The lmperium is a strong interstellar government possessed of great industrial and technological might, but unable, due to the sheer distances and travel times involved, to exert total control at all levels everywhere within its star-spanning realm. It encompasses 281 subsectors and approximately 11,000 worlds. Approaching 1100 years old, it is the third human empire to control this area of the galaxy, the oldest, and the strongest. Nevertheless, it is under great pressure from its neighbouring interstellar governments, and does not have the strength nor the power which it once had.
On the frontiers the lmperium allows a large degree of autonomy to its subject worlds calling only for some respect for its overall policies, and for a united front against outside pressures. Extensive home rule provisions allow planetary populations to choose their own forms of government, raise and maintain armed forces for local security, pass and enforce laws governing local conduct, and regulate (within limits) commerce. To monitor the space lanes, the lmperium maintains a Navy. Because these forces can never be everywhere at once, local provinces (subsectors) also maintain navies, as do individual worlds.
Defence of the frontier is mostly provided by local indigenous forces, stiffened by scattered lmperial naval bases manned by small but extremely sophisticated forces.
Conflicting local interests often settle their differences by force of arms, with lmperial forces looking quietly the other way, unable to effectively intervene as a police force in any but the most wide-spread of conflicts without jeopardizing their primary mission of the defence of the realm. Only when local conflicts threaten either the security or the economy of the area do lmperial forces take an active hand, and then it is with speed and overwhelming force.
At the spinward edge, 120 parsecs from the original center of the Imperium, the Marches represent one of the furthest extents of exploration and domination by Imperial forces. Lying adjacent to territory of the Zhodani Consulate and the Vargr Extents, this region is a site which has seen much conflict and intrigue.
I have been introduced to Classic Traveller over the holiday, and now I am hooked. However, I am very new to Traveller and the Imperium storyline. Where do I start, or what should I read to get a better understanding how the 3rd Imperium works or is structured?
Thank you
You don't have to play in the 3I (Third Imperium) setting at all. You can generate (or borrow) a background of your own.
Thank you everyone. It is good to meet all of you. Does anyone know of a play by email or virtual board? I was introduced to Traveller by some house guests over the holiday, and now I am hooked.
Thank you everyone. It is good to meet all of you. Does anyone know of a play by email or virtual board? I was introduced to Traveller by some house guests over the holiday, and now I am hooked.
If you specifically want to use Classic Traveller, the CD on the FFE website is pretty cheap at $35 and contains 95 PDFs of the Classic Traveller books. Everything you need to play. I"ve copied the PDFs over on to my hard drive for easier access. Works great!
Through most of the 1980s FASA made a great many supplements and adventures for Traveller* - they were among the best, in many ways. As Traveller was first published in 1977, I'd say that FASA took 2D6 from GDW.
* until MegaTraveller came out in Jan 1987 there was only one Traveller edition (and still is only one as far as I am concerned).
I want to simulate events that take place beyond the normal game session time.
For example: characters mine ore or prospect, some normal tasks that would not allow for great rpg game play session. However, during that time they had to fight off bandits or claim jumpers only twice within a week. At the end of the week, the party was able to mine 4 oz of gold.
Has anyone experimented with something like this? I am currently building an event chart, but wanted some ideas since I am a little rusty with RPing and RPGs.
Skills and the referee: It is impossible for any table of information to cover all aspects of a potential situation, and the above listing is by no means complete in its coverage of the effects of skills. This is where the referee becomes an important part of the game process. The above listing of skills and game effects must necessarily be taken as a guide, and followed, altered, or ignored as the actual situation dictates.
If Classic Traveller were ever to receive a 'remastered' edition I would include this whole section in the core LBB1-3.Situation Throws: In the absence of any other guidance, the referee may always resort to the situation throw. When an incident first occurs, throw two dice to determine its relative severity. A low roll means that it is easy, a high roll means comparative difficulty. The number achieved is now the situation number. The player characters involved, when they attempt to deal with the situation, must roll the situation number or higher on two dice, They are, of course, allowed DMs based on any appropriate skills. Tools, assistance, and equipment may also provide beneficial DMs; weather, haste, adverse environment, or other handicaps may impose negative DMs. It is even possible for a referee to make the situation number greater than 12, thus making success impossible unless the players can provide necessary skills or tools with DMs to get their throw also above 12.
Example of Throws: An adventurer (46797A) has experienced a malfunction in the drive room of her vessel. The situation seems hopeless at the moment, and she is forced to abandon ship. The air lock hatch, however, is warped shut. A quick resolution to the problem is to state that she must roll strength or less to force it open. After several unsuccessful rolls, she casts about for a pry bar to help her.
The referee arbitrarily rules that the bar allows -4 on the die roll (the referee could guess or roll one die for the result).
On the next roll, the adventurer is successful; then she makes her way to the ship's locker for her vacc suit. Grabbing a survival pack, she proceeds to abandon ship. She knows that the drives cannot stand the strain much longer, and that she must get out immediately. The referee decides that the drives will explode on 9+ in the current turn, 8+ in the next turn, and so on, The referee decides that the character's last minute repair attempts have been partially successful, and he increases the needed roll by her level of engineering skill (Engineering-2) to 11+.
The adventurer needs to find a survival kit before she leaves the ship, but one extra turn will be needed to gather it up. The referee rolls to see if the ship explodes this turn (11+). It does not, and she grabs the survival kit.
On the second turn, she cycles through the airlock while the referee checks for an explosion again (10+ this time); once more the ship remains intact.
On the third turn, while the character is drifting away from the ship, the referee rolls 11 and the drives explode (9+ was needed).
The distress call from her radio attracts a local asteroid miner. He is required by custom and law to pick her up, but may net like being diverted to an unprofitable rescue mission.
The referee rolls two dice for his reaction: the result is 4. She must now convince him to take her to the local starport so that she can arrange salvage of her ship. She may add any applicable skills, such as streetwise, bribery, even DM -1 for Intelligence 9+ if the referee thinks this appropriate.
Obviously, in a situation such as this, repeated requests will not be possible (or they may be allowed at DM -1 per additional request). Probably she only gets to try once.
Even with DMs totaling -3, she rolls an 8, which does not convince the miner to go out of his way to help her. She is stuck on his ship until he finishes his prospecting run of (the referee rolls one die) 4 months. Judging by his reaction roll to her, he'll probably make her pay for room and board as well.