Thanks for your service major.
Great 1st effort!
I don't like it, I prefer original (which I've altered myself internally, but minor) so I'll think of this as Kinunir II.
The first thing I dislike is Engineering. It consumes 50-60% of the hull space. The original used 10-15% of hull. This massive loss of space causes compromises that eliminate many of the features. I'm assuming this is from MGT's build sequence? If so it appears flawed. Military ships are not built from civvie grade components except Belgards and their ilk.
I see no Captain's cabin. A captain on larger ships gets two cabin's (inport & sea i.e. in-port/J-apace & normal space). At sea is by the bridge as Capt must always be available. In-port is large for entertaining brass & port officials.
Would appear laser turrets converted to manual. Original were controlled from centralized FC station.
No need for bridge canteen, crew store better where gedunk is sold and little toiletries and novelties that make long cruises a little better. Navy serves 4 meals a day, galley is open 10 of 24 hrs. Breakfast lunch and dinner each at approx 6A,12N, 6P plus dogwatch around midnight. This guarantees that the "3rd shift" doesn't miss a meal because of sleep needs. the Dog watch is divided into 2 two-hr shifts to get all watchmen and those going off watch fed.
Ship has lost a lot of cargo space, food alone needs require a lot of cargo space as ship could easily go on long deployments with no civilized ports to stop at.
Loss of offices (I saw one plus cap'n) At least one or two more needed.
Services: Cleaning stores for scrubots and mops and pails, paint & chippers. Laundry facilities (very hard to predict needs, improved cleaning methods, self cleaning clothes, etc) are massive on bigger ships. White uniforms and dirt & oil not present on starships probably.
More rec area needed and gym/tanning/sauna. Oh female crew wants a beauty salon. Where'd that chapel go? Ships store is also post office, while e-mail will predominate you can't fax Jr. a scarf or chocolate cake.
Med bay not easily accessible, difficult moving gurneys and twisting at right angles. old medbay by lifts superior.
Lifts no longer central.
Where are Elec, Mech, metalurical shops and stores.
Either magazine is too small, or the missiles are mighty small.
Did I mention I hated the giant engineering spaces.
Saw no brig.
Saw no vacc st storage
Didn't see any ships lockers (except Marine's)
Loved Marine deck. All in one area.
Loved chief's mess.
So if the engineering could be condensed and a few tweaks made you'll have a winner here.