Personally, I've always used a variation out of Bill Baldwin's Helmsman series.
Starports are always located on the coast-line to minimize over-land travel (because in his setting Grav engines are insanely loud). Once they get ground-side they've got essentially a 'grav pool', or a hangar-like apparatus with a high-powered antigrav that evenly distributes the antigrav effect where it's needed to make the vessel effectively mass-less and just hovers at the right height. Once you establish that, adding in a set of air-way stairs or something similar to let you (dis)embark is easy.
For the actual runway, the grav landing pad gradually increases the power-output (thus giving a bit of altitude to clear the landing facility) and the ship's own gravs take over.
As something of a side note: I don't see why, should you need a runway, you can't vary this idea a bit and have an entire strip of grav plating running down the length of the runway, with a higher-density and output at one end, and the lower on the side closest to the terminal. If you wanted to make it especially effective at breaking/accelerating, you could even toss them in at a 45 degree angle with the shorter angle facing away from the terminal. The grav ought to provide stronger pressure toward something coming toward the terminal, and a bit of an extra push to something leaving it. For emergencies, add a high-density bit of plating built into the terminal as a means of stopping anything that the runway's plating couldn't stop.
For parking, should you use that runway, just include some train tracks that go around to all the terminals, then you make a custom cargo-rig that has a set of grav plating built into the flat-bed train cars. With your ship effectively reduced to little or no mass, the train can easily move it along and can 'park' the ship by detaching the engine from the cars.
A slightly more practical idea, however, would be a more mobile grav plate, which you could do by either having a landing pad like arrangements that holds itself up on gravs and either lets something land on it directly, or has an appropriate arrangement (I'd suggest an outer wall) to prevent the vessel from sliding around on a grav plate that's highly powered enough to handle the ship. Should it be a problem, you could even park that sucker by landing it and just plugging it into the local power grid. Power costs would just be subsidized as 'expenses' for the landing fee.
All in, most of this is reasonable at most TLs, tho TL's lower than ten might have to import the gravs. I'm sure the Imperium wouldn't mind partially subsidizing the costs if they get access to it