Enlistment 5+ (DM +1 if DEX 8+; DM +2 if INT 9+)
Survival 4+ (DM +2 if DEX 10+)
Special Duty 6+ (No DMs)
Reenlist 4+
Personal Development
1 +1 STR
2 +1 DEX
3 +1 END
4 +1 INT
5 +1 EDU
6 Melee Combat
Service Skills
1 Mechanical
2 Mechanical
3 Locksmithing
4 Technical
5 Vehicle
6 Craftsman
Advanced Education
1 Mechanical
2 Technical
3 Technical
4 Technical
5 Engineering
6 Jack-O-Trades
Advanced Education (EDU 8+ only)
1 Science
2 Technical
3 Craftsman
4 Leader
5 Engineering
6 Admin
Rank and Service Skills
Technician: Technical-1 (choose twice)
Material Benefits
1 Low Passage
2 Low Passage
3 Toolset*
4 Weapon
5 Mid Passage
6 +1 INT
* Choose between Mechanical Toolkit and Electronic Toolkit (LBB3 pp.18-19); if desired, they could be traded in for Cr750 and Cr1,500, respectively.
Cash Benefits
1 500
2 1,000
3 2,000
4 5,000
5 10,000
6 10,000
7 20,000