Ok, I had to invent a new FTL drive for my Dark Stars ATU in order to make things fit the setting better. Only problem is, I'm horrible with names o:
So, welcome to the name that drive contest!
The winner will receive an all expense paid, extravagant, and totally heartfelt, thank you!
The details of the drive are given here. In short it's a bit of a mix of a Niven's Alderson point drive, a short legged OTU Traveller Jump drive, and a retarded variant of 2300AD's Stutterwarp.
So, welcome to the name that drive contest!
The winner will receive an all expense paid, extravagant, and totally heartfelt, thank you!
The details of the drive are given here. In short it's a bit of a mix of a Niven's Alderson point drive, a short legged OTU Traveller Jump drive, and a retarded variant of 2300AD's Stutterwarp.