Well, I don't have Arrival Vengeance, but if "Jumpstart" is any title, it sounds like a cache of material set aside to aid a recovery from a "big collapse".
Such caches should contain stable hard-copy descriptions of key information, histories, laws, geographies, and general instructions on how to use the Jumpstart cache. All in many languages. As for technical info meant to revitalize industry, etc.: Non-volitile long-lived electronic storage methods would be needed, alnog with user-friendly devices to view their contents, containing a record of the stages of technological advance, and with Imperial worlds running the gamut of TL-0 to TL-16, techniques and knowledge from across the range are available everywhere in the Imperium, and so it would be only a matter of commissioning a project to assemble it. A variety of scientific equipment and measuring devices, from across the tech range (a meaningful slice, TL-1 measuring gear is useless for good science). Engineering equipment, tools, etc., from across a good tech range. Refined hyrdrocarbons and the means to process them further. Other raw resources, zuchai crystals, lanthanum bars, usable refined chemicals and elements in quantity. A small collection of starships. TL-12 or 13 Couriers, and Maybe a Jump-6 Courier or two; plus two or three freighters. A collection of TL-15 weapons, battledress, FGMP-15s, Guass Rifles, tanks, etc.
It's difficult to decide whether to include advanced weaponry. Mabye recovering groups need hardware to defend themselves, but maybe they'll use it to conquer and kill, too. Who knows?
In the end, put what you want in them, but don't include anything you won't give the PCs in your game.