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Looking for a CE/patrol ship thart works

I wonder what the real effect of scrapping HG (HG2 and MgT:HG) hardpoint limitations would really be? Bay weapons are mostly internal, the limitation(s) should be volume and energy (if applicable) based

And the lack of power limits in MgT would allow an incredible numbre of bays, even meson ones. A 1000 dton ship could have 6 meson bays if PP is enough (try it with MG/MT and see the size of the PP needed...)
why bother with bays? at 1 D-ton a turret, with no HP limits you could stack truely stupid amounts into a quite small hull.

accounting for crew space, we'll call it 6 tons per two turrets. convert a free trader hull (~80 tons.) and we can fit 12-15 odd turrets onto a 200 ton hull. I havn't run the numbers on P plant size and such, but thats a LOT of PAs.
Which is fine for an orbital weapon platform, but what about manoeuvre and jump drive, bridge and power plant etc.
By the time you get everything you want in a ship is there any need to worry about hard point or bay limitations? Just stick in what fits and that you have the energy for.

By the way, does anyone know why the MgT authors decided a bay weapons needs an extra 1t of fire control? First time I've ever seen that.
Remote workstation, presumably; but largely irrelevant.

Less so when figuring out the volume for fixed, turreted and barbetted weaponry.
Not illegal at all, it would fit right into TNE's ship paradigm ;)

TNE didn't bother with hard points, you had to allocate surface area on the hull for apertures etc. and you needed internal volume for the weapon mechanisms etc.


thanks I was unaware TNE didn't use hard-points, makes more sense to me

Kind Regards

My take on such a ship you said. It's TL 13 and built just with the CB:

400 Ton HullHull: 8 Structure: 840016
Cristallion ArmorArmor: 12609.6
Jump Drive FJump: 33560
Maneuver Drive MManeuver: 62348
Power Plant MPower: 63796
Jump Fuel1 Jump 3120-
Power Plant Fuel4 weeks32-
ComputerModel 6 (rating 30)-20
ElectronicsBasic Military21
WeaponsHP1: Particle beam18
-HP2: Particle beam18
-HP3: Plaser Triple turret13
-HP4: Plaser Triple turret13
Crew Staterooms3 individual (officers: Main Pilot, Navig, Medic)121.5
-4 double occupancy stateroms (rest of the crew)162
Emergency Low Berths4 people10.1
ExtrasRepair Drones40.8
-Fuel Scoops--
-Ship's Locker--
-Fuel Processors (60 tons/day)30.15
-15 escape pods7.52.8
SoftwareManeuver (rating 0)--
-Jump Control/3 (rating 15)-0.3
-Auto Repair/1 (rating 10)-5
-Fire Control/4 (rating 20)-8
-Evade/1 (rating 10)-1
-Library (rating 0)--
Totals-0342.582 (283.012 in quantity)
Maintenance monthly costs--0.024
Crew Monthly Salaries--0.043
Montly Life Support--0.036
Monthly mortgage--1.179

Crew is 3 pilots (the main one is officer, another pilots the Gig as need), Navig, Medic, 2 Engineers and 4 gunners.

The gig may be any 20 dton craft you can design (but don't forget then to vary the price, as this one was for a TL 15 desing)

Hope that helps...


I dropped the armor back to 8, and am using the extra 20 tons to try things.

I decided to skip the torps, and changed the two particle turrets to particle barbs (minus 10 tons, plus 2), and made them two TLs higher, at variable range, under MgT HG. I also changed the pulse lasers to beams at TL plus two used for accurate, linked as one battery.

That left me 12 tons. I upgraded the senors to enhanced signal processing, costing me 2 more tons (10), added a stateroom for boarding operations, and left the 6 as extra cargo room for longer patrols.

I also added holographic controls for the bridge for use in picket/patrol use, and because it is cool.

This gives me a gig pilot, three man 'away team', and medic when needed.

Can someone check and make sure I didn't screw up the power plant/particle beams HG rule?
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Holographic controls in a patrol boat? Wow, you guys ARE high tech :D

Did you not put some sort of cost constraint on the design or did cost really matter?

I dropped the armor back to 8, and am using the extra 20 tons to try things.

I decided to skip the torps, and changed the two particle turrets to particle barbs (minus 10 tons, plus 2), and made them two TLs higher, at variable range, under MgT HG. I also changed the pulse lasers to beams at TL plus two used for accurate, linked as one battery.

That left me 12 tons. I upgraded the senors to enhanced signal processing, costing me 2 more tons (10), added a stateroom for boarding operations, and left the 6 as extra cargo room for longer patrols.

I also added holographic controls for the bridge for use in picket/patrol use, and because it is cool.

This gives me a gig pilot, three man 'away team', and medic when needed.

You're wellcome.

Off course feel free to modify it as fits to your campaign, it was just a base to work from. In any case, as I said, I designed it only with Core Rules, and seeing most of your changes are from HG that hints the design has served you well...

Can someone check and make sure I didn't screw up the power plant/particle beams HG rule?

As I assumed it, this ship could have up to 6(PP) x 400/1000(tonnage) bays, so 2.4 (rounded down to 2) bays, and in any case you used barbettes, not bays, so, as I read the rules, It's OK.
Holographic controls in a patrol boat? Wow, you guys ARE high tech :D

Did you not put some sort of cost constraint on the design or did cost really matter?

For an extra 5 mil for the bridge, and 8 mil for the ESP package, the 3I gets a fleet picket/CE that is +3 sensor for sighting ships/torp boats and mines. The Starport admin/systems also get the peacetime services of 3I patrol ships that have a better chance of spotting pirates. Less than a 5 percent cost increase for much higher functionality.

The weapons upgrades are also very expensive, but they give the design a meaningful weapon for its role as a killer of torpedo strike boats, threat to non-capital ships, and killer of commercial build standard grade pirate vessels.

My partial justification is the installation of good radars and fire control computers on US Navy destroyers in WWII. Some jobs mean that small ships need good equipment.