Ah well, the best laid plans...
My first idea was drawing too much heat as unworkable and after trying a compromise that pleased neither me nor presumably anyone else I scrapped it. How appropriate* that it was a junkyard theme and it ended up in the scrap pile
* or perhaps ironic since I rather liked the idea...
So it's on to plan B (Quick, somebody pull the plan B file! What do you mean we don't have a plan B file?)
OK, how about this then...
JTAS Design Contest 22:
Create a small dedicated luxury passenger charter starship of 400dT (or thereabout) in one of 3 varieties:
Fast Charter: Featuring J1 and 3G this ship wastes little time in system between it's short jump hops.
Far Charter: Using J3 and 1G this ship competes with subsidized liners on their own terms by offering service on your schedule not the corps.
Standard Charter: Outfitted at J2 and 2G this ship can meet the needs of most customers with good range and speed.
The submission deadline is 13:13* hours Friday February 13*
* triskaidekaphobics and paraskevidekatriaphobics need not apply
Of course you have to be subscriber to enter the official contest over on JTAS but hey, feel free to play along at home