(That question has probably been asked before but I can't find any reply. Sorry for the cross-post, just in case.)
Do Kinunir-class ships have wheeled undercarriages or simple skids ?
Since Streamlined ships are supposed to be able to land aircraft-style, my money would be on wheels, but is that the case ? Is that even reasonnable ?
Do ships this size (1200+ Dtons) often make planetside landings in your TUs ? I mean, not in case of emergencies, but during routine operations ?
Do Kinunir-class ships have wheeled undercarriages or simple skids ?
Since Streamlined ships are supposed to be able to land aircraft-style, my money would be on wheels, but is that the case ? Is that even reasonnable ?
Do ships this size (1200+ Dtons) often make planetside landings in your TUs ? I mean, not in case of emergencies, but during routine operations ?