I suspect Earth would not want to "nuke 'em from orbit," as that tends to muddy up the place you want to colonize and industrialize with radiation. Neutron bombs might be used to "set an example" and cow a populace to submission. Note this strategy works does not work in pre-industrialized civilizations because they can't communicate quickly to find out about the threat.
Hence, why i suggested orbital Kinetic strikes. An object moving fast enough can easily generate a kiloton or megaton scale impact, but with any of the fallout of nucular weaponry. you can get the army shattering bang, but with less colatteral damage and no onging pollution. I aggree dropping one near a city isn't going to endear you to the locals, though.
and who says you can't use it to impress low tech planets? you just need to repeat the demonstration a few times, that's all. hell, a very high altidude event is going to be visable across whole continents.
plus, if thier of a low enough tech level that they don't have a functioning planetary communications network (not even telegraph), then your grav-tank riding Legionnares armed with Lasguns aren't really going to break a sweat if they need to kill them the old fashioned way.
Yes, I suspect you're right. I believe that Earth recruits or conscripts soldiers from one colony and takes them to the next, with an offer of full citizenship to the survivors.
A classic tactic, with many historical precedants.
Thier is a old roman fort, not far form where i live, in the north of england, that historical documentation says was manned mainly by numidian auxilia (all i can say about a bunch of north african tribesmen being sent to patrol the Lake District or Hardrians Wall is: those poor buggers...

just bear in mind conscripts are mainly concerned with Getting Through My Time Unhurt, rather than actually doing the job they were conscripted for. it will be somthing the players will need to remember if they are having to rely on conscripted Auxilia for muscle.
It's the hackdrive that allows quick interplanetary travel, too. Sure, a dropship could unload a bunch of inexpensive torchships, but I think that hackdrives are probably more efficient in a lot of ways. Mainly, since they ignore gravity, they enjoy a huge fuel-energy-efficiency. Remember, the hackdrive isn't what gets people from star to star, exactly. It's the sungate. The hackdrive is what gets people from the planet to the sungate quickly. The p-shields make the sungate accessible without disintegration. The sungate is just a wormhole.
Maybe some other civilizations have torchships and p-shields, but no hackdrives, so they take a long time getting to a sungate but can make the jumps. Hackdrive ships are infinitely faster and more maneuverable than torchships, of course, and would eat them alive in combat
have you removed traveller jump drives entirely, then? Again, that would change the standard assumptions quite a lot. if ships effectivly only need to carry P plant fuel, it means they are much more capable than the standard traveller designs.
then again, by standard MgT rules, Nova Roma can only build ships up to 50,000 Dtons anyway, due to tech-imposed computer limits. Nova Roma's largest battleship would be a simmilar size to low end heavy cruser of the third imperium.
A rival, TL 10 polity could only build 10,000 Dton ships, and a TL9 early jump civ is limited to 5,000 Dtons by comp limits. Low TL traveller is practically a Small Ship Universe!
Also, bear in mind that Traveller's standard gravtic M-drives give you reasonable speeds and travel times and fuel economy. A zero/zero trip of 1 AU at 1G is less than 3 days, and only 28 hours at 6G.
unless you're taking out gravity manipulation tech, in which case your hackdrive needs to be accurate enough to land or launch a ship with, or else the costs of getting things into orbit will be, to excuse the pun,
I've been thinking about the weapons questions, and here's what I've come to: Energy weapons are basically useless against a ship with its shields fully up. That ship also can't see anyone; it's essentially blind.
rather like a Black Globe Generator, then? intresting......
have you considered how a P-sheild and Spinal mounts interact? while standard laser turrets may not be up to scratch, large spinal mounts may be able to dump enough energy on target to breach a sheild......
Ack! I missed the fact that the corona is much hotter than the sun's "inside." I just assumed it got cooler as you got more distant from the core. My bad.
worry not, the temp values are misleading.
the corona is "hotter", yes, in that each particle has more energy, but the particle
desity is very low, which means it won't have much heating effect on a starship placed inside the corona, as their would be only a few collisions with the starship.
certainly, the effects would be very minor, compared to the direct, radiation heating form the sun only a few thouand KM away.......