• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.
  • We, the systems administration staff, apologize for this unexpected outage of the boards. We have resolved the root cause of the problem and there should be no further disruptions.

Land Grab: Rampart/Limon (Reft 3030); Classic Era (1115) A434200-F



Initial notes; maps etc to follow...

Please take note: This is a work-in-Progress, and subject to editing and revising without warning!

Rampart is essentially a stellar way station; there is absolutely nothing else of any commercially viable exploitable worth here.

The 130th Fleet operates from the next-door Moibin Subsector, but as Limon subsector has no capital world or subsector government, the 130th is additionally tasked with maintaining a presence in Limon, which it does from Rampart Naval Base.

Due to the paucity of civilian population centres in the system, the Imperial Navy pretty-much runs the system from the Naval High and Ground Bases orbiting Rampart. Elements of the 130th Imperial Navy Fleet are permanently stationed on rotation here for six-month routine patrol tours (normally one CruRon and two SDB Squadrons), along with a regiment of Imperial Marines on extended training on Alpha-Ee.

There are also two IN research facilities (a jump drive improvement facility on Delta-Aitch, and a Marines Infantry weapons design and testing lab on Alpha-See). There is one commercial research lab (looking into new low-gee zero-atmo mining technologies, run by Sternmetal Horizons, on a contract for the IISS) in-system on Alpha-Eff.

While the Rampart system is not a Red travel zone, present in-system is one of the IN's Sector Naval Brig facilities (sited on Main Island, on Alpha-Ee), which has a farm staffed by the inmates, producing much of the fresh produce (all forms) that goes into starship provisions in the sector. Imates sent to this Brig facility are generally low-level military offenders, and while they have been assessed to be low-risk, they have all been sentenced to be discharged from Imperial Service (Bad Conduct Discharges, mainly), and the farm provides them work experience leading to one of several qualifications that are recognised in civilian life. Also on Alpha-Ee is a facility on the Crag Continent, which is used as a Naval Gunnery Range for Naval interface bombers, Artillery and FOBS tests, and Live-Fire Marine Infantry Manouevres; it also houses barracks for the on-world Marine Regiment, whose secondary duty is to assist the Naval SPs at the Brig in times of alert or other trouble.

There is a small facility for servicing X-Boats arriving in-system, co-located with the main naval base high station at Rampart.

The Navy runs extensive patrols through this system, and visiting civilian shipping that is merely 'travelling through' is required to remain close to the Gas Giant (there is a three diameter exclusion zone to non-military traffic around Alpha-Ee, for obvious reasons), perform their refuelling (if required), and leave without making planetfall. A NOTAM (NOtice To Astronauts, Mandatory) is in effect within the system, to this effect, and is renewed and republished annually, sector-wide. Violators of the NOTAM can be expected to have their ships pursued, boarded, and the crews and passengers detained (forcefully if required), pending extensive interviews (interrogations) to determine intent and/or guilt, followed usually by prosecution under the various laws regarding the security of Imperial Naval bases and the space around them. Draconian it may be, but lessons were learned in the Fifth Frontier War, and the Navy learned them well.

System data is as follows:

Rampart System Data
	Orbit 	Name 					UPP 		Remarks
	Prime 	Star 	M3V 	
	0 	Alpha 	Large Gas Giant	118255 km radius
          2 	          Alpha-Ay 			YR00---	- 	Ring
          3 	          Alpha-Bee		 	YR00---	- 	Ring
           	          7 	          Alpha-See 	Y412500	F 	Research Labs (Infantry arms), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
           	          13 	          Alpha-Dee 	YS00---	- 	
           	          43 	          Alpha-Ee 	F567600	F 	Farming, Naval Base (Imp Marines Barracks)
           	          60 	          Alpha-Eff 	HS00200	F 	Research Labs (Civilian Contract, Mining Tech)
           	          64 	          Alpha-Gee 	F200200	E 	
           	          193 	          Alpha-Aitch 	G300300	F 	Naval Base (Tracking stn)
           	          298 	          Alpha-Eye 	YS00300	F 	Naval Base (Tracking Stn)
           	          324 	          Alpha-Jay 	YS00--- -
	1 	Rampart 				A434200	F 	Naval Base, Low Population, Non-Industrial (Navy High & Ground Base, System HQ, Imp Navy & Marines Transit Barracks)
           	          5 	          Rampart-Ay 	YS00--- -
           	          7 	          Rampart-Bee 	Y300--- -
           	          21 	          Rampart-See 	YS00--- -
	2 	Gamma 					Y000--- - 	Planetoid Belt
	3 	Delta 	Small Gas Giant	20882 km radius
           	          12 	          Delta-Ay 	Y500--- -
           	          13 	          Delta-Bee 	Y503--- -
           	          19 	          Delta-See 	Y411--- -
           	          45 	          Delta-Dee 	Y434--- -
           	          176 	          Delta-Ee 	Y100--- -
           	          212 	          Delta-Eff 	Y330--- -
           	          252 	          Delta-Gee 	Y100--- -
           	          309 	          Delta-Aitch 	G500300	F 	Research Labs (Jump tech), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
	4 	Hot Zone
	5 	Hot Zone

	8 	Companion Star 	M8V

companian orbits:8
0 orbitsfilled:5
orbit:0 h giant
orbit:1 o mainworld
orbit:2 o planetoid
orbit:3 o giant
orbit:4 o hotzone
orbit:5 o hotzone


NOTES DUE TO THE THREAD "Imperial Fleet Numbers and Dispositions?" (http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=35209)
  • The 130th Imperial Navy Fleet is mentioned at http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/130th_Fleet (thanks to jec10 http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/member.php?u=6602 for that)
  • Thanks to Flypaper (http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/member.php?u=994) for his observation on fleet reorgs during and after the FFW; For all the chaos, mayhem, and utter carnage the FFW caused in places, it was, by and large, a war fought by the Domain of Deneb ("behind the claw"), rather than the Imperium as a whole; consequently, due to the communications lag between Deneb, Core, and the rest of the Imperium during the conduct of the war, while replacement ships, personnel, and matériel were sent there on the hurry-up both during and, for a while after the war, the rest of the fleet only got as far as detaching a few ships here and there to travel via Vland sector and the coreward passage of Deneb; this ad-hoc reorg was halted when word got back that the war was over, and more conventional ways of bolstering the Deneb Fleets were initiated (shipbuilding, reserve fleets activated, and so on).

Comments and/or suggestions/constructive critique on the above welcome :)
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This looks fantastic. I would love to put some or all of it into the Wiki with your permission.

NOTAM (NOtice To Astronauts, Mandatory) - This is new to me, and I'm pretty sure not anywhere in Traveller canon. Is this something reflected in the real world or something you made up?

commercial research lab -> Sternmetal Horizons. This is sort of a minor peeve of mine. In a universe where there are 15 Trillion sophonts and on the order of 100 million Travellers, there ought to be some 10 million different companies. Everything from the small tramp freighters to sector wide companies. Say the lab is run by Gravity well mining LIC, a commercial research subsidiary of Sternmetal.

The adventure potential here is a subsidiary company is not as tightly controlled as a direct connection. So PCs are hired to investigate the company. Which may require running a Naval blockade And the question of who is hiring them and why is just as interesting.

The economics data for this place
Importance: 1
WTN: 7
RU : 0
GWP: 5 BCr per year
Trade: 115 BCr per year (barely enough to justify a twice weekly run from Pamraeltan by a small freighter company, mostly consumables for the port).
Starport build capacity: 0 (there are not enough people, despite a class A port)
Port size: 3
SPA population: 5 people (you should name them)
Eventually, this will be hosted in my Land Grab website (I'm reworking the site at the moment); once that's done, I'll have no problem with your putting some of it on the wiki; bear in mind, though, that until it goes up on the website, it's still in draft, and thus may well change radically - or not so radically - in places!

I made up the NOTAM, for want of a more canon approach - if there IS a canon version, I'm all ears :)

Interesting angle on Sternmetal; they were chosen as they were canon in mining in the OTU; think I'll go with something along those lines - thanks :) On a related note, the adventure hook looks handy - mind if I nick it?

I don't follow the economics data you mentioned - I was never one for the macroeconomics side of things, being something of a trigger character player instead... all that biz stuff is a bit much for a male Aslan, too, come to think of it ;) So, whjat are these "Importance", "WTN", "RU", and "GWP" things?

Also, the A port relates to the Military bases; I'd assume the civvy port would be several levels below that, with wilderness refuelling being the order of the day. I need to think about that, too :)
A few minutes later...

Hmm. Yeah, thoughts above re port levels confirmed, as follows:

  • Alpha-See Y412500 F Research Labs (Infantry arms), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
    - This is notionally spaceport Y, as it's a rough location for storage of fuel, ammunition and other consumable supplies only; it's intended as a stopover/supply dump for them while on patrol around the major gas giant. The research labs are a self-contained facility on the other side of the planet, with the Y class post facility (shuttles only)
  • Alpha-Ee F567600 F Farming, Naval Base (Imp Marines Barracks)
    This is the IN discharge brig, and the proving grounds and live-fire ranges for in-system ships and Marines.
  • Alpha-Eff HS00200 F Research Labs (Civilian Contract, Mining Tech)
  • Alpha-Aitch G300300 F Naval Base (Tracking stn)
  • Alpha-Eye YS00300 F Naval Base (Tracking Stn)
  • Rampart A434200 F Naval Base, Low Population, Non-Industrial (Navy High & Ground Base, System HQ, Imp Navy & Marines Transit Barracks).
    Main system port facilities, geared to servicing military traffic. The Down Port also handles civilian ships for the small civilian population on-world. The civvy facility is separate from the military one, and a local agreement has civilian traffic in need of refined fuel purchasing it at cost plus Imperial Sales Tax from the IN.
  • Delta-Aitch G500300 F Research Labs (Jump tech), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
    - Again, this is a rough location for storage of fuel, ammunition and other consumable supplies only; it's intended as a stopover/supply dump for them while on patrol around the major gas giant. The research labs are a self-contained facility on the other side of the planet, with the G class post facility; it's not intended for regular visits from larger ships, primarily the field is there to service its weekly supply runs from Rampart Base

That make more sense? Or does it still need work?
Initial notes; maps etc to follow...

Please take note: This is a work-in-Progress, and subject to editing and revising without warning!

Rampart is essentially a stellar way station; there is absolutely nothing else of any commercially viable exploitable worth here.

The 130th Fleet operates from the next-door Moibin Subsector, but as Limon subsector has no capital world or subsector government, the 130th is additionally tasked with maintaining a presence in Limon, which it does from Rampart Naval Base.

Due to the paucity of civilian population centres in the system, the Imperial Navy pretty-much runs the system from the Naval High and Ground Bases orbiting Rampart. Elements of the 130th Imperial Navy Fleet are permanently stationed on rotation here for six-month routine patrol tours (normally one CruRon and two SDB Squadrons), along with a regiment of Imperial Marines on extended training on Alpha-Ee.

There are also two IN research facilities (a jump drive improvement facility on Delta-Aitch, and a Marines Infantry weapons design and testing lab on Alpha-See). There is one commercial research lab (looking into new low-gee zero-atmo mining technologies, run by Sternmetal Horizons, on a contract for the IISS) in-system on Alpha-Eff.

While the Rampart system is not a Red travel zone, present in-system is one of the IN's Sector Naval Brig facilities (sited on Main Island, on Alpha-Ee), which has a farm staffed by the inmates, producing much of the fresh produce (all forms) that goes into starship provisions in the sector. Imates sent to this Brig facility are generally low-level military offenders, and while they have been assessed to be low-risk, they have all been sentenced to be discharged from Imperial Service (Bad Conduct Discharges, mainly), and the farm provides them work experience leading to one of several qualifications that are recognised in civilian life. Also on Alpha-Ee is a facility on the Crag Continent, which is used as a Naval Gunnery Range for Naval interface bombers, Artillery and FOBS tests, and Live-Fire Marine Infantry Manouevres; it also houses barracks for the on-world Marine Regiment, whose secondary duty is to assist the Naval SPs at the Brig in times of alert or other trouble.

There is a small facility for servicing X-Boats arriving in-system, co-located with the main naval base high station at Rampart.

The Navy runs extensive patrols through this system, and visiting civilian shipping that is merely 'travelling through' is required to remain close to the Gas Giant (there is a three diameter exclusion zone to non-military traffic around Alpha-Ee, for obvious reasons), perform their refuelling (if required), and leave without making planetfall. A NOTAM (NOtice To Astronauts, Mandatory) is in effect within the system, to this effect, and is renewed and republished annually, sector-wide. Violators of the NOTAM can be expected to have their ships pursued, boarded, and the crews and passengers detained (forcefully if required), pending extensive interviews (interrogations) to determine intent and/or guilt, followed usually by prosecution under the various laws regarding the security of Imperial Naval bases and the space around them. Draconian it may be, but lessons were learned in the Fifth Frontier War, and the Navy learned them well.

System data is as follows:

Rampart System Data
	Orbit 	Name 					UPP 		Remarks
	Prime 	Star 	M3V 	
	0 	Alpha 	Large Gas Giant	118255 km radius
          2 	          Alpha-Ay 			YR00---	- 	Ring
          3 	          Alpha-Bee		 	YR00---	- 	Ring
           	          7 	          Alpha-See 	Y412500	F 	Research Labs (Infantry arms), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
           	          13 	          Alpha-Dee 	YS00---	- 	
           	          43 	          Alpha-Ee 	F567600	F 	Farming, Naval Base (Imp Marines Barracks)
           	          60 	          Alpha-Eff 	HS00200	F 	Research Labs (Civilian Contract, Mining Tech)
           	          64 	          Alpha-Gee 	F200200	E 	
           	          193 	          Alpha-Aitch 	G300300	F 	Naval Base (Tracking stn)
           	          298 	          Alpha-Eye 	YS00300	F 	Naval Base (Tracking Stn)
           	          324 	          Alpha-Jay 	YS00--- -
	1 	Rampart 				A434200	F 	Naval Base, Low Population, Non-Industrial (Navy High & Ground Base, System HQ, Imp Navy & Marines Transit Barracks)
           	          5 	          Rampart-Ay 	YS00--- -
           	          7 	          Rampart-Bee 	Y300--- -
           	          21 	          Rampart-See 	YS00--- -
	2 	Gamma 					Y000--- - 	Planetoid Belt
	3 	Delta 	Small Gas Giant	20882 km radius
           	          12 	          Delta-Ay 	Y500--- -
           	          13 	          Delta-Bee 	Y503--- -
           	          19 	          Delta-See 	Y411--- -
           	          45 	          Delta-Dee 	Y434--- -
           	          176 	          Delta-Ee 	Y100--- -
           	          212 	          Delta-Eff 	Y330--- -
           	          252 	          Delta-Gee 	Y100--- -
           	          309 	          Delta-Aitch 	G500300	F 	Research Labs (Jump tech), Naval Base (SDB Sdn)
	4 	Hot Zone
	5 	Hot Zone

	8 	Companion Star 	M8V

companian orbits:8
0 orbitsfilled:5
orbit:0 h giant
orbit:1 o mainworld
orbit:2 o planetoid
orbit:3 o giant
orbit:4 o hotzone
orbit:5 o hotzone


NOTES DUE TO THE THREAD "Imperial Fleet Numbers and Dispositions?" (http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=35209)
  • The 130th Imperial Navy Fleet is mentioned at http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/130th_Fleet (thanks to jec10 http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/member.php?u=6602 for that)
  • Thanks to Flypaper (http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/member.php?u=994) for his observation on fleet reorgs during and after the FFW; For all the chaos, mayhem, and utter carnage the FFW caused in places, it was, by and large, a war fought by the Domain of Deneb ("behind the claw"), rather than the Imperium as a whole; consequently, due to the communications lag between Deneb, Core, and the rest of the Imperium during the conduct of the war, while replacement ships, personnel, and matériel were sent there on the hurry-up both during and, for a while after the war, the rest of the fleet only got as far as detaching a few ships here and there to travel via Vland sector and the coreward passage of Deneb; this ad-hoc reorg was halted when word got back that the war was over, and more conventional ways of bolstering the Deneb Fleets were initiated (shipbuilding, reserve fleets activated, and so on).

Comments and/or suggestions/constructive critique on the above welcome :)

Oh man I need to continue to develop my land grabs....
On a related note, the adventure hook looks handy - mind if I nick it?
Not at all.

I don't follow the economics data you mentioned - I was never one for the macroeconomics side of things, being something of a trigger character player instead... all that biz stuff is a bit much for a male Aslan, too, come to think of it ;) So, whjat are these "Importance", "WTN", "RU", and "GWP" things?
I keep thinking everybody knows all of these things.

Importance: From T5, this is relative ranking of world importance. Ranges from -2 to +5. A 1 is minor importance, mostly because of the Naval Base.

WTN: World Trade Number from GT: Far Trader, a log scale ranking of the world's interest and ability to trade with others. Ranges from 0 to 16 or so. A 7 places it at the low end of the interested in trading range.

RU: Resource units from T5. An abstracted number with no real relation to anything else about the economic power of the world. 0 because there isn't enough population to generate any real economic power.

GWP: Gross World Product, from GT:Far Trader. Similar idea to the real world Gross Domestic Product (GDP), it is the sum of economic activity in the system, but not including the Naval Base. In theory this means each of the 800 people in the system are responsible for 6.26 million credits of activity per year. This may seem like a lot but this is a Starport A, TL-F world. It is, by the relative standard of the Imperium, a very advanced, and rich, place.

Trade: Also from GT:Far Trader. Based upon the GT:FT conversions, the 115 BCr per year translates to 150 to 200 tons of cargo per week. Say a small freight company from Pamraeltan, twice a week.

Starport build capacity: This is from Trillion Credit Squadron. It is a calculation of how much capacity there is in the starport to build starships and spaceships, measured in Dtons. 0 means basically none. The port isn't going to be building much of anything.

Port size: From GT:Starports. A log-scale ranking of starport size. Ranges from 0 (none) to 8 (the largest). This is different from the port letter, which shows quality of facilities. This is quite small, and given the twice weekly run from Pamraeltan, this isn't surprising.

SPA population: Again from GT:Starports. The Starport Authority is the Imperial organization running the Imperial port in every system. This is the number of people hired by the SPA to run the Imperial port in the system. Since these are the people any visitors to the system will interact with, having details on them would be an interesting second pass detail.

You would have the Port Master (the person in charge), the Cargo Master, the Chief engineer, and two other people.

Also, the A port relates to the Military bases; I'd assume the civvy port would be several levels below that, with wilderness refuelling being the order of the day. I need to think about that, too :)

The A port really is the civilian port. It is very small port, but has all the facilities available. In theory. I would have the port director be good friends with the local Naval commander. Thus if the PC show up needing their annual maintenance on their ship, the port director calls the naval commander, who assigns a crew from his base for "practice". That is, if the PCs don't mind a large crew of Imperial Navy technicians crawling all over their ship for two weeks tearing every part of it apart. The results are probably cheaper, and better quality, than at other ports in the area. But the Navy also follows all the Imperial regulations and may flag or remove any sub-standard or unauthorized modification.
Thus if the PC show up needing their annual maintenance on their ship, the port director calls the naval commander, who assigns a crew from his base for "practice". That is, if the PCs don't mind a large crew of Imperial Navy technicians crawling all over their ship for two weeks tearing every part of it apart. The results are probably cheaper, and better quality, than at other ports in the area. But the Navy also follows all the Imperial regulations and may flag or remove any sub-standard or unauthorized modification.

Or report and detain for any illegal weapons/cargo/people/equipment.

Or Naval Intelligence may decide this is a peachy opportunity to load your ship with the latest in recording nanobugs, and turn your ship into one big intel gathering device.

Or worse, control devices they can override your systems on, after the regular maintenance crew is done so they don't know it was done and can provide deniability.
Oh man I need to continue to develop my land grabs....

I'm STILL working, on and off, on both Strouden and Hnaar ;) Having a few projects on the go helps them all, I think :)

Not at all.

Thank you kindly :D

I keep thinking everybody knows all of these things.

Um... no ;)

snip explanations & ideas

Aha, thanks, clears those up :) I've got all my CT & MT material in storage, and the CT CD-ROM arrived the other day, so that's on tap. The rest are pretty-much greek to me ;) And you think evilly on the engineering side - I LIKE :devil:

Snip ideas

And I LIKE the way you think, too :devil:

Thanks, folks, keep 'em coming :D :devil:
Just for giggles, added the masthead I've been working on today to the top of the thread ;) Constructed using Fractal Terrains 2.3 (c/w Terraformer 0.5 for the clouds), Paint Shop Pro (image transparenty work), and Macromedia Fireworks (item placement, atmospheric glow, and lettering). The starfield in the background was taken from a royalty free source at http://www.rgbstock.com (good source of royalty free imagery, btw). Enjoy ;)
Knight of Deneb - Reft 3030 Rampart A434200-F

One other thing to think about: Since you are the Knight, you are the person in charge of the whole system. This includes being in charge of the Starport, and Technically, in charge of the Naval base as well. Except, of course, the naval commander may out rank you (being a baron or count).

If you want to include some interesting personnel details, you could include the details of the SPA people, the Knight in the system, and the top Naval commanders and their interactions. And the guy in charge of the Mining base too.

In all likely hood they are all friendly and get along well.
One other thing to think about: Since you are the Knight, you are the person in charge of the whole system. This includes being in charge of the Starport, and Technically, in charge of the Naval base as well. Except, of course, the naval commander may out rank you (being a baron or count).

If you want to include some interesting personnel details, you could include the details of the SPA people, the Knight in the system, and the top Naval commanders and their interactions. And the guy in charge of the Mining base too.

In all likely hood they are all friendly and get along well.

Right, back home again after the weekend away with the better half, read the above on the (VERY DELAYED :( ) train coming home, so time for a better reply now ;)

Hmm. Small population, yeah, a Knight would be stuck with - I mean pleased to assume - the responsibility for the smooth running of the system ;)

Interesting idea, actually. I'll have to think this lot through, but yeah, possibilities abound :) Thanks for the nudge :)

So, a few follow-up questions on this; according to Canon, there are certain levels of Nobility, of which the Knight is the lowest in the pile:

The listing on the Wiki at http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Imperial_Nobility shows the order of things (so to speak)...

Noble....................Knight / Dame
Fiefdom.................No territorial grant.
Rules or Controls.....None
Notes....................Solely a status (prestige) rank. Also a sign of service and loyalty.

So, here we have the first stumbling block; a Knight would probably not be in charge of anything except his own wardrobe. So, it's a purely ceremonial thing, by and large.

HOWEVER, we have precedent (always a handy thing) of Knights on Olde England (so to speak) being in charge of castles, and small towns; so, maybe, just maybe, a Knight of the Realm is notionally in charge of organising things in the Rampart system, say as a civil governor of sorts, maybe a liaison between the military and the civvies in-system. This could be the angle that works; thoughts and comments?
Last edited:
Or report and detain for any illegal weapons/cargo/people/equipment.

The only thing the Navy would worry about would be violation of the rules of war (i.e. nuclear weapons), and perhaps violations of the Imperial ban on chattel slavery (You have signed employment contracts for your stewards, right?). And perhaps the Shudusham Concords, banning armed robots (Laser welder aren't weapons) and pseudo-biological robots passing themselves off as human.

A legitimate free trader LIC gives a wide latitude to carry a whole lot of things. Just as long as you aren't importing them into worlds who don't want you to, the Navy doesn't much care.
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"Hmm. Interesting. Citizen, you have a receipt for this FGMP-15, yes? And you, citizen, are you medically licenced in this Domain to prescribe this addictive narcotic substance? You, over there, the shifty-looking one. Why have you got a briefcase chained to your wrist? Oh, you're a courier: Fine. May I see your bond statement, please?"

There are many ways in which a bright Naval personage might find regulations to uphold... ;)
There are many ways in which a bright Naval personage might find regulations to uphold... ;)

50KCr in small, unmarked bills and untraceable credsticks can also go a long way to forgetfulness....
NOTAM (NOtice To Astronauts, Mandatory) - This is new to me, and I'm pretty sure not anywhere in Traveller canon. Is this something reflected in the real world or something you made up?

NOTAM is a real-world term for Notice to Airmen. Pilots in the US are required by Regulation to read current NOTAMs. Once the FAA find out you've gotten your student's license, you start getting them in the mail.

Alright, I've reached the limit of what I can do with the figures that the web-based system generator at http://www.phillwebb.id.au/fudge/traveller/sysgen/sysgen.htm can cough up, but it's really and truly insufficient to the cause that I'm trying to achieve.

My preferred solution, that I've used before on Windows systems, is Heaven & Earth, which is no longer apparently maintained. I've tried to get it to run under Linux - but despite trying every solution known to man and the internet, it just won't play.

I'm fairly sure that World Builder Deluxe will work, but I have a corrupted copy of the archive, and it would appear that no-where online at the moment has an intact copy of it.

Does anyone have a copy of WBD that they'd be willing to email to me, please?

Failing that, does anyone have a working copy of H&E that they're willing to run up and work off a set of data for me, please?

Note: I'm well aware that the latter option may well mean starting the entire process off again from scratch, but a few ideas should be salvageable none the less if this comes to pass.
I have H&E running on my system. Do you want me to dump a generation or two of details on you. I'd prefer to send it to you via attachment in email because it is a lot stuff, and you need to decide what you need/want.