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Most useful CT product

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I may get my head bitten off for this, but the one CT product that I use in EVERY game, is the Judge's Guild Traveller Referee screen. I especially love the combat tables, which take the endless searching around in Characters and Combat and simplify all the modifiers into a single table.

One thing I always hated about the GDW design staff was the way they would take a wonderful, simple idea and find a way to have you searching through the rulebooks and doing endless math to make it work. JG, on the other hand, could sometimes be really great about simplifying this sort of thing.

So, ya wanna know the roll for a laser carbine to hit mesh armor at medium range? One simple cross-index yields a 6. Using the Traveller tables on the other hand, you have to start with a base 8+, go to the weapons vs. armor table to yield a +1 for mesh, and to the weapons at range table to yield a +1 at medium. Again, you get the same result, so not too difficult... right up until you've done the same for a dozen different weapons in the same combat. :oo: Then, of course, you still have to work in the individual character's skills and stats, and we're talking major headache.

I went so far as to design a character sheet with a combat table built in:


so that, for the players, everything could be calculated before the game begins.

Stuff like that really can go a long way towards making a game playable.
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It is a nice screen; I saw a friend's copy once. My only complaint about it was what they did with the weapon damages. (If I ever have a copy I'll just ignore that table, though.)
It is a nice screen; I saw a friend's copy once. My only complaint about it was what they did with the weapon damages.

That was strange, with body pistols doing 3d-8, for example. Are those just typos, or do they harken back to the VERY first printing of Traveller?

Either way, you can leave them as they are (which, in some cases, makes the very lethal Traveller combat more survivable) or change them pretty quick.
It is a nice screen; I saw a friend's copy once. My only complaint about it was what they did with the weapon damages. (If I ever have a copy I'll just ignore that table, though.)

Those are CT 1E damages. We (Cryton and I) checked against his 1977 printing CT.
Those are CT 1E damages. We (Cryton and I) checked against his 1977 printing CT.

I thought it might be something like that.

Which begs the question whether the body pistol was, in fact, a rubber band gun. :rofl:
have it but never use it...

because from the very beginning there have been hand rules that have invalidated every ref screen for every rpg I have played.

Of course this means I would not consider it the most useful CT product

Not only is a fun game in its own right, but it allows me to switch between the more abstract but quick to run combat system in Book 1 and the more time-intensive but tactically rich experience of Snapshot.
The JG screen did indeed recreate the very first Traveller weapons damages, and yes, the Body Pistol did 3D6-8

Now here's the bad news:

Every Classic Traveller Weapon Damage table ever after, including the Snapshot Table, was in error as far as the damages for the Body Pistol and the Cutlass were concerned.

The Body Pistol does 2D6, and the Cutlass does 3D6. (As opposed to their original 3D6-8 and 2D6+4)

The proper weapons damages are listed correctly in Supplement 4, Citizens of the Imperium.

I've mentioned this before, and have received an amazing amount of flack for my trouble. So don't believe me; check the official Traveller Classic Errata.
The JG screen did indeed recreate the very first Traveller weapons damages, and yes, the Body Pistol did 3D6-8

Now here's the bad news:

Every Classic Traveller Weapon Damage table ever after, including the Snapshot Table, was in error as far as the damages for the Body Pistol and the Cutlass were concerned.

My LBB's tables in the skills chapter exact match S4. As do the ones in the CD. (B1 p17) But on the weapons grid, yeah, it got them backwards (b1 p47)

TTB does have an error for the body pistol on p.46, but not on p.25

The Body Pistol does 2D6, and the Cutlass does 3D6. (As opposed to their original 3D6-8 and 2D6+4)

The proper weapons damages are listed correctly in Supplement 4, Citizens of the Imperium.

I've mentioned this before, and have received an amazing amount of flack for my trouble. So don't believe me; check the official Traveller Classic Errata.

When you only tell halftruths, you lose almost all credibility, and people WILL call you upon it.
Most useful CT product?

Perhaps I should say the original boxed set - after all, that's what started it all. Where would we be today without that Little Black Box?

However, in terms of the most thumbed through items, I'd have to say LBB5, LBB3 and Striker B3, probably in that order - unless you count my own houserules...

I agree with Gray Lensman that screens are pretty useless to me as an incorrigible Rule Tweaker. I don't even bother creating my own cos they'd get outdated too fast. :)
Every Classic Traveller Weapon Damage table ever after, including the Snapshot Table, was in error as far as the damages for the Body Pistol and the Cutlass were concerned.

The Body Pistol does 2D6, and the Cutlass does 3D6. (As opposed to their original 3D6-8 and 2D6+4)

The proper weapons damages are listed correctly in Supplement 4, Citizens of the Imperium.

I believe you.

Though MGT has the cutlass back to 2d6+4 - and come to think of it, I prefer that to 3d6. Basically, a blade should be a shortsword, and a cutlass an "improved" (or at least cooler) one.
Most useful CT product?

Perhaps I should say the original boxed set - after all, that's what started it all. Where would we be today without that Little Black Box?

However, in terms of the most thumbed through items, I'd have to say LBB5, LBB3 and Striker B3, probably in that order - unless you count my own houserules...

I agree with Gray Lensman that screens are pretty useless to me as an incorrigible Rule Tweaker. I don't even bother creating my own cos they'd get outdated too fast. :)

Horses for courses, but I can remember Traveller adventures I ran completely off the JG ref screen without even cracking the LBBs. Largely because Traveller was not well streamlined for play, and involved too much number crunching, which the ref screen dealt with nicely.

In fact, about ten years ago I actually tried to start a new Traveller campaign, but didn't, because I had lost my old ref screen and couldn't find a new one on ebay. :oo:

I am only playing now because I was able to locate one recently. :D
Aramis has accused me of writing half truths. I feel he has accused me if being disingenuous. So I will attempt to clairify my observation:

Every Classic Traveller Book 1 weapon matrix after the first is screwed up.

Besides what I have already mentioned, the range matrix in TTB and Starter Traveller have an error in regard to the Dagger, it is listed as +1 for Short Range, it should be -1.

But these an all the other errors are, as I mentioned, listed in the Classis Traveller Erratra.

I didn't bother to list every screw up in every edition in my post, but rather urged anyone who had an interest to look at another source.

And for that, I get insulted.
Who is responsible for the Traveller errata list? I have a few additions to mention.

My most useful Traveller thing is Supplement 7 for the Type S plan which is by far my favourite, Mongoose messed the ship plans up terribly. Even though the Far Trader is shown terribly wrong in the book I love the book to death.

Secondly it would have to be the Snapshot weapons matrix which I hae a copy of and have added to several times with my own bits and pieces. I must do a new PDF copy of it on Word or Excel sometime.
Since I run a hybrid of Bk 1 and Striker, I have made weapons cards with Illustrator so I can just hand out weapon data to the players, and dont need a chart or matrix.

As far as actual CT product, since I dont have a Judges guild screen, I would say I use The Spinward Marches the most, followed by the Spinward marches Campaign, not counting of course, Starter Traveller.

I use HG and Merc for 90% of my character generation, and use Scouts for fleshing out star systems.

I guess I would be a a loss without a full collection!!

I use Merchants and Robots least, and TCS never.