish the Imperium would go away. The really violent anti-Imperial types have moved off-world (or were "encouraged" to). Due to the pervasive surveillance society, "anti-Imperial terrorism" is limited to things like hacking the MoJ's computers to put arrest warrants out on Duke Adair, making the Emperor a terrorist in Naval computers, impregnating the hull of occupation fleet to so that the flagship of the fleet had "FREE EARTH" in huge letters on the evening before an Imperial parade, and of course peaceful protests especially on the anniversary of Occupation Day. The Imperium actually experience less "vulgar" terrorism on Terra than in other nearby systems however so they generally keep a low profile on the world and lets the local government run the world using Expert Systems in return.
Tech Level: Yeah, it's really high. Terra has lots of super-high tech devices, but they don't actually use it as ostentatiously as you might think. They have their flying anti-gravity resorts and so on, but no flying cities. People live on Terra because they like the traditional feel of the world. But there's plenty of super-high tech going on in labs and corporate parks, mostly concentrated in the solar system as off-world industries and research labs and so on and it's available for sale for people who want it, but a lot of people like to live with lower tech stuff. Terra's major industry is education, so there's a lot of high-tech being researched at universities.