I've occasionally seen threads over the years talking about houserules for JoaT. Apologies if the following idea has already been circulated (especially if it was by me):
JoaT-1 confers skill-0 in each of the service skills in the character's own career.
Further levels of JoaT confer skill 0 in the service skills of 1 other randomly selected career, per level (so JoaT-3 would be 3 careers).
In the unlikely event someone has JoaT>6, you would proceed to the advanced edu rows (own career first, then randomly determined). That (plus the edu 8+ rows) takes care of us up to JoaT-18 which should be enough...
That's it.
Admittedly, this makes JoaT less powerful than in the rules as written (which make JoaT a skill-0 in everything "subject to ref's discretion").
However, this houserule confers an actual benefit for having JoaT>1, which balances the down-shift out to an extent. And anyway, I always felt JoaT in RAW was overpowered.
JoaT-1 confers skill-0 in each of the service skills in the character's own career.
Further levels of JoaT confer skill 0 in the service skills of 1 other randomly selected career, per level (so JoaT-3 would be 3 careers).
In the unlikely event someone has JoaT>6, you would proceed to the advanced edu rows (own career first, then randomly determined). That (plus the edu 8+ rows) takes care of us up to JoaT-18 which should be enough...
That's it.
Admittedly, this makes JoaT less powerful than in the rules as written (which make JoaT a skill-0 in everything "subject to ref's discretion").
However, this houserule confers an actual benefit for having JoaT>1, which balances the down-shift out to an extent. And anyway, I always felt JoaT in RAW was overpowered.