Maybe we'll fix that.
For the longest time, I've been advocating that if you're going to do a ship design system, the system needs to be built one on one with the combat system. And, ideally, some thought will be put in to balancing said combat system with the design system.
I've also advocated that if you're going to do a "simple" design system (LBB 2) it should be built as a simplification/composite of a more detailed system (LBB5 or FFS).
Then a "simple" designed ship can fight a "detailed" design ship, and the ships will be almost balanced.
Not a small task, of course.
But since you're talking about the possibility of fixing things, then some of the aspects that have been coming from the BR/BB threads need to be addressed. These instances of gaming the designs with the rules for silly effects.
For example, putting a single, sacrificial fighter "on the line" to hold off the enemy fleet for a turn while the rest flee to the reserve. Like building a Meson Gun ship that then bolts on a single turret of every other style of weapon for 1 factor to absorb weapon damage. Or even, perhaps, ensuring that big ships can fight small ships and prevail -- mostly.
So, I simply propose that if this part has not happened yet, perhaps others can come up with some of the more interesting rule abuses under the current systems, so's y'all can place an eyeball on fixing them.