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Miniatures for PCs

Originally posted by Redleg:
How do they look?
There's a demo link there:


If you print them out at the standard size, they end up a bit smaller than the free T20 standups, but close to the size of GURPS standups. The art isn't bad (notice: it is worse on the modern and fantasy sets). Three main issues:

1) A lot of the figures look like SW/are targeted at SW gamers
2) Some have an anime feel
3) Many of the females are scantily clad compared to their male counterparts.

But overall, I found it pretty convenient.
Originally posted by Flynn:
I'd rather have PC minis than ship minis, but I wouldn't mind both being available. It's just that I play the game as an RPG more often than as a wargame, and so over 90% of the time, I'll be using PC minis and the ship won't be on the mat at all.

My two creds, anyway,
Speaking for myself, there are alot of great Traveller ship designs out there I would love to see rendered into pewter. The Y-Wing SDB is one of them. (I think it's much cooler looking than the classic Dragon.)

Although I'm sure you've heard it before, you rock! Nice work there. Do you take requests? If so, how much do you charge?

Originally posted by Flynn:

Although I'm sure you've heard it before, you rock! Nice work there. Do you take requests? If so, how much do you charge?

I usually just make what I need. I haven't gotten much practice yet, so they're still a little cruder than I'd be willing to accept money for, even if I had more spare time to make them.
I usually just make what I need. I haven't gotten much practice yet, so they're still a little cruder than I'd be willing to accept money for, even if I had more spare time to make them.
nothing improves a skill like practice, and I have some specific established characters I'd like to see done (a far cry from buying a generic cast). I'd pay too. any chance you might like some practice?
For those of you not wedded to 25-30mm (and with the metal prices going like they are, you may want to consider divorce...), the recently formed 15mm SF list on Yahoo has a big wishlist and is taking "orders" the same way Eureka Miniatures does with it's "100 Club" and "300 Club": get enough requests for a given pack, and that pack gets made next. The guy doing the sculpts has posted a few of his greens, and I have high expectations for his stuff when the various packs hit their production thresholds...
The big reason to use 15mm as opposed to 25-30mm, aside from consistent scale, is there are quite a bit more deckplans out there for 15mm. (And 15mm deckplans are easier to draw than 25mm because of size of a piece of paper.) Aside from the old deckplans that can be found with a bit of hunting. A type S scout can be easily drawn on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper. Safari Ship 2 sheets of paper.
Crank this up to 25mm and you are about doubling the size of your plans. Just a thought.

Originally posted by GypsyComet:
For those of you not wedded to 25-30mm (and with the metal prices going like they are, you may want to consider divorce...), the recently formed 15mm SF list on Yahoo has a big wishlist and is taking "orders" the same way Eureka Miniatures does with it's "100 Club" and "300 Club": get enough requests for a given pack, and that pack gets made next. The guy doing the sculpts has posted a few of his greens, and I have high expectations for his stuff when the various packs hit their production thresholds...
Originally posted by Bhoins:
[QB] The big reason to use 15mm as opposed to 25-30mm, aside from consistent scale, is there are quite a bit more deckplans out there for 15mm. (And 15mm deckplans are easier to draw than 25mm because of size of a piece of paper.) Aside from the old deckplans that can be found with a bit of hunting. A type S scout can be easily drawn on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper. Safari Ship 2 sheets of paper.
Crank this up to 25mm and you are about doubling the size of your plans. Just a thought.

The tons deckplans in 15mm out there are the best selling point I can think of.
Originally posted by Scarecrow:
What sort of minis would people like to see in a limited range?

I guess a selection of aliens to start with plus some vacc suits and imperial marines.

Human men and women in various clothing - suits, robes, environmental clothing, armour.

Any obvious ones I'm missing?

I think you covered the need well enough.
Crow are you thinking of something like your Star Trek Crew generator or metal?
I was thinking of knocking out some paper minis in the same style - though non-customiseable - but my life's taken a bit of a left turn at the moment so it'll have to stay on the maybe pile!


Did you do your originals for the ST crew creator in a vector format by any chance? I have this obscene idea that they could be turned into symbol files for Profantacy's CC2 add-on "Charactor Artist" with very little work if they are. Just thinkin.
Man it's been forever since I've been on the boards...
It took me a few months, but I have gathered a large collection of really good 25mm miniatures for traveller use.
They are collections of Star Wars, Traveller, "Aliens" base movie marines, Star ship trooper scouts and warriors, and others. I just followed my nose on ebay. There are some great manufactures in England... forget the name now... :-( Full thrust games or something like that... Anyway, we use them in the traveller games I've been involved with.

Nope, they are pure photoshop scribbelery. However they are quite graphic and consist only of half a dozen colours so they could easily be converted to vector format, I think.

Originally posted by Scarecrow:

Nope, they are pure photoshop scribbelery. However they are quite graphic and consist only of half a dozen colours so they could easily be converted to vector format, I think.

Drat Oh well worth a try. We will see what I come up with in time.