I don't believe anyone is conflating social standing and charisma.
"The further the SOC of the Character is from the SES of the setting, the more clearly he will stand out as someone who does not quite fit in.
3) SOC is the primary modifying stat for reaction rolls in a social setting.
Instead of SOC being an analog of social CLASS, it could measure the socialization ability of the character
High SOC ought to mean fewer police hassles, greater ease in navigating bureaucracies, easier dealings with the bank, and so on. You'll have an easier time renting an ATV if you "look reliable."
indicates more an ability to navigate the officer's club or embassy social currents then social rank.
I'd make the Reaction roll
People don't need to be sure of who you are, in a personal identity sense. They need only be aware of what you are, in the sense of class -- a sense that translates rapidly and subconsciously into "He seems a reliable sort," or "That guy looks shifty," or "Not another of these foppish nitwits."
It's a melange of differing aspects of social interaction
it is how people who are not familiar with the character might react
People are acutely conscious of it. Your accent, the way you dress, your physical mannerisms, your manners: they are noted."
It's also what makes the Imperium different from the society we know.
very different. different enough that lots of players see "social standing" and think "charisma". for game rule purposes it might be better just to chuck social standing and just call it charisma.