Regarding jump messenger torpedoes... They would have their usages as emergency distress beacon sent out to reach the nearest Imperial naval and/or Scout base.
Here is something I put together that would respect the 100t rule:
XZ-00289 Jump Message Torpedo
XZ-15525F1-000000-00000-0 MCr 133.53 100.00 tons
batteries bearing Crew=1
batteries TL=15
Passengers=0 Low=0 Cargo=0 Fuel=62.5 EP=5.0 Agility=0 Security=0 Marines=0
Emergency_agility=2 Def_mod=1 Architects_fees=MCr1.34 Discounted_cost=MCr106.82
Jump Message Torpedo, Experimental Express
100 ton, TL 15 Military Design, 133.53 MCr
0 crew (Command: 1+0)
| ___.__ | __7.00 | _.__ | Sphere (min 20 MCr), partially streamlined, fuel scoops
| __3.00 | __0.03 | _.__ | purification plant
| __0. | __0 | _.__ | bridge/No Crew avionics all built into the computer
| _14.00 | _83.00 | 5.00 | computer model 6-fib
| __6.00 | _24.00 | _.__ | drive jump #5
| __5.00 | __3.50 | _.__ | drive maneouver #2
| __5.00 | _15.00 | _.__ | power plant #5
| __2.50 | ___.__ | _.__ | fuel, PP endurance 2 weeks (10 weeks powered down)
| _60.00 | ___.__ | _.__ | fuel, jump range 6 parsecs
| __0.00 | __0. | _.__ |
| 119.50 | 133.53 | 5.00 EP used, PP generates 5.00 EPs
134.87 MCr (first ship, includes architect fees) built in 40 weeks
106.82 MCr (20% discount in volume, TCS) built in 32 weeks
CT Ship Designer by Matt. Visit
This is a self-contained system. Deployed by a ship and the computer operates the JMT totally. It needs no crew.
It is designed to seek out the nearest Imperial Naval Base or ISS Base and report. Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to the JMT physicaly will program the Powerpant to go critical and generate a fusion explosion with what Fuel it has available. One it jumps into a system, but there is no Imperal base present, the JMT will seek fuel from gas-giants or water sources and calculate of the near by stars either hosts or will get the unit closer to an Imperial base and then jump and repeat process until it arrives at such an Imperial site. The ship upon picking up an imperial IFF singal will hail it (otherwise it stays dark, and would be rather stealth for IFF system). Upon confirmation of security codes the ship with then transfer its data banks with all data it posses from both from the ship/unit that sent it and the data it
collected along its way.