• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.
  • We, the systems administration staff, apologize for this unexpected outage of the boards. We have resolved the root cause of the problem and there should be no further disruptions.

Modern House Rules for Chargen

Sailors (Wet Navy)
Enlistment 6+ (DM +1 if END 10+; DM +2 if STR 8+)
Survival 5+ (DM +2 if END 8+)
Comission 5+ (DM +1 if INT 9+)
Promotion 6+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Decoration 9+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 6+

Enlisted Ranks
1 Seaman 3rd
2 Seaman 2nd
3 Seaman 1st
4 Petty Officer
5 Chief Petty Officer
6 Master Chief

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 DEX
3 +1 END
4 Gambling
5 Melee Combat
6 Carousing

Service Skills
1 Gun Combat
2 Technical
3 Forward Observer
4 Watercraft
5 Watercraft
6 Heavy Weapons

Advanced Education
1 Watercraft
2 Technical
3 Mechanical
4 Technical
5 Navigation
6 Demolition

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Medical
2 Vehicle
3 Streetwise
4 Technical
5 Admin
6 Jack-O-Trades

Rank and Service Skills
Nautical Forces Seaman 2nd: Watercraft-1
Nautical Forces Commander: Navigation-1
Nautical Forces Admiral: +1 SOC
Sailors (Wet Navy)
Enlistment 6+ (DM +1 if END 10+; DM +2 if STR 8+)
Survival 5+ (DM +2 if END 8+)
Comission 5+ (DM +1 if INT 9+)
Promotion 6+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Decoration 9+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 6+

Enlisted Ranks
1 Seaman 3rd
2 Seaman 2nd
3 Seaman 1st
4 Petty Officer
5 Chief Petty Officer
6 Master Chief

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 DEX
3 +1 END
4 Gambling
5 Melee Combat
6 Carousing

Service Skills
1 Gun Combat
2 Technical
3 Forward Observer
4 Watercraft
5 Watercraft
6 Heavy Weapons

Advanced Education
1 Watercraft
2 Technical
3 Mechanical
4 Technical
5 Navigation
6 Demolition

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Medical
2 Vehicle
3 Streetwise
4 Technical
5 Admin
6 Jack-O-Trades

Rank and Service Skills
Nautical Forces Seaman 2nd: Watercraft-1
Nautical Forces Commander: Navigation-1
Nautical Forces Admiral: +1 SOC
Enlistment 8+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+; DM +2 if SOC 9+)
Survival 3+ (DM +2 if EDU 8+)
Comission 5+ (DM +1 if INT 8+)
Promotion 10+ (DM +1 if SOC 10+)
Special Duty 5+ (No DMs)
Bonus* 10+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 5+

* A successful Bonus throw gives one roll on the Cash Benefits bonus, above and beyond the three-roll limit, but only yealds 50% of the stated sum.

Enlisted Ranks
While Diplomats have Commissioned Ranks, they do not have Enlisted ones.

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 EDU
3 +1 INT
4 Melee Combat
5 Gun Combat
6 Carousing

Service Skills
1 +1 INT
2 Vacc Suit
3 Vehicle
4 Liaison
5 Perform
6 Computer

Advanced Education
1 Clandestine
2 Clandestine
3 Language
4 Recruiting
5 Instruction
6 Admin

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Liaison
2 Liaison
3 Admin
4 Technical
5 +1 SOC
6 Langauge

Rank and Service Skills
Diplomat 1st Secretary: Carousing-1
Diplomat Ambassador: +1 SOC
Enlistment 8+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+; DM +2 if SOC 9+)
Survival 3+ (DM +2 if EDU 8+)
Comission 5+ (DM +1 if INT 8+)
Promotion 10+ (DM +1 if SOC 10+)
Special Duty 5+ (No DMs)
Bonus* 10+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 5+

* A successful Bonus throw gives one roll on the Cash Benefits bonus, above and beyond the three-roll limit, but only yealds 50% of the stated sum.

Enlisted Ranks
While Diplomats have Commissioned Ranks, they do not have Enlisted ones.

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 EDU
3 +1 INT
4 Melee Combat
5 Gun Combat
6 Carousing

Service Skills
1 +1 INT
2 Vacc Suit
3 Vehicle
4 Liaison
5 Perform
6 Computer

Advanced Education
1 Clandestine
2 Clandestine
3 Language
4 Recruiting
5 Instruction
6 Admin

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Liaison
2 Liaison
3 Admin
4 Technical
5 +1 SOC
6 Langauge

Rank and Service Skills
Diplomat 1st Secretary: Carousing-1
Diplomat Ambassador: +1 SOC
Originally posted by Jame:
The only thing I'd suggest is that Navy, Scouts and Belters get Vacc Suit-0 too.
Please re-read my earlier post, the one containing, among other things, the Navy CharGen tables; the Vacc-0 skill is there for everybody as suggested in LBB1 and for the sake of gameplay siomplicity (ofcourse, Barbarians don't have it, but there's another thing...

So here's my house-ruling:
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
6a) All player characters are assumed to have Brawling-0, Dager-0, Blade-0, Pistol-0, Steward-0 and Vacc Suit-0.
Originally posted by Jame:
The only thing I'd suggest is that Navy, Scouts and Belters get Vacc Suit-0 too.
Please re-read my earlier post, the one containing, among other things, the Navy CharGen tables; the Vacc-0 skill is there for everybody as suggested in LBB1 and for the sake of gameplay siomplicity (ofcourse, Barbarians don't have it, but there's another thing...

So here's my house-ruling:
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
6a) All player characters are assumed to have Brawling-0, Dager-0, Blade-0, Pistol-0, Steward-0 and Vacc Suit-0.
Enlistment 9+ (DM +1 if INT 8+; DM +2 if DEX 9+)
Survival 3+ (DM +2 if INT 8+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 4+

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 DEX
3 +1 END
4 +1 INT
5 +1 EDU
6 +1 SOC

Service Skills
1 +1 DEX
2 Electronics
3 Medical
4 Streetwise
5 Medical
6 Melee Combat

Advanced Education
1 Medical
2 Medical
3 Robotics
4 Science
5 Computer
6 Admin

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Science
2 Medical
3 Medical
4 Computer
5 Admin
6 +1 INT

Rank and Service Skills
Doctor: Medical-1 and Computer-1
Enlistment 9+ (DM +1 if INT 8+; DM +2 if DEX 9+)
Survival 3+ (DM +2 if INT 8+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 4+

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 DEX
3 +1 END
4 +1 INT
5 +1 EDU
6 +1 SOC

Service Skills
1 +1 DEX
2 Electronics
3 Medical
4 Streetwise
5 Medical
6 Melee Combat

Advanced Education
1 Medical
2 Medical
3 Robotics
4 Science
5 Computer
6 Admin

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Science
2 Medical
3 Medical
4 Computer
5 Admin
6 +1 INT

Rank and Service Skills
Doctor: Medical-1 and Computer-1
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
By the way, can someone help me with Flyer non-comissioned ranks?
here are mine for all of the planetary services:

Team Sergeant
Squad Sergeant
Platoon Sgt.
Company Sgt.
Sergeant Major

Wet Navy
Seaman 3rd
Seaman 2nd
Seaman 1st
Petty Officer
Chief Petty Off
Master Chief

CO&ACC (flyers)
Senior Airman
Squadron Sgt.
Group Sergeant
Sergeant Major

Plus some civilian ones I came up with:

Junior Clerk
Senior Clerk
Adm. Assistant
Executive Ast

Leading Sgt.
First Sergeant
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
By the way, can someone help me with Flyer non-comissioned ranks?
here are mine for all of the planetary services:

Team Sergeant
Squad Sergeant
Platoon Sgt.
Company Sgt.
Sergeant Major

Wet Navy
Seaman 3rd
Seaman 2nd
Seaman 1st
Petty Officer
Chief Petty Off
Master Chief

CO&ACC (flyers)
Senior Airman
Squadron Sgt.
Group Sergeant
Sergeant Major

Plus some civilian ones I came up with:

Junior Clerk
Senior Clerk
Adm. Assistant
Executive Ast

Leading Sgt.
First Sergeant
Enlistment 9+ (DM+1 if END 8+; DM+2 if DEX 9+)
Survival 5+ (DM+2 if INT 7+)
Commission 9+ (DM+1 if END 9+)
Promotion 10+ (DM+1 if SOC 9+)
Special Duty 7+
Reenlist 5+

Personal Development
1 STR+1
2 DEX+1
3 END+1
4 EDU+1
5 Blade
6 Social Science (cluster)

Service Skills
1 Computer
2 Perception
3 Science (cluster)
4 Medic
5 Steward
6 Business (cluster)

1 Law
2 Diplomacy
3 Carousing
4 Liaison
5 Melee fighting
6 Survival

Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 Sensors
2 Ship's Boat
3 Streetwise
4 Language
5 Vac suit
6 Watercraft

'Officer' Ranks
01 Medinere 'acolyte'
02 Sekilure 'proven one'
03 Sekimnede 'reliable one'
04 Khugilii 'able assistant'
05 Enziiku 'designated successor'
06 Shugilii

Rank and Service Skills
Automatic: Steward-1 and Survival-1
Commission: Diplomacy-1
Enlistment 9+ (DM+1 if END 8+; DM+2 if DEX 9+)
Survival 5+ (DM+2 if INT 7+)
Commission 9+ (DM+1 if END 9+)
Promotion 10+ (DM+1 if SOC 9+)
Special Duty 7+
Reenlist 5+

Personal Development
1 STR+1
2 DEX+1
3 END+1
4 EDU+1
5 Blade
6 Social Science (cluster)

Service Skills
1 Computer
2 Perception
3 Science (cluster)
4 Medic
5 Steward
6 Business (cluster)

1 Law
2 Diplomacy
3 Carousing
4 Liaison
5 Melee fighting
6 Survival

Advanced Education (EDU 8+)
1 Sensors
2 Ship's Boat
3 Streetwise
4 Language
5 Vac suit
6 Watercraft

'Officer' Ranks
01 Medinere 'acolyte'
02 Sekilure 'proven one'
03 Sekimnede 'reliable one'
04 Khugilii 'able assistant'
05 Enziiku 'designated successor'
06 Shugilii

Rank and Service Skills
Automatic: Steward-1 and Survival-1
Commission: Diplomacy-1
Flyers (CO&ACC)
Enlistment 6+ (DM +1 if STR 7+; DM +2 if DEX 9+)
Survival 5+ (DM +2 if DEX 8+)
Comission 5+ (DM +1 if EDU 6+)
Promotion 6+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Decoration 9+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 6+

Enlisted Ranks
1 Airman
2 Senior Airman
3 Sergeant
4 Squadron Sgt.
5 Group Sergeant
6 Sergeant Major

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 DEX
3 +1 END
4 Gambling
5 Carousing
6 Melee Combat

Service Skills
1 Heavy Weapons
2 Heavy Weapons
3 Vacc Suit
4 Aircraft
5 Aircraft
6 Aircraft

Advanced Education
1 Aircraft
2 Mechanical
3 Technical
4 Technical
5 Gun Combat
6 Survival

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Medical
2 Leader
3 Space
4 Navigation
5 Admin
6 Jack-O-Trades

Rank and Service Skills
Flyer Airman: Aircraft-1
Flyer Squadron Leader: Leader-1
Flyer Air Marshal: +1 SOC


Automatic Enlistment if homeworld TL3-; enlistment not allowed otherwise
Survival 6+ (DM +2 if STR 8+)
Comission 6+ (DM +1 if STR 10+)
Promotion 9+ (DM +1 if INT 6+)
Special Duty 7+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 6+

Enlisted Ranks
While Barbarians have Commissioned Ranks, they do not have Enlisted ones.

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +2 STR
3 +1 STR
4 Carousing
5 +1 DEX
6 +2 END

Service Skills
1 Melee Combat
2 Melee Combat
3 Survival
4 Archaic Weapons
5 Archaic Weapons
6 Animal Handling

Advanced Education
1 Melee Weapons
2 Craftsman
3 Survival
4 Recon
5 Hunting
6 Hunting

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Medical
2 Survival
3 Tactics
4 Leader
5 Instruction
6 Animal Handling

Rank and Service Skills
Barbarian: Melee Weapons-1 and Hunting-1
Barbarian Warriorr: Tactics-1
Barbarian Chief: Leader-1


Enlistment 5+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+; DM +2 if STR 8+)
Survival 4+ (DM +2 if EDU 10+)
Comission 6+ (DM +1 if EDU 9+)
Promotion 7+ (DM +1 if INT 9+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Bonus 11+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 3+

* A successful Bonus throw gives one roll on the Cash Benefits bonus, above and beyond the three-roll limit, but only yealds 50% of the stated sum.

Enlisted Ranks
1 Gofer
2 Junior Secretary
3 Secretary
4 Senior Secretary
5 Adm. Assistant
6 Executive Ast

Personal Development
1 +1 END
2 +1 EDU
3 +1 INT
4 Melee Combat
5 Carousing
6 +1 DEX

Service Skills
1 Admin
2 Vehicle
3 Gun Combat
4 Academic
5 Liaison
6 +1 EDU

Advanced Education
1 Recruiting
2 Vehicle
3 Liaison
4 Interrogation
5 Admin
6 Admin

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Admin
2 Admin
3 Computer
4 Admin
5 Streetwise
6 Leader

Rank and Service Skills
Bureaucrat Gofer: Admin-1
Bureaucrat Secretary: Liaison-1
Bureaucrat Manager: Business-1
Bureaucrat Director: +1 SOC
Flyers (CO&ACC)
Enlistment 6+ (DM +1 if STR 7+; DM +2 if DEX 9+)
Survival 5+ (DM +2 if DEX 8+)
Comission 5+ (DM +1 if EDU 6+)
Promotion 6+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Decoration 9+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 6+

Enlisted Ranks
1 Airman
2 Senior Airman
3 Sergeant
4 Squadron Sgt.
5 Group Sergeant
6 Sergeant Major

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 DEX
3 +1 END
4 Gambling
5 Carousing
6 Melee Combat

Service Skills
1 Heavy Weapons
2 Heavy Weapons
3 Vacc Suit
4 Aircraft
5 Aircraft
6 Aircraft

Advanced Education
1 Aircraft
2 Mechanical
3 Technical
4 Technical
5 Gun Combat
6 Survival

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Medical
2 Leader
3 Space
4 Navigation
5 Admin
6 Jack-O-Trades

Rank and Service Skills
Flyer Airman: Aircraft-1
Flyer Squadron Leader: Leader-1
Flyer Air Marshal: +1 SOC


Automatic Enlistment if homeworld TL3-; enlistment not allowed otherwise
Survival 6+ (DM +2 if STR 8+)
Comission 6+ (DM +1 if STR 10+)
Promotion 9+ (DM +1 if INT 6+)
Special Duty 7+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 6+

Enlisted Ranks
While Barbarians have Commissioned Ranks, they do not have Enlisted ones.

Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +2 STR
3 +1 STR
4 Carousing
5 +1 DEX
6 +2 END

Service Skills
1 Melee Combat
2 Melee Combat
3 Survival
4 Archaic Weapons
5 Archaic Weapons
6 Animal Handling

Advanced Education
1 Melee Weapons
2 Craftsman
3 Survival
4 Recon
5 Hunting
6 Hunting

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Medical
2 Survival
3 Tactics
4 Leader
5 Instruction
6 Animal Handling

Rank and Service Skills
Barbarian: Melee Weapons-1 and Hunting-1
Barbarian Warriorr: Tactics-1
Barbarian Chief: Leader-1


Enlistment 5+ (DM +1 if EDU 8+; DM +2 if STR 8+)
Survival 4+ (DM +2 if EDU 10+)
Comission 6+ (DM +1 if EDU 9+)
Promotion 7+ (DM +1 if INT 9+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Bonus 11+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 3+

* A successful Bonus throw gives one roll on the Cash Benefits bonus, above and beyond the three-roll limit, but only yealds 50% of the stated sum.

Enlisted Ranks
1 Gofer
2 Junior Secretary
3 Secretary
4 Senior Secretary
5 Adm. Assistant
6 Executive Ast

Personal Development
1 +1 END
2 +1 EDU
3 +1 INT
4 Melee Combat
5 Carousing
6 +1 DEX

Service Skills
1 Admin
2 Vehicle
3 Gun Combat
4 Academic
5 Liaison
6 +1 EDU

Advanced Education
1 Recruiting
2 Vehicle
3 Liaison
4 Interrogation
5 Admin
6 Admin

Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Admin
2 Admin
3 Computer
4 Admin
5 Streetwise
6 Leader

Rank and Service Skills
Bureaucrat Gofer: Admin-1
Bureaucrat Secretary: Liaison-1
Bureaucrat Manager: Business-1
Bureaucrat Director: +1 SOC