What I'm trying to say is thank you Whipnade.
There's no need to thank me for what was my attempt to thank you for all the drawings you've shared with us.
If this keeps up, we'll spend all our time bowing to each other!

What I'm trying to say is thank you Whipnade.
"where is my dang psionic shield helment? CotI and your Zhos spies are everywhere."
One build at a time, sigh.
I too have had an idea floating around in my head since hearing the term "Module Cutter" printed in Traveller. Being a big fan of Space 1999 and UFO, several ideas have floated around inside my head (Awful big space but not quite a Pocket Universe.), one of those being a frieghter simular to your design for your explorer. But alas, I just now put the peices together in my mind. I've also had the idea of repurposing 2300 AD ships as well. so there is alot on my plate right now. Then I see the prefab-highport thread and...
...Very active imagination on my part. So for the moment, I'm working on your project first...
Rigel & Sabredog,
In the spirit of improvising and number crunching, may I present the Leif-lette!
Ship: Leif One
Class: Leif-lette
Type: Explorer
Architect: Andrew Moffatt-Vallance
Tech Level: 13
EX-1421221-030000-20002-0 MCr 46.130 100 Tons
Bat Bear 1 1 1 Crew: 2
Bat 1 1 1 TL: 13
Cargo: 15.000 Fuel: 32.000 EP: 2.000 Agility: 1
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 0.461 Cost in Quantity: MCr 36.904
Detailed Description
100.000 tons standard, 1,400.000 cubic meters, Close Structure Configuration
Pilot, Gunner
Jump-2, 1G Manuever, Power plant-2, 2.000 EP, Agility 1
Bridge, Model/2 Computer
1 Hardpoint
1 Triple Mixed Turret with: 1 Beam Laser (Factor-2), 1 Missile Rack (Factor-2).
1 Single Sandcaster Turret organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3)
32.000 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance, plus 10.000 tons of additional fuel)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
4.0 Staterooms, 15.000 Tons Cargo
As for my "thinking" behind the design:
- Same tech level as the mother craft, TL13
- Same jump performance as the mother craft, jump2, to give her the same "legs".
- Slower acceleration, one gee, because at even two gees she can't run away.
- Four staterooms for big scouting parties.
- Fifteen tons of room for scientific equipment.
- Ten tons of "boomerang" fuel, so she can make a jump1 after a jump2 without refueling.
- Turret for limited self defense.
- Smallest computer allowed.
The idea was to come up with something that is jump capable, small, cheap, and can carry enough scientists/equipment to help out the mother craft with her jobs.
But since it is a close configuration there will either need to be a wedge or such version...
Now the question is shape / configuration?
As far as fuel tonage goes, when it is stored in the wings to provide lift, I've alway consider the wing the size of a half deck That is were I came up with 40 tons of fuel.
I know that most people build their ships as "Auxiliary warships intend to help the Imperium in time of crisis". At least that the Imperium veiw on vessels such as the Leif Ericson. The issue I am about to raise here deals with First Contact and the actual role of an exploration ship.
Number 1: If presented with a hostile population an exploration ship need to high tail it out of the area. The capture of such a ship would be a technological gold mine for the race that captured it. Also the crew's knowledge base of the ships equipment would be Invaluable for those seeking to reverse engineer the technology.
Number 2: If the exploration ship needs to defend itself it should use weapons that will no leave a trace or can be explained away as something else (asteriod collision, internal explosion, etc...)
It is just my opinion that no vessel in the Interstellar Scout Service should be armed with missiles (peices of the missile might be found in the wreckage). Sandcasters are iffy because I've read that they can be seen as either chaff or reflecive material.
So the changes I wish to make is dropping the turret and for a standard dual pulse laser remote turret. In times of crisis, the cargo bay can be converted to carry missiles, sandcaster or ECM Decoys?
It just a thought.