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Mid-crunch space combat system for Traveller

First post in this great forum. Thanks! I learned so much here that I wanted to share something too. This is my home-brewed system for space combat. It falls somewhere in between "roll a die to resolve" and "track every turret and missile". It harkens back to LBB2 1977 hit locations and effects, but it would be easy to apply in other versions. Crew skills and starship characteristics interact. It has narrative outcomes and a daring push-your-luck maneuver. Inspired by Paul Elliott's abstract system. Suggested reading order: start by the combat example at the end and then read page 2 for the main rolls. Summary below the link. Download at:

(PS. I tried to post it in the Files sections but I don't have enough privileges for that.)

SUMMARY: Each round begins by settling who has the computer edge (an opposed roll modified by model number). This modifier along with crew skills influences the "avoid being hit" and "hit the enemy" rolls. Damage is resolved by rolling the number of hits on 1977 tables. All classic starships and small crafts have a weapon rating that ranges from -3 to +3 and is also an important modifier. Less frequent actions: Flee and Close Pass (a one time maverick maneuver to attempt a critical hit).
Haven’t tried it out yet but feels pretty fast and furious - I like. But it seems lethal to the point that everyone would avoid combat at all costs.

You might consider allowing a Damage Repair phase, probably as a last step before starting the loop again. Maybe target 9+, DM+Engineer, success reverses 1 hit (or allow a roll on your Hit Table), repair lasts for 1D turns. I personally would add +Effect in turns (Effect being every point you surpass the TN by, so with TN9, a roll of 10 = +1 turn, 11 = +2 turns, etc). Obviously some results would not allow repair attempts.

Welcome to the boards!
Haven’t tried it out yet but feels pretty fast and furious - I like. But it seems lethal to the point that everyone would avoid combat at all costs.

You might consider allowing a Damage Repair phase, probably as a last step before starting the loop again. Maybe target 9+, DM+Engineer, success reverses 1 hit (or allow a roll on your Hit Table), repair lasts for 1D turns. I personally would add +Effect in turns (Effect being every point you surpass the TN by, so with TN9, a roll of 10 = +1 turn, 11 = +2 turns, etc). Obviously some results would not allow repair attempts.

Welcome to the boards!
Thanks for your feedback! I like your idea of a Damage Repair phase! Specially the bit about it being a temporary patch (very cinematic!). Another alternative to decrease lethality would be to replace the 7 in the hit table with a "No effect". As it stands, it's quite lethal for starships with low tonnage or model 1 computers, but for the bigger guns (cruisers, corsair) the progression and swings of the combat can be quite entertaining.