I was thinking today of the following question, "Should tech level adjustments to the purchasing/selling price of cargo via LBB:7 Merchant Prince apply to all types of cargoes?"
For example: lets say the cargo is made up of agricultural products, raw materials or mined ore. These things are tech level independent (mostly anyway). Food is food, iron is iron, gold is gold. Could an argument be made for ignoring the tech level disparity between source and destination world? Or, should we assume that higher tech items are more sophisticated regardless of the item in question and apply the modifier across the board?
One thing that struck me as odd is that the speculative trade rules in LBB:2 do not take into account tech levels. Surely a TL6 computer is not work $6MCr on a TL12 world?
While I agree that raw materials generally should be TL neutral, I'll play devil's advocate and argue otherwise.
Perhaps the higher tech grain or fruits are genetically engineered to be more nutritious, keep longer and/or have better/exotic taste.
Perhaps the raw mineral is processed to a higher degree of purity giving it higher value, or is alloyed in combinations impossible to do at lower tech levels.
The 6 MCr computer could be worth it at TL12, if it was an analog Model/1 which, being mechanical, cannot take radiation damage like a fiber optic version. Swapping programs might be a time consuming chore though.
As for technology modifiers, I guess I would keep in mind that LBB7 and LBB2 are very different systems.
LBB7 is immensely bland to me, the oatmeal of the space trader systems with no sugar or spices to help, I consider it the 'dear Lord don't let players make speculative millions' system. It's the sort of thing I would only consider if players insisted on being trader megacorps and there was a race to get to the lowest bulk price for later retail/value added profit.
I suppose the Striker POV is what I would tend to do TL mods at- having the only FGMPs on planet do you no good if they cost you past the point of capability elsewhere and break down because you are having to import every part.
So what would be desirable for trade in most instances are rugged simplified tech that requires little maintenance, user sophistication or instruction to use.
Cellphones, guns, Toyota HiLuxes come to mind.
A crystaliron axe or plow that never needs sharpening and can cut/dig like nothing on planet would suit the TL4 customer more then a TL12 robotic harvester.
A TL8 farmer would want a fusion powered tractor, could still use the axe but the plow needs to be in a mechanized form factor, not for animal power.
A TL10 farmer might make a go of the robotic harvester, if his product is high end enough to pay for it.
A TL15 farmer couldn't afford the breakdown rate and inefficiency of the TL12 robotic harvester, besides his crop is designed to harvest itself.
So really, if one were to apply TL mods there should be a source TL and then an intended market TL.
Trying to sell to a TL that can't really use or get value out of the product should be a negative.
The source TL is always a desirable plus as it will be more reliable/capable but may also price themselves out of all but higher end customers on lower tech planets with bad exchange rates.
As for LBB2 speculation, that is in the realm of the odd lots, the leftovers the Big Factor/Traders overlooked or cannot be bothered with. Salesmanship and finding niche markets are the keys there. So I would hesitate before getting into too much TL mods/rules there.