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Jefferson Swycaffer Fiction Reviews Done

As some of you know, I've been working on a string of Traveller fiction reviews since last year. I've still got at least half-a-dozen books on my list to read and review, but I just finished up one of the largest subsets of books within the series, Jefferson Swycaffer's Traveller fiction, set in the Concordat of Archive, from the 1980s.

Here's the complete series if you'd like to read:

1. Not in Our Stars
2. Become the Hunted
3. The Universal Prey
4. The Praesidium of Archive
5. The Empire's Legacy
6. Voyage of the Planetslayer
7. Revolt and Rebirth

I didn't like all of them, but I thought they improved over time. I thought the last 4 were all pretty strong and #5 in particular was a book that any Traveller GM in search of ideas should read