Hello there. My daughter has been watching me get back into Traveller, and has naturally taken an interest in it.
She wanted to design a ship, and really wanted it to be a Jump-6 because "I was looking at all these ships and there wasn't a Jump-6 ship". It's true - she has been pouring over the Imperial Encyclopedia, really interested in the ships there.
I asked her what her Jump-6 ship would be intended to do (i.e. mission). She said an exploring ship.
Of course, she wanted it to have the best weapons and the best of everything, but we discussed the most important aspects of the ship to fulfill its mission. We left off armaments to reduce the cost. Anyway, she wanted me to "send it to Traveller" - and I thought that posting it here would be reasonable enough.
Any feedback or comment on the design welcome.
Also, she wants me to use this icon: :devil:
She wanted to design a ship, and really wanted it to be a Jump-6 because "I was looking at all these ships and there wasn't a Jump-6 ship". It's true - she has been pouring over the Imperial Encyclopedia, really interested in the ships there.
I asked her what her Jump-6 ship would be intended to do (i.e. mission). She said an exploring ship.
Of course, she wanted it to have the best weapons and the best of everything, but we discussed the most important aspects of the ship to fulfill its mission. We left off armaments to reduce the cost. Anyway, she wanted me to "send it to Traveller" - and I thought that posting it here would be reasonable enough.
Any feedback or comment on the design welcome.
Also, she wants me to use this icon: :devil: