• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


I have been in communications with Marc concerning the numerous bad scans and poor OCR found in the pdfs provided on the MT CDROM.

I am currently working to detail these problems to ensure that they are corrected when Marc begins the corrective work in March.

Please, review your copies and post any problems in the following format.

"cdrom\path\document" "pdf page number" "document page number" "Description of Problem"

for example
MTCDROM:\path\somefile.pdf, 9, 7, bad scan

says that the somefile.pdf found on the mt cdrom in the subdirectory 'path' has a page that has a bad scan on pdf page 9 which corresponds on to page 7 of the origional document.

In this manner, we can all help to report all the bad pages. Bad scans are first priority. Minor OCR problems are not important but major OCR gaffs should be reported.

This thread is a good place to contain all the MT CD scan problem reports.

I will create another such thread for the 2300 CD material in the 2300 forum.

Thanks for your help

I have been in communications with Marc concerning the numerous bad scans and poor OCR found in the pdfs provided on the MT CDROM.

I am currently working to detail these problems to ensure that they are corrected when Marc begins the corrective work in March.

Please, review your copies and post any problems in the following format.

"cdrom\path\document" "pdf page number" "document page number" "Description of Problem"

for example
MTCDROM:\path\somefile.pdf, 9, 7, bad scan

says that the somefile.pdf found on the mt cdrom in the subdirectory 'path' has a page that has a bad scan on pdf page 9 which corresponds on to page 7 of the origional document.

In this manner, we can all help to report all the bad pages. Bad scans are first priority. Minor OCR problems are not important but major OCR gaffs should be reported.

This thread is a good place to contain all the MT CD scan problem reports.

I will create another such thread for the 2300 CD material in the 2300 forum.

Thanks for your help

I have been in communications with Marc concerning the numerous bad scans and poor OCR found in the pdfs provided on the MT CDROM.

I am currently working to detail these problems to ensure that they are corrected when Marc begins the corrective work in March.

Please, review your copies and post any problems in the following format.

"cdrom\path\document" "pdf page number" "document page number" "Description of Problem"

for example
MTCDROM:\path\somefile.pdf, 9, 7, bad scan

says that the somefile.pdf found on the mt cdrom in the subdirectory 'path' has a page that has a bad scan on pdf page 9 which corresponds on to page 7 of the origional document.

In this manner, we can all help to report all the bad pages. Bad scans are first priority. Minor OCR problems are not important but major OCR gaffs should be reported.

This thread is a good place to contain all the MT CD scan problem reports.

I will create another such thread for the 2300 CD material in the 2300 forum.

Thanks for your help

MTCDROM:\books\0211 MT Player's Manual.pdf, 27, 28, both pages missing

MTCDROM:\books\0211 MT Player's Manual.pdf, 63, 64, both pages missing
MTCDROM:\books\0211 MT Player's Manual.pdf, 27, 28, both pages missing

MTCDROM:\books\0211 MT Player's Manual.pdf, 63, 64, both pages missing
MTCDROM:\books\0211 MT Player's Manual.pdf, 27, 28, both pages missing

MTCDROM:\books\0211 MT Player's Manual.pdf, 63, 64, both pages missing
In addition to above...sorry did not have time to format as per your request...

Challenge articles were promised but never delivered.

REFEREE’S COMPANION completely absent from this CD ROM.

Calculable, smart tables were promised but never delivered.

Errata not corrected just versions of different documents that had less errata.

In general scans were too dark making it difficult to read and this caused many of the problems noted below.

(all numbers refer to pages within original books, as PDF page counts would vary and make correction difficult)

Player’s Manual

Pages missing: #4, #27, #64, #64

Page#42 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#87 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#100 complete distorted image.

Page#101 image lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost and dust on the plate appear as dots.

Referee’s Manual

Page#89 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#102 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost

Imperial Encyclopaedia

Page#1 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#9 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#55 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#97 scan is too faint data is lost.

Back cover distortion on girl’s face

Rebellion Sourcebook

Poor scan of cover creates lines and black spaces.

Page#53 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is distorted.

Page#65 replace “lizard from Antares” with proper image of Craig.


Poor cover scan results in granulated appearance for the image

Page#96 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is indecipherable.

Back cover has white chafing marks

Fighting Ships

Page#25 image is upside down

Page#26 images illegible.


Page#4 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#11 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#47 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#76 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result data is illegible.

Page#93 image is difficult to discern

Page#96 illegible image.

Hard Times

Cover is a bad scan with lots of distortion

Page#1 too dark, lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost its detail present in the original.

Page#9 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost its detail present in the original.

Page#11 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.
Page#13 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#15 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#17 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#20 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#21 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#22 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#23 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#24 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#25 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#26 subsector map very difficult to read.

Page#35 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#39 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#42 Black distortion on the top of illustration

Page#47 Black distortion on the top of the illustration

Page#50 Black distortion on top of the illustration

Page#67 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#70 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#80 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#81 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#84 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#86 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#87 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#88 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#91 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#92 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#93 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#94 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#96 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the maps very difficult to read.

Assignment Vigilante

Poor cover scan

Page#8 upside down

Page#9 upside down

Back cover poor quality scan

Arrival Vengeance

Poor cover scan including sticker indicating GDW library

Page#1 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result distorts image.

Page#1 stamp indicating GDW library

Page#3 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#4 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#6 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the picture is distorted.

Page#12 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the picture is distorted

Page#17 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#24 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#25 spots on the image renders portions unreadable also another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#26 spots on the image renders portions unreadable also another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#31 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible. Another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#32 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image illegible.

Imperial Lines newsletters

It would seem that the original moved whilst scanning or bad copy was employed as words appears to have shadows.

Paragon MT0

It would seem that the original document moved whilst scanning or bad copy was employed as words appears to have shadows.
In addition to above...sorry did not have time to format as per your request...

Challenge articles were promised but never delivered.

REFEREE’S COMPANION completely absent from this CD ROM.

Calculable, smart tables were promised but never delivered.

Errata not corrected just versions of different documents that had less errata.

In general scans were too dark making it difficult to read and this caused many of the problems noted below.

(all numbers refer to pages within original books, as PDF page counts would vary and make correction difficult)

Player’s Manual

Pages missing: #4, #27, #64, #64

Page#42 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#87 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#100 complete distorted image.

Page#101 image lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost and dust on the plate appear as dots.

Referee’s Manual

Page#89 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#102 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost

Imperial Encyclopaedia

Page#1 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#9 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#55 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#97 scan is too faint data is lost.

Back cover distortion on girl’s face

Rebellion Sourcebook

Poor scan of cover creates lines and black spaces.

Page#53 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is distorted.

Page#65 replace “lizard from Antares” with proper image of Craig.


Poor cover scan results in granulated appearance for the image

Page#96 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is indecipherable.

Back cover has white chafing marks

Fighting Ships

Page#25 image is upside down

Page#26 images illegible.


Page#4 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#11 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#47 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#76 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result data is illegible.

Page#93 image is difficult to discern

Page#96 illegible image.

Hard Times

Cover is a bad scan with lots of distortion

Page#1 too dark, lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost its detail present in the original.

Page#9 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost its detail present in the original.

Page#11 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.
Page#13 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#15 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#17 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#20 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#21 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#22 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#23 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#24 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#25 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#26 subsector map very difficult to read.

Page#35 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#39 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#42 Black distortion on the top of illustration

Page#47 Black distortion on the top of the illustration

Page#50 Black distortion on top of the illustration

Page#67 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#70 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#80 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#81 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#84 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#86 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#87 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#88 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#91 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#92 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#93 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#94 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#96 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the maps very difficult to read.

Assignment Vigilante

Poor cover scan

Page#8 upside down

Page#9 upside down

Back cover poor quality scan

Arrival Vengeance

Poor cover scan including sticker indicating GDW library

Page#1 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result distorts image.

Page#1 stamp indicating GDW library

Page#3 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#4 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#6 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the picture is distorted.

Page#12 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the picture is distorted

Page#17 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#24 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#25 spots on the image renders portions unreadable also another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#26 spots on the image renders portions unreadable also another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#31 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible. Another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#32 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image illegible.

Imperial Lines newsletters

It would seem that the original moved whilst scanning or bad copy was employed as words appears to have shadows.

Paragon MT0

It would seem that the original document moved whilst scanning or bad copy was employed as words appears to have shadows.
In addition to above...sorry did not have time to format as per your request...

Challenge articles were promised but never delivered.

REFEREE’S COMPANION completely absent from this CD ROM.

Calculable, smart tables were promised but never delivered.

Errata not corrected just versions of different documents that had less errata.

In general scans were too dark making it difficult to read and this caused many of the problems noted below.

(all numbers refer to pages within original books, as PDF page counts would vary and make correction difficult)

Player’s Manual

Pages missing: #4, #27, #64, #64

Page#42 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#87 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#100 complete distorted image.

Page#101 image lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost and dust on the plate appear as dots.

Referee’s Manual

Page#89 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#102 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost

Imperial Encyclopaedia

Page#1 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#9 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#55 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#97 scan is too faint data is lost.

Back cover distortion on girl’s face

Rebellion Sourcebook

Poor scan of cover creates lines and black spaces.

Page#53 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is distorted.

Page#65 replace “lizard from Antares” with proper image of Craig.


Poor cover scan results in granulated appearance for the image

Page#96 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is indecipherable.

Back cover has white chafing marks

Fighting Ships

Page#25 image is upside down

Page#26 images illegible.


Page#4 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#11 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#47 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost.

Page#76 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result data is illegible.

Page#93 image is difficult to discern

Page#96 illegible image.

Hard Times

Cover is a bad scan with lots of distortion

Page#1 too dark, lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost its detail present in the original.

Page#9 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image is lost its detail present in the original.

Page#11 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.
Page#13 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#15 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#17 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the words on the map are lost.

Page#20 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#21 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#22 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#23 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#24 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#25 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text in the table illegible.

Page#26 subsector map very difficult to read.

Page#35 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#39 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#42 Black distortion on the top of illustration

Page#47 Black distortion on the top of the illustration

Page#50 Black distortion on top of the illustration

Page#67 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#70 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#80 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#81 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#84 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#86 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#87 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#88 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#91 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#92 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#93 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#94 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#96 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the maps very difficult to read.

Assignment Vigilante

Poor cover scan

Page#8 upside down

Page#9 upside down

Back cover poor quality scan

Arrival Vengeance

Poor cover scan including sticker indicating GDW library

Page#1 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result distorts image.

Page#1 stamp indicating GDW library

Page#3 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#4 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#6 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the picture is distorted.

Page#12 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the picture is distorted

Page#17 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#24 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible.

Page#25 spots on the image renders portions unreadable also another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#26 spots on the image renders portions unreadable also another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#31 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the text illegible. Another GDW library stamp on this page.

Page#32 lacks the grey scale in the original, as a result some of the image illegible.

Imperial Lines newsletters

It would seem that the original moved whilst scanning or bad copy was employed as words appears to have shadows.

Paragon MT0

It would seem that the original document moved whilst scanning or bad copy was employed as words appears to have shadows.

This is perfect! Except that the Referee's companion is named the referee's sourcebook and is with the rest of the books.

Nice Work.

best regards


This is perfect! Except that the Referee's companion is named the referee's sourcebook and is with the rest of the books.

Nice Work.

best regards


This is perfect! Except that the Referee's companion is named the referee's sourcebook and is with the rest of the books.

Nice Work.

best regards

Emm, I've just checked my CD, and it does include the Referee's Companion.
It's the first book on the second row on the contents screen.
The picture with the scouts their ship floating in water, and a kraken about to make first contact ;)
Emm, I've just checked my CD, and it does include the Referee's Companion.
It's the first book on the second row on the contents screen.
The picture with the scouts their ship floating in water, and a kraken about to make first contact ;)
Emm, I've just checked my CD, and it does include the Referee's Companion.
It's the first book on the second row on the contents screen.
The picture with the scouts their ship floating in water, and a kraken about to make first contact ;)
Originally posted by Dalton:

This is perfect! Except that the Referee's companion is named the referee's sourcebook and is with the rest of the books.

Nice Work.

best regards

Not on "my" disc, the link from the page goes nowhere and exploring the disk reveals nothing...
Originally posted by Dalton:

This is perfect! Except that the Referee's companion is named the referee's sourcebook and is with the rest of the books.

Nice Work.

best regards

Not on "my" disc, the link from the page goes nowhere and exploring the disk reveals nothing...