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Most abused Cliche?

Who can forget the grandfather of all Sci Fi cliches, The "RED SHIRT"

If you put some poor NPC in a red shirt, the guys survival can be measured in nanoseconds once any action happens. this goes back to the origional Star Trek that put the walking Security targets in red shirts. These were the guys that showed that the situation really was dangerous, or how the monster of the week worked. :eek:
Movie cliches used in my games for NPCs

1. The guy that gets on the ship with books to read in his spare time

2. The guy with pictures of his <family, girlfriend, kids, cute pet.

3. The hot chick that finds the guy in the party with the lowest social standing the guy she wants to be with. :D ;)
4. The kid with a grav board hanging around the ship before take off. soon to be a stowaway.

The good thing about these cliches is when you break them.
1. Is a guy who will have the clue needed to solve the current enigma
2. Is the son of the planetary ruler where you are going
3. Is pregnant and looking for a husband, fast
4. Has a map to a ancients treasure trove
In a recent campaign, we had one player regularly join us by phone. As things from time to time caused a disconnection, the usual quip in the rest of the group was...

"Boring conversation anyway..."

Still cracks me up.
Vegascat writes:
Who can forget the grandfather of all Sci Fi cliches, The "RED SHIRT"
How about the thing that usually offs the Red Shirt Guy, the creature composed of PURE ENERGY. The generic Energy Creature, from Forbiden Planet to Star Trek, a staple of Sci Fi.
Plop101, have you never used a NPC in a red shirt to demonstrate the monster of the day?

In my games, I often use a red shirt as short hand to the players of someone not to be too close to when checking out the new planet.
Then again, I have used a classic redshirt guy showing off his girlfriends holo to everyone as the guy that has to live because he is the only one who has the skill with Gravatics, Robot ops, Admin and J-O-T to complete the adventure.
Vegas Cat responds:
Plop101, have you never used a NPC in a red shirt to demonstrate the monster of the day?

In my games, I often use a red shirt as short hand to the players of someone not to be too close to when checking out the new planet.
Well, since I play solo most of the time, I've never really used red shirts for monster demo's. I've used them to bulk up my pc in case he runs into a large quantity of bad guys/things.

Then again, I have used a classic redshirt guy showing off his girlfriends holo to everyone as the guy that has to live because he is the only one who has the skill with Gravatics, Robot ops, Admin and J-O-T to complete the adventure.
Wouldn't that be a blue shirt guy ;)
Having the useful monkey in a blue shirt is another cliche from Str Trek. It can be just too much fun to flip a cliche around on the players.
How 'bout the "always 'on'" PC/NPC who always goes after the most attractive character in the scene? :D