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Mine all Mine

Optical sensor plasma mine. Has pattern recognition programs, allowing recognition of various types of opponents. Deals damage as normal plasma gun (tl12-14) or fusion gun (late tl 14+). Cr 5000; available only from Ido Arms Manufacturers, a wholly owned subsidiary of the 41st Independent squadron.
Hmm... The IAM also manufactures a scent-based and optical fusion mine, which is rarer than the optical-only PM/FM 2375 Optical Mine. Available only on a roll of 7 exactly or by special order, and cost is KCr10; available at tl14 plus and deals damage as fusion gun.
This idea "STINKS" hehehehehehehe
An add-on for the mines: a laser/optical tripwire/communicator system, which when tripped or otherwise disrupted, will send an alert to the mine systems (to activate) and the placers (to get ready to punce on whomsoever makes it out of the minefield alive...
A couple things I've learned playing with mines (Ex-Mil's please chime in!):

- The most feared mines tend to be dual or even triple influence mines requiring multiple trips to detonate/activate. Although more expensive/complex, this feature makes it extremely difficult to sweep them.

- Simple counters are very effective, allowing the mine to activate only after being tripped the 2nd/3rd/Nth time. This lets the scouts pass and the mine attacks the higher value units following them.

- You only need one mine to shut down a harbor! One mine, one explosion, one sunk ship and the entire operation grinds to a halt while the sweepers go to work. Same goes for land mines, you can deny the enemy grid squares of territory with one good mine and a whole bunch of dummies. Mines are a weapon of fear and confusion, the more chaos a mine can create, the better the design.

- You don't want to kill soldiers with mines, you want to incapacitate them. It takes 1-2 soldiers to care for a seriously wounded comrade. Can't beat removing 3 soldiers from action with 1 round.

- You don't want your whole mine field to detonate/activate when 1 mine detects a target. Mines are only effective when their location is not known; once their cover is blown, the enemy just maneuvers to avoid them. Then they call in artillery to "clear" your field. How about a TDX shell designed to detonate 15cm below the ground? That should do a number on a mine field.

- Mine fields must be defended by artillery or other rapid response forces. Give the enemy the opportunity to clear your mines and you've lost your investment. Let the enemy have just 1 of your mines and next week he'll have a gizmo that renders them neutral. Plus mines are a force multiplier and should be used in a layered defense, not on their own.
Exactly right.

-some of the nastiest mines have just enough charge to blow off a foot.

-They ARE part of an entire package that includes other pyrotechnics like trip flares, physical obstacles like razor wire and tank traps, active defences such as machine gun nests infantry patrols, and pre-registered mortar/arty fire. ALL with the goal of making it rough for an enemy to go anyway but straight down the throat of your best and most concentrated weapons.
Exactly right.

-some of the nastiest mines have just enough charge to blow off a foot.

-They ARE part of an entire package that includes other pyrotechnics like trip flares, physical obstacles like razor wire and tank traps, active defences such as machine gun nests infantry patrols, and pre-registered mortar/arty fire. ALL with the goal of making it rough for an enemy to go anyway but straight down the throat of your best and most concentrated weapons.
Psi bomb
An almost practical application of artificial Psionics. Any one within the nine meter blast radius will suffer the effects of a telepathic assault. Shielded minds are unaffected. Note, artificial Psionics are very unreliable, roll 1D6 to seen how effective it is. A roll of 1-3 means that the has failed to go off, 4-5 means it worked but only partially, a roll of 6 means no problems and the bomb has worked perfectly. If a 4 or 5 was rolled then roll a D10 percentage die to seen how many in the blast radius have bee effected. The minds farthest away from the grenade but still in the blast radius are more likely to be effected. :confused: it`s just weird like that. If the grenade failed to go off it may still explode at minimum efficiency in a later round. Roll 1D20 DC 10+1 per round after initial activation. If the DC ever reaches 20 (ten rounds) the grenade will then be very useful as a paperweight.
Only available on Zhdant or other worlds with a high psionic population.

TL 14 cost Cr 500 weight 1kg dmg all stamina and 2D6 lifeblood blast radius 9m