Initial notes; maps etc to follow...
Please take note: This is a work-in-Progress, and subject to editing and revising without warning!
Rampart is essentially a stellar way station; there is absolutely nothing else of any commercially viable exploitable worth here.
The 130th Fleet operates from the next-door Moibin Subsector, but as Limon subsector has no capital world or subsector government, the 130th is additionally tasked with maintaining a presence in Limon, which it does from Rampart Naval Base.
Due to the paucity of civilian population centres in the system, the Imperial Navy pretty-much runs the system from the Naval High and Ground Bases orbiting Rampart. Elements of the 130th Imperial Navy Fleet are permanently stationed on rotation here for six-month routine patrol tours (normally one CruRon and two SDB Squadrons), along with a regiment of Imperial Marines on extended training on Alpha-Ee.
There are also two IN research facilities (a jump drive improvement facility on Delta-Aitch, and a Marines Infantry weapons design and testing lab on Alpha-See). There is one commercial research lab (looking into new low-gee zero-atmo mining technologies, run by Sternmetal Horizons, on a contract for the IISS) in-system on Alpha-Eff.
While the Rampart system is not a Red travel zone, present in-system is one of the IN's Sector Naval Brig facilities (sited on Main Island, on Alpha-Ee), which has a farm staffed by the inmates, producing much of the fresh produce (all forms) that goes into starship provisions in the sector. Imates sent to this Brig facility are generally low-level military offenders, and while they have been assessed to be low-risk, they have all been sentenced to be discharged from Imperial Service (Bad Conduct Discharges, mainly), and the farm provides them work experience leading to one of several qualifications that are recognised in civilian life. Also on Alpha-Ee is a facility on the Crag Continent, which is used as a Naval Gunnery Range for Naval interface bombers, Artillery and FOBS tests, and Live-Fire Marine Infantry Manouevres; it also houses barracks for the on-world Marine Regiment, whose secondary duty is to assist the Naval SPs at the Brig in times of alert or other trouble.
There is a small facility for servicing X-Boats arriving in-system, co-located with the main naval base high station at Rampart.
The Navy runs extensive patrols through this system, and visiting civilian shipping that is merely 'travelling through' is required to remain close to the Gas Giant (there is a three diameter exclusion zone to non-military traffic around Alpha-Ee, for obvious reasons), perform their refuelling (if required), and leave without making planetfall. A NOTAM (NOtice To Astronauts, Mandatory) is in effect within the system, to this effect, and is renewed and republished annually, sector-wide. Violators of the NOTAM can be expected to have their ships pursued, boarded, and the crews and passengers detained (forcefully if required), pending extensive interviews (interrogations) to determine intent and/or guilt, followed usually by prosecution under the various laws regarding the security of Imperial Naval bases and the space around them. Draconian it may be, but lessons were learned in the Fifth Frontier War, and the Navy learned them well.
System data is as follows:
Rampart System Data
Orbit Name UPP Remarks
Prime Star M3V
0 Alpha Large Gas Giant 118255 km radius
2 Alpha-Ay YR00--- - Ring
3 Alpha-Bee YR00--- - Ring
7 Alpha-See Y412500 F Research Labs (Infantry arms), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
13 Alpha-Dee YS00--- -
43 Alpha-Ee F567600 F Farming, Naval Base (Imp Marines Barracks)
60 Alpha-Eff HS00200 F Research Labs (Civilian Contract, Mining Tech)
64 Alpha-Gee F200200 E
193 Alpha-Aitch G300300 F Naval Base (Tracking stn)
298 Alpha-Eye YS00300 F Naval Base (Tracking Stn)
324 Alpha-Jay YS00--- -
1 Rampart A434200 F Naval Base, Low Population, Non-Industrial (Navy High & Ground Base, System HQ, Imp Navy & Marines Transit Barracks)
5 Rampart-Ay YS00--- -
7 Rampart-Bee Y300--- -
21 Rampart-See YS00--- -
2 Gamma Y000--- - Planetoid Belt
3 Delta Small Gas Giant 20882 km radius
12 Delta-Ay Y500--- -
13 Delta-Bee Y503--- -
19 Delta-See Y411--- -
45 Delta-Dee Y434--- -
176 Delta-Ee Y100--- -
212 Delta-Eff Y330--- -
252 Delta-Gee Y100--- -
309 Delta-Aitch G500300 F Research Labs (Jump tech), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
4 Hot Zone
5 Hot Zone
8 Companion Star M8V
companian orbits:8
0 orbitsfilled:5
orbit:0 h giant
orbit:1 o mainworld
orbit:2 o planetoid
orbit:3 o giant
orbit:4 o hotzone
orbit:5 o hotzone
- System record (1): http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Rampart_(world)
- System Record (2): http://travellermap.com/world?sector=Reft Sector&hex=3030
- System data was generated via the web-based generator at: http://www.phillwebb.id.au/fudge/traveller/sysgen/sysgen.htm
- Stellar data via SysGen is fudged; the generator does not cater for exact matches to the book data, thus M0V and M9V stars were substituted in the system generation menus.
NOTES DUE TO THE THREAD "Imperial Fleet Numbers and Dispositions?" (http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=35209)
- The 130th Imperial Navy Fleet is mentioned at http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/130th_Fleet (thanks to jec10 http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/member.php?u=6602 for that)
- Thanks to Flypaper (http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/member.php?u=994) for his observation on fleet reorgs during and after the FFW; For all the chaos, mayhem, and utter carnage the FFW caused in places, it was, by and large, a war fought by the Domain of Deneb ("behind the claw"), rather than the Imperium as a whole; consequently, due to the communications lag between Deneb, Core, and the rest of the Imperium during the conduct of the war, while replacement ships, personnel, and matériel were sent there on the hurry-up both during and, for a while after the war, the rest of the fleet only got as far as detaching a few ships here and there to travel via Vland sector and the coreward passage of Deneb; this ad-hoc reorg was halted when word got back that the war was over, and more conventional ways of bolstering the Deneb Fleets were initiated (shipbuilding, reserve fleets activated, and so on).
Comments and/or suggestions/constructive critique on the above welcome

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