Looking at the Ship's Boat and Cutter in the MgT:Core Book, they both claim to use MD-A and PP-A, which actually agrees fairly well with the performance of the 100 ton and 200 ton ships using the same drive/power plant.
Then you check out the deckplan (yes, the corrected one) and compare it to the pictures of those craft - the two look nothing alike. The pictures depict long slender craft either roughly 4.5 or 6 meters in diameter (1.5 or 2 decks tall). The Plans show short fat craft that are 6 to 7.5 meters in diameter (2 to 2.5 decks tall) with no indication that there are two full decks to these craft. Not wanting to pile on the 'let's beat up the deckplans' band wagon, I say "Huh, that's odd" and move on.
Since the MgT:Core Book sort of glosses over small craft design, one is really forced to go to MgT:High Guard to get a handle on the stats for these Small Craft. So they all have a 6 ton 'cockpit' and a 1 ton 'airlock'. Ok so small craft have a 7 ton 'standard bridge' compared to the 10 ton bridge on a 100 ton scout. I can live with that. It generally makes sense. Since these small craft are little more than a 'bridge', 'engineering' and a 'cargo hold', it seems reasonable to look at the MD and PP next. Since the MgT:Core Book defined the 30 ton, 40 ton and 50 ton small craft as all having MD-A and PP-A, we have a reasonable idea what to expect from the MgT:HG small craft rules ... but our expectations would be wrong. So I read that the 30 ton Ship's Boat actually has MD-sJ and PP-sJ, which give it the same performance as the MgT:Core MD-A and PP-A (6G in both cases). So I say "OK, a new drive table. I can live with that." Until I look close at the MD/PP-sJ and realize that they are a lot larger than the MD/PP-A and a lot more expensive.
Another "Huh, that's REALLY odd." I mean why would you use a larger and more expensive small craft drive when a smaller and cheaper starship MD/PP-A is available. Obviously, there can be no logical reason why a MD/PP-A would not fit. A 6 ton MD/PP-A should fit in an 8.1 ton engineering hole left by removing the MD/PP sJ.
Note that all of my complaints center around INTERNAL CONSISTANCY within and between the MgT:Core Book and MgT:High Guard. No mention of Classic Traveller (or any other version.)