Depends on the capital invested in the structures. Prefab is probably too bulky to ship, but doesn't mean you can't ship "ikea" houses, flat-pak "kits".
That said I think initially you'd have something modular. 1 kit to make a 75 sq meters, but you can bolt them to together to make 150m^2 buildings. Something along that line. So, likely some kind of modular wall structure to make boxy buildings. Depending on the weather, they can remain flat roof, or perhaps add in a little slope with some drains just to keep water from pooling.
Have separate doors, but you just cut holes in to the walls to mount them. Windows can be similar.
You could reuse containers, but containers are actually pretty lousy for housing. Great for storage, maybe small workshops.
dry wall and stick "lumber" (could be wood, could be metal, could be plastic) is very space efficient, if you have the skilled labor to do the assembly. But it's more labor intensive.