I'm all for this (I do it IMTU), but be advised that this pretty much kills the market for anything but Low Passage, since not only is it now the most profiable way to haul people around, it's also the safest for the owner, since typically Low Passengers don't attempt hijackings...Originally posted by far-trader:
Which raises a point about how low berths will be handled in this exercise per MTU. First, no low lottery, how macabre. The things are really very safe in MTU. Only a roll of 12 on revival presents a problem and an attending Medic grants a -1DM. So any ship with a Medic will never* have a problem.
* barring other issues, such as damage to the casket or an overly long time in it before revival
Insurers and bank loan officers are gonna loooooove that part... to the point of economically encouraging it on the back end.
FWIW, I introduced a "Low Lag" to offset the high survivability: all skills & characteristics at half value for one day afterwards... which makes Low Berths unsuitable for routine crew use (since they are going to be hampered in an emergency situation) and nixes the Frozen Watch concept...