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My variation on Paul Elliott's Task System

About personal combat, I'll have to re-read through the first few pages of Striker for ideas - my general though is about
Skill+Attribute DM (LBB2-style?)+Penetration+other favorable DMs+2D6-Armor-Range DMs-Evasion DM-other negative DMs

If result is 8+ then there is a hit; I don't know how to determine the effect of the hit based on how much the result is over 8, but I think striker does
In the Personnel Wound Table for Striker...

3 or less No effect
4-7 Light wound
8-11 Serious wound
12+ Death
DM's: + Pen, - Armour

If you incorporated both the armour and the Pen value then the number above 8+ could be the DM on this table. It says a light wound is 3D and a serious wound is 6D.

I wouldn't use both attributes for something. I would average them - otherwise your numbers get out of whack. One task will need a 24+ for a difficult task, with another one just needing a 14+ (counting all the mods).
I really think I'll go back to Paul Elliott's "one attribute per task" approach. Less complications that way, and it will make sense for almost every task. If a task needs two skills, it could be broken into two tasks anyway, each with one skill.
My combat system idea:
Positive DMs+2d6-Negative DMs

Range modifiers are according to LBB1 p.46 and might be either positive or negative, depending on weapon and range.

Positive DMs:
- Weapon Skill
- DM +1 if DEX (ranged) or STR (melee) is 8+
- Weapon Penetration
- DM +1 if the target is large (from horse to light tank size)
- DM +2 if the target is huge (MBT to 200 dton ship).
- DM +3 if the target is a 200+ dton ship.

Negative DMs:
- Obscuration/Smoke (-2)
- Darkness (-4)
- Evading Target (-2)
- DM -1 if DEX (ranged) or STR (melee) is 4-
- Armor Rating
- DM -2 if the attacker is running
- DM -1 if the target is small (dog sized or less)

Compare the result to this table:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">7 or less No Effect
8 exactly 2D damage
9-10 3D damage
11-12 6D damage
13-14 8D damage
15-16 10D damage
17 or more Death</pre>[/QUOTE]So combat is based on two rolls: one to hit/penetration, the other is the damage roll (applied as per CT). Ship combat uses a VERY similar procedure but uses a different table (which refers the player to LBB2 hit location tables), as provided by Sigg Oddra; I'll build a robot/vehicle table soon.

I am also in favor of abandoning the "first hit in combat is more deadly than other hits" LBB1 rule; instead, shooting/swinging at a surprised target should give a positive DM to the attacker.

Penetration is from Striker and should fall within "proper use" guidelines; I use the "effective range" values as longer range attenuation is subsumed into negative range DMs.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Laser Pistol 4
Laser Carbine 7
Laser Rifle 9
PGMP-12 20
PGMP-13 25
PGMP-14 25
FGMP-14 34
FGMP-15 34
Revolver 1
Autopistol 1
Body Pistol 0
Snub P. (HE) 1
Snub P. (HEAP) 6
Gauss Pistol 4
Shotgun 1 (additional damage rules needed)
Carbine 2
Rifle 3
Auto-Rifle 3
Assault Rifle 3
Accelerator R. 1
ACR (Slugs) 4
ACR (DS) 6
ACR (HE) 3
Gauss Rifle 7
LAG (HE) 3
LAG (Flechette) 2 (additional damage rules needed)
VRF Gauss Gun 21

Claws 3
Teeth 4
Horns 5
Hooves 4
Stinger 5
Thrasher 8
Hands 1
Club 2
Dagger 2
Blade 3
Foil 3
Cutlass 3
Sword 4
Broadsword 7
Hand Axe 6
Battleaxe 8
Bayonet 3
Spear 3
Halberd 5
Pike 2
Staff/Cudgel 2</pre>[/QUOTE]Armor Values
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Jack 1 (against melee only)
Mesh 2
Cloth 5
Flak Jacket 3
Ablat 1 (6 against lasers)
Reflec 10 (against lasers only)
Vacc Suit 5
Combat armor 10
Battledress 10</pre>[/QUOTE]
So let's make an example:
Telina (UPP 898765, Combat Rifleman-2) fires her Assault rifle on single (Penetration +3) at Constantine (UPP A6C568, Combat Rifleman-3), who's standing in Medium range from her (DM -1) and is wearing Cloth armor (DM -5). Telina gets an additional DM of +1 for her DEX of 9.

Telina rolls 5, which is a miss (5+2+1+3-1-5=5).

Constantine fires his Assault Rifle back at Telina (who is wearing Mesh armor, DM -2) ; he doesn't get any DM for his Dexterity of 6.

Constantine rolls 6 and hits Telina (6+3+3-1-2=9) for 3D of damage.

In this Task system's terms, combat is an Opposed Task, though in ranged combat the target doesn't apply a skill modifier.
I like it

Oh, do you have any idea about scaling personell/vehicle/robot damage to ship scale and vica versa?

And remember - this system is (generally speaking) compatible with Striker designs.
Originally posted by Jame:
I would tend to give pistols either 2d or 3d damage, and rifles 1d damage more than pistols.
My system (and Striker) has different Penetration for pistols and rifles; damage is influenced by penetration, but also by skill, range and other considerations as well. So yes, generally speaking, a pistol will cause 2D-3D of damage, and a rifle more than that; but a good shot could cause much more damage or even kill.
I will consolidate all of this into a single Word2000 file later this week, along with the accompanying "modern house rules" combat ystem and conversion guidelines for Striker vehicles (as about 75%-90% of the Striker data is irrelevant for standard Traveller play unless severe gearheadonism is preferred, in which case Striker should be used as-is