A few years ago I ran a CT adventure "on the fringes".
One of the PCs (4 players with 2 PCs each) was a scientist, generated with that article - he was an Astrophysicist. (Most of the rest were ex-military, and they had incorporated into a merc company, although they did mostly non-combat contracts).
He had multiple levels of Astronomy and Physics, and a scattering of other skills. He hired on as the Ship's Navigator. As they were heading out away from well-charted space he made a perfect fit - every port they made he hit up not only the port's navigation support offices for starcharts, but would seek out local astronomical facilities for copies of their studies... then spend days in jumpspace correlating all the data and preparing new starcharts showing possible new routes and waypoints, as well as systems not shown on their existing charts.
He also got into trouble on-planet with his quests for knowledge, adding extra adventuring fun to the party (extracting him from local LEOs for "stealing intellectual property" or "violating religious taboos" seemed to be a recurring theme

Another was a general lab assistant, although she had ended up with lots of "physical" skills as well (see below). She was actually originally an NPC member of a archaeological/paleontological research expedition that had chartered their ship for transport, but one of the players took her on as a PC* when a random "event" roll came up "trouble with the cargo" and I decided she had gotten fed up with one of the scientists and had quit her job.
She was a heavyworlder (as per Anne McCaffery), and resented being assigned to menial heavy labor and "security" work in the "after arrival duty schedules" despite having been hired as a lab assistant for one of the scientists.
One other character used the article for the "college" part of his Navy career generation - he enlisted into the Medical branch after college, having already acquired some medical skills at the "Academy".
Those all worked well, but I haven't refereed for, or played, any other PCs generated with that article.
* The player was a Traveller noob, and had been playing one PC, but decided she could handle a second.