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Multiclassing and Prior Experience Question


When you accumulate enough XP to advance levels using Prior Experience, is it possible to multiclass before starting gameplay? Or is multiclassing disallowed during Prior Experience?
Originally posted by Reginald:
When you accumulate enough XP to advance levels using Prior Experience, is it possible to multiclass before starting gameplay? Or is multiclassing disallowed during Prior Experience?
Yes multiclassing is allowed during Prior History.

Sweet. :cool:

One more question, if that is the case, how would you resolve reenlistment during Prior History? In T20 Lite you indicate to me (in another thread) the DC for reenlistment for Merchant. Is that reenlistment DC across the board for all character (regardless of class) or for just that class. If that is the case, what if you multiclass to another class during Prior History, do you use that class's reenlistment DC?

Of course, this may be confusing since you have to make the adjustment after every term, rather than roll out all the terms your character have served and total up the XP at the end.
You are confusing re-enlsting in a career with multi-classing for you characters levels.

The Career is what you are rolling through in the prior history system, and what you need to re-enlist in.

The Classes (single or multi) are where you spend the experience points you get from the career. There are requirements for the classes to get the class features, but no re-enlistment requirements.

Or another way: You can only have one career at a time, but can have mutiple classes at once. What may make this more confusing is that all of the classes each have their own career.
I can see why these rules weren't included in the lite version since they are only giving you the one class to use in those rules.

I noticed this but expect it to be fully and clearly explained in the book when it comes out.
Originally posted by Hunter:
Or another way: You can only have one career at a time, but can have mutiple classes at once. What may make this more confusing is that all of the classes each have their own career.
Okay, I find this confusing. As an example, I have a Merchant character that I'm generating, how can I logically have them multiclass as another class that can't be explained as anything but a career (eg Navy, Scouts, any military)?

Or put simply, how can I join the military when I'm doing something else during a given 4-year span?
Originally posted by Dree:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hunter:
Or another way: You can only have one career at a time, but can have mutiple classes at once. What may make this more confusing is that all of the classes each have their own career.
Okay, I find this confusing. As an example, I have a Merchant character that I'm generating, how can I logically have them multiclass as another class that can't be explained as anything but a career (eg Navy, Scouts, any military)?

Or put simply, how can I join the military when I'm doing something else during a given 4-year span?
</font>[/QUOTE]You can't join the military when you are already in another 'career term'. You can't take levels in a service class unless you are in an active duty term with that service (except for scouts). Once you leave that service, no more levels.

Okay, one other thing. Under skills there's no mention of any limitations in advancing class-specific skills. Is this an oversight, or can a character advance a class-specific skill w/out advancing a level in said class?

And one other, one other thing. Where is JoT?
Originally posted by Dree:
Okay, one other thing. Under skills there's no mention of any limitations in advancing class-specific skills. Is this an oversight, or can a character advance a class-specific skill w/out advancing a level in said class?
That's something in the d20 rules that probably can't be legally reprinted in T20 becuase it has to do with how characters advance in level, and that's one of the no-go areas in the OGL.

Check the PHB, p 56. Basically, for skills that are exclusive to one class, the maximum rank allowed is based on the number of levels you have in that class alone. If you haven't bought the skill up to its maximum, you could spend new skill points there regardless of what class you just advanced in, but the limit will be lower than for normal skills.
Just refer to the XP chart in the Player's Handbook. It tells you the maximum rank for class & cross-class skills, when you acquire feats, and when you can increase one ability score.
Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dree:
Okay, one other thing. Under skills there's no mention of any limitations in advancing class-specific skills. Is this an oversight, or can a character advance a class-specific skill w/out advancing a level in said class?
That's something in the d20 rules that probably can't be legally reprinted in T20 becuase it has to do with how characters advance in level, and that's one of the no-go areas in the OGL.

Check the PHB, p 56. Basically, for skills that are exclusive to one class, the maximum rank allowed is based on the number of levels you have in that class alone. If you haven't bought the skill up to its maximum, you could spend new skill points there regardless of what class you just advanced in, but the limit will be lower than for normal skills.
</font>[/QUOTE]But there's the rub. You cannot advance class-restricted skills (those that are marked w/an "X" on the skill table) unless you advance a level in that particular class.

I was thinking that it may be prudent to clarify this (especially with the distinction between careers and classes).

Looking at the SRD, I don't think providing this clarification breaks any rules. But Hunter will know if that's possible or not.