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MGT Only: Just Suppose: High Guard Second Edition

Just suppose, for a moment, we were to do with High Guard what we have recently done to Mercenary (a complete revision). What would you like to see added/changed/deleted?

Honestly two books.

The first to update and expand the Book 2 like system in TMB with all the options as presented in High Guard.

Specifics for a book 2-ish book/section;
Fix hull pricing, in that a custom 100 dTon hull should cost 0.1Mcr per ton, with the discounts being standard hulls....

Double the volume requirement of Armor with a max limit of half tech level max armor. Armor is too cheep for the little guys.

I love the Hull and Structure strengthening option But instead of a chart give us the formula

A larger range of hull sizes for the standard drives would be nice, maybe top out around 5000 dTons

Fix weapon damages... One idea which goes along with my above comments on armor is cap the basic damage at a d6, kinda. i.e. a beam laser does a 1d6, a pulse laser does 2d6, but each die is compared to hull armor separately. A missile does a 1d6 of 1d6s again each die is applied separately, or go the Special Supplement:Missiles/Mayday route in that players can customize their missiles then the number of dice is controlled by the installed warhead with the basic HE warhead doing 2 hits or to translate 2d6 again with each die applied separately.

Oh, this is important if your going to have radiation effects on weapons then a radiation hits chart would be nice.

other things that would be nice are multiple drive installations, Energy points would be nice as well.

Fixing how computers would be nice as well, or better yet get rid of them explicitly, in that as rules stand both the computers ratings and the software ratings are wonky. My current thoughts are to assume that each ship has all the computer power and software that in needs, and that specific computer/software upgrades are bits of chrome that can be added to specific systems.

The other book;

Honestly is a retread of CT High Guard mostly, so maybe make it universal for ship's 1 to 1,000,000 dTons. Go whole hog with percentage based drives.

Fix the Barrage rules or at least get a real solid clean explanation and example set.

I am outa steam right now but I am sure I gots more. Idea, maybe not a redo if High Guard but a specific Ships book....
I wonder if the Alphabet drives can be revised similarly like the Spinal Mount potential table; it would resolve the TL dilemma.
( 1 ) A unified ship design system, capable of handling small craft, spaceships, and starships, preferably open-ended.

I think the process we would use with a second edition High Guard (and I stress, we are really not looking at doing this right now - I have three other very large writing projects to do at the moment, and that is assuming I decide I am the one mad enough to do this in the first place, by no means a given) is instead of starting with a core system and expanding it into a supplement, we would do the complete High Guard system and then snip out a portion of it for a revised core rulebook. Kinda the opposite of what we did before.

(I'd like to see the capability of designing some really big ships - Death stars, Orbital Weapon Platforms, maybe Culture-style habitation ships.)

A design paradigm for space stations, both orbital and deep space beyond the "it's just a ship without maneuver and jump".

You chaps will be wanting Supplement 14: Space Stations - 80% chance of the PDF appearing later today! Billion ton stations are possible, and they are very much beyond 'ships without drives'. Not least because, like the Death Star, they can have drives...

( 3 ) And this one is a personal wish, not something I would regard as critical: ship-scale weapon design. For a battleship or dreadnought, why not a kiloton weapon bay?

Why not indeed.
You chaps will be wanting Supplement 14: Space Stations - 80% chance of the PDF appearing later today! Billion ton stations are possible, and they are very much beyond 'ships without drives'. Not least because, like the Death Star, they can have drives...

Purchased, reviewing now.
Hi chaps, Been a fair bit of talk about High Guard here recently.

Just suppose, for a moment, we were to do with High Guard what we have recently done to Mercenary (a complete revision). What would you like to see added/changed/deleted?

I would like to see a complete listing of all the possible add-ons to a ship design in one section of the rules, rather than scattered across a dozen or more different supplements. I'm still unclear on the size and cost of workshops.

Thanks to TCS I'm having to consider whether I want a Sick Bay, or medical facilities in all my designs.

I'd like to see a re-working of Spinal Rail Guns as well to make them effective weapons.

I'd also like to see it as a hard back, my copy is rather worn already after only six years.


I wonder if the Alphabet drives can be revised similarly like the Spinal Mount potential table; it would resolve the TL dilemma.

There is a mention somewhere that Darian's have bigger Spinal Meson Guns than those listed in the tables, but there isn't an 'E+' Spinal anywhere, so the addition of this would be nice...


Just wishing here...

A free pdf of the second edition when it comes out for those of us that already own the first edition? :D