SOC-14 5K
Read this article about Pondsmith, the Cyberpunk/Mekton/steampunk guy, and apparently he really dug Traveller.
The interesting part to me is the Pondsmith version of Traveller, called Imperial Star for his own private use.
Anyone ever see or look over those rules?
Also, I don't get the can't kill a Traveller character critique. Generally speaking, with Cloth armor in CT you might not get a first shot kill, but the third or fourth bullet would usually do the job. Laser Rifles had a shot at oneshot death.
And of course Mercenary added all manner of character insta-death.
But a regular ol AutoRifle will do the job.
The interesting part to me is the Pondsmith version of Traveller, called Imperial Star for his own private use.
Anyone ever see or look over those rules?
Also, I don't get the can't kill a Traveller character critique. Generally speaking, with Cloth armor in CT you might not get a first shot kill, but the third or fourth bullet would usually do the job. Laser Rifles had a shot at oneshot death.
And of course Mercenary added all manner of character insta-death.
But a regular ol AutoRifle will do the job.