And the winner is...
Tallying up the votes and reading the responses (Thank you one and all!), the tentative name for the drive is... the Quantum Skip drive. Many thanks to Hans (Ranke2) whose suggested the 'Skip' portion of the name, and incidentally was the first respondent. Thanks Hans!
However that's not quite the end of the naming, by popular demand, engineers across the Dark Stars universe commonly use the alternate colloquial names 'Foobar' and 'Snafu' drive.
Manufacturers in various areas have applied various names to the Quantum Skip drive technology for their product lines such as: Hop drive, Weidelstein 7A Stellerator drive, Star Blaster drive, System Transit Sphere drive, and Holly drive.
There is also a rather disreputable salesman running around non-human space selling something he calls "The Infinite Improbability Dual Quantum Reality Denial Device, Mark XIM, with local modifications!"; which may or may not be a knock off of one of the drive designs offered by the large corporations.
This was one of the more entertaining parts of designing the Dark Stars ATU so far. The other parts are coming along but I'm beginning to realize at least one person's advice was quite heartfelt; the more realistic you get, the more realistic you need to get. I find myself diving into details that, while necessary, are driving the development time up... almost like a few software projects I once worked on
Thanks again all,