What classification do you fall into? What's the real reason for badmouthing Mongoose? What is going on isn't criticism, I'm not sure what it is, but it really should stop.
Here's my theory:
A lot of people feel they weren't "listened to". And so they of course could write a better book and produce it and distribute it all by themselves, way better than mongoose. Even though "Mongoose Traveller" is a Liscenced line Approved by Marc, there is "something" that is just sooo wrong that all of this fervor is being caused. Nitpicky personal taste issues are always right, and a game company with a track record of course has to be wrong.
I'm not considering any "source". Nor do I give a #$% who is saying what or why, that is not the point. The point is, such pointless sour grapes masked as "criticism" is giving this site a bad name.
I think you guys should consider what your doing, and why. Are you going to give such reviews to some kid who comes out with his first pdf? When do your products come out?
Hopefully, you guys will understand, and knock it off on your own. I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to accomplish, or why, but you should stop now.