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New Weapons

Does anyone know the proper weights for the PPGMP-14, FGMP-14, & FGMP-15?

The info given on page 200 of the THB doesn't seem correct.

If it was taken directly from CT, it could be a mistake.

I vaguely remember some eratta from back then. I believe the correct info is as follows:

PGMP-14 Weight: 9kg/500g Ammo Weight: 16kg/900g
FGMP-14 Weight: 10kg Ammo Weight: 9kg
FGMP-15 Weight: 10kg/500g Ammo Weight: 20kg/1100g

If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

I'm working on more stuff, including nanotech/bioware etc..

Originally posted by vegascat:
At TL 7, WWII tech, the bombs grew in size and accuracy. Aircraft bombs of the time were thin cased at up to 45% NEW. The bombs were 100 Lbs, 250 Lbs, 500 Lbs, up to 750 Lbs for normal aircraft bombs. Special bombs were up to 12,000 Lbs

The British has 22000lb bombs yes 10Ton bombs in the second world war (one to a Lancaster bomber) they dropped them on the Sub pens at cherbourg and the Canals in Germany. So the Americans didnt invent the worlds biggest bomb (a british ton is bigger than an american ton).
They where very good at penetrating concrete about 40ft if i remember correctly.
You didnt have to be very accurate either, Any book on Bomber Command should have photos or 617 Squadren (yes the dam busters) i think they dropped them.

The case of the bombs has to be heavy for several reasons. The case fragments into high speed frag to cause severe damage to anything hit. It contains the detonation within the explosive filler until full combustion is achieved. If it is too light, the bomb will deform under manuvering, possible causing catastophic detonation. The BLU 109 is a penatrator, meant to go yards into the target before detonation. The BLU82/B is delivered by cargo aircraft, not normal combat aircraft, and is delivered with a drag parachute.

Does this answer your questions?
The British bomb was uncontroled (let go and watch it fall then wait for the Kaboom.
non lethal crowd control.

strobe light devices keyed to induce epileptic seizures either grand mal or absences

sonic weapons pitched to induce unconscousnes linked to other music programme to taste

emetic gas ie gas designed to make you puke your guts out

all three could be added to starship security devices. all are based on current tech /ideas
Hey LordRhys! the book info is right. At TL 14 they start to and a gravitic field generator to compensate for the recoil. As a result the weapon becomes lighter. The weight before the slash is the actual weapons weight and the weight after the slash is with the grav generator active.
What is the reference for this info?

The original info from CT: Striker appears to be quite different.

The stats shown on page 200 of the THB are inconsistant even with each other.

The PGMP-13 (A TL13 weapon) is listed as weighing 900 grams, the same weight as a TL4 revolver, yet this miniscule weapon does 7d12 damage (2d12 vs vehicles). A PGMP-14 is listed as weighing 9kg with the power off. The drive train for a grav belt only has a volume of .96vl, and is capable of flying a 100 kg person at a speed of 120kph. What's up with that?

A Marine equipped with TL13 Battle Dress and an FGMP-14 is less expensive to put together than a less capable Marine in TL14 Combat Armor and a PGMP-14 (not even 1/2 the cost). Who in their right mind would choose the Combat Armor equipped Marine?

All of the personal energy weapons on page 200 are shown with incorrect weights.

The correct info is out there somewhere.

Originally posted by campbell:
non lethal crowd control.

strobe light devices keyed to induce epileptic seizures either grand mal or absences

sonic weapons pitched to induce unconscousnes linked to other music programme to taste

emetic gas ie gas designed to make you puke your guts out

all three could be added to starship security devices. all are based on current tech /ideas
Thanx for one voice of reason amidst these insane...errr forget it.
I really love those puke sticks shown in Minority Report (Melee attack, hit target has a fortitude save vs. DC 25 or is puking and afterwards exhausted for 2d4 rounds?
Originally posted by LordRhys
What is the reference for this info?

The original info from CT: Striker appears to be quite different.

The stats shown on page 200 of the THB are inconsistant even with each other.

The PGMP-13 (A TL13 weapon) is listed as weighing 900 grams, the same weight as a TL4 revolver, yet this miniscule weapon does 7d12 damage (2d12 vs vehicles). A PGMP-14 is listed as weighing 9kg with the power off. The drive train for a grav belt only has a volume of .96vl, and is capable of flying a 100 kg person at a speed of 120kph. What's up with that?
Well as to my reference you can find that info on page 203-204 of the Traveller20 hand book. As to the drive train, I'd it's less bulky because it's made with a different function in mind. I doubt you could fly on this one, it's just not made for it.
Though that dose open some possibilities for juryriging a grav belt.

Hope this helps.

B-Bye now
My point is that the info in the T20 THB is incorrect. It's based on incorrect info from Megatraveller. That means that the THB is not a suitable reference for the info, and the weights should be corrected (It's never a good idea to copy other's mistakes).

As for the grav drive train. There is no real difference in the technology for Grav Belts and grav based recoil compensation. Both are a means of acceleration. The recoil compensation in a FGMP-15 reduces weight, and when the weapon is fired, it pushes against the recoil created by the weapon. Fundamentally there is no difference between a Grav Belt and a grav compensated fusion gun, so the size of the grav devices should reflect this.

Originally posted by LordRhys:
Does anyone know the proper weights for the PPGMP-14, FGMP-14, & FGMP-15?

The info given on page 200 of the THB doesn't seem correct.

If it was taken directly from CT, it could be a mistake.
They are correct. Those weapons require the user to be wearing Battledress to operate them. The recoil systems that are found in the lower level versions are built into the Battledress system instead. Hence the lower overall weights for the PGMP-13, the FGMP-14 and FGMP-15.

Originally posted by LordRhys:

They do seem small for the amount of damage they do though. And CT had them much heavier.

Nope, those are the same values as from CT Book 4 Mercenary.

Sorry, lost my copy of Mercenary in a flood. It's been about 18 years since I had all the books. I thought there was some sort of old errata from way back though.

The most popular close-combat weapon IMTU is the Riotgun:

Hypergolic reactants are sprayed into a combustion chamber, most of the gas is used to blast a continuous spray of razor-sharp metal 'shrapnel' at your poor, unfortunate target. The rest is blasted out of a 'muzzle-brake' to eliminate recoil. Result is a zero-recoil automatic shotgun. Trigger has 2 pulls, first is to a 1/2 second burst, 2nd is continuous fire. Has a hell of a signature (sounds like a CO2 extinguisher on steroids), and is prone to blasting out semi-reacted propellant in a flaming cloud around the muzzle (poor maintenance / fumble / sadistic ref)

Cost 750, TL10, Wt. 2500, ROF 1/10, Range 3m, Dmg 3d10/2d10/1d10 (19),Size S,Type Pierce, Recoil No, Ammo 10 rnds (5 seconds of continuous fire)1000g Cr50

My players usually refer to this weapon as the "Sushi-Grinder"

"Tough on filth, but easy on your walls!"

For extra nastiness, feel free to load incindiary shrapnel (titanium is a nice real-world material to use) & kick those dice up to 12's! Just remember to increase the ammo price (x5), pay the extra Cr250 for the refractory ceramic barrel lining, and wear your sunglasses!. :cool: Burning titanium is quite a bit like burning magnesium - blindingly bright, incredibly hot (~3000 F) and impossible to extinguish (it will burn in pure nitrogen!). Make sure your comrades are wearing their sunglasses too, because anyone nearby is going to making DC100 spot checks to find their hand in front of their face!

Of course, smart bad guys always wear insta-dark sunglasses
another non lethal crowd control item.

for shotguns or hi powered rifles ammunition with a cartridge gauranteed not to penetrate but to spread on impact . something like gelatine /a jelly like cartridge. the idea of the weapon is to knock down the opponent with the force and then for yourself or a colleague to slap the restraints on them.
another idea for usage would be in a light machine gun . given that in crowds it takes a while to work up the courage to charge or act in a violent manner(lets assume these people are civilised) then by knocking down large numbers of them combined with the effects of seeing and hearing the automatic weapon its bound to reduce their enthusiasm and discourage the mob.
About that Plasma Pistol. Are the strength requirements different for T20? I'm finding that strength 14+ is not that unusual. :confused:
An average ability score in T20 is 10 or 11.

A STR 14 gives the character a +2 bonus. There are few skills that use STR for bonuses, and the only combat advantage is extra damage with melee weapons.

Weapon hit bonuses in T20 are based on DEX.

If you use a point system for abilty scores, you don't have a lot of extra points for non-essential abilties, and a STR 14 isn't going to be that common.

Besides, a Gauss pistol firing a 4-round burst does as much damage, has as many shots, has no recoil, and has a better range also.

The Plasma Pistol was designed for characters who want a large impressive gun to wave around and scare people with, and at close range is a devastating weapon.

Her's some updated material.

Traveller Weapons
T. L. Rice 5-18-03

Cost TL Weight RoF Range DMG(Crit) Size Type Recoil Rnd Wt Cost

2mm Gauss Pistol Cr1000 13 300g 1 40m 1d8 (x3) S P No 20 150g Cr80
10mm Magnum Gauss Pistol Cr5000 13 2Kg 1 60m 2d12(x2) S P No 20 500g Cr500
Gyrojet Pistol Cr250 8 650g 1 24m 1d12 (x2) S P No 6 180g Cr20

Battle Dress Gauss Rifle Cr10000 13 15Kg 1/4/10 150m 4d12 (x2) H P Yes 40 2400g Cr200
Gauss Heavy Hunting Rifle Cr4000 12 4400g 1 100m 3d12 (x2) L P Yes 5 500g Cr40
Gyrojet Carbine Cr800 8 2kg 1 50m 1d12 (x2) L P No 20 500g Cr40

Gauss Heavy Machinegun Cr12000 12 30Kg 10/20 150m 4d12 (x2) H P Yes 200 12Kg Cr80
Gauss LMG Cr4000 12 6kg 10/20 150m 2d12 (x2) L P No 200 2500g Cr150
Gauss SMG Cr4000 13 2kg 4/10 80m 1d12 (x2) S P No 60 375g Cr300
Heavy Machinegun Cr5000 5 40Kg 4/10 120m 3d10 (x2) H P Yes 100 15Kg Cr80

Advanced Laser Pistol Cr2000 15 900g 1 36m 2d10 (x2) S Laser No 25 200g Cr200
Advanced Laser Carbine Cr5000 15 4kg 1 45m 3d8 (x2) M Laser No 50 1Kg Cr400
Advanced Laser Rifle Cr7000 15 4500g 1 60m 3d10 (x2) M Laser No 100 1500g Cr600
Advanced Assault Laser Cr9000 15 6800g 1/4 60m 3d10 (x2) M Laser No 120 2Kg Cr800
Advanced Laser SMG Cr6000 15 1400g 1/4 36m 2d10 (x2) S Laser No 40 400g Cr350
Advanced Support Laser Cr9000 15 10kg 1/4 90m 4d10 (x2) L Laser No 200 4Kg Cr2000
Arm Laser Cr1400 13 1200g 1 36m 2d10 (x2) M Laser No 25 500g Cr100
Pocket Laser Pistol Cr1500 15 500g 1 24m 1d10 (x2) S Laser No 10 100g Cr150

Adv. Infantry Combat Weapon Cr3500 8 6kg -- -- -- L -- -- -- -- --
Assault Rifle -- -- -- 1/4 45m 1d12 (x2) -- P Yes 30 330g Cr20
25mm Grenade -- -- -- 1 100m By Grenade -- Varies No 5 1500g Varies
Adv. Infantry Gauss Weapon Cr4500 12 5kg -- -- -- L -- -- -- -- --
Gauss Rifle -- -- -- 1/4/10 96m 2d12 (x2) -- P No 40 400g Cr30
Gauss Grenade -- -- -- 1 100m By Grenade -- Varies No 5 1Kg Varies
Auto Grenade Launcher Cr4500 7 32Kg 4/10 100m By Grenade H Varies Yes 48 28Kg Varies
Heavy Gauss Rifle Cr5000 12 6500g 1 150m 4d12 (x2) L P Yes 10 600g Cr50
Heavy Sniper Rifle Cr2500 8 12Kg 1 120m 3d10 (x2) H P Yes 5 900g Cr8
Pistol Grenade -- 8 -- 1 50m By Grenade S Varies Yes 1 300g Varies

Plasma Pistol Cr3000 15 2kg 1 18m 3d12 (18) S Energy Yes 10 500g Cr1000


Heavy Machinegun: This weapon is usually mounted on a vehicle, but a tripod (Cr500, 30Kg) is available for the machinegun. Heavy Machineguns typically fire 12mm-15mm high-velocity ammunition in a variety of types.


Auto Grenade Launcher: The Auto Grenade Launcher is usually mounted on a vehicle, but a tripod (Cr700, 38Kg) is available for the weapon. Auto Grenade Launchers typically fire 40mm ammunition in a variety of types. To approximate the effect of overlapping grenade bursts double the grenade's burst radius when firing a 4-round burst, and triple it with a 10-round burst.


Advanced Infantry Combat Weapon: This is an Assault Rifle coupled with a 25mm Grenade Launcher. The 25mm Grenades although smaller, are the equal of the lower tech versions (Use regular grenade burst and damage). The AICW is designed as a single weapon system, and the components are not separable into different weapons.
Gyrojet Weapons: These weapons fire 12mm spin stabilized rockets at a velocity of approximately 450 mps. The first practical gyrojet weapons appear at this Tech Level. Earlier models were unreliable, and used slower burning rockets that did not reach maximum velocity before 60 meters. Improved, more reliable, rapid burning propellants now allow the rockets to reach maximum velocity within 1 meter of the muzzle.
Heavy Sniper Rifle: A specialty weapon firing the same high-velocity ammo as the Heavy Machinegun. The powerful recoil and heavy weight of this weapon requires the firer to be size L or larger and have STR 18+, or use the integral bipod (unless in Battle Dress) to avoid a –4 penalty to the attack roll.
Pistol Grenade: A 25mm pistol-sized version of the Rifle Grenade. Burst radius and damage are the same as the lower tech grenades.


Advanced Infantry Gauss Weapon: This is a Gauss Rifle coupled with a 25mm Gauss Grenade Launcher. The Gauss Grenades although smaller, are the functional equivalent of their lower tech counterparts (Use regular grenade burst and damage). The AIGW is designed as a single integral system, and the components are not separable into different weapons.
Gauss LMG: A gauss equivalent of the Light Machine Gun.
Gauss Heavy Hunting Rifle: A civilian hunting rifle firing the same 10mm gauss bullet used by the military’s Heavy Gauss Rifle at a somewhat reduced velocity. Due to it’s incredible stopping power this weapon is often referred to as a dinosaur hunter.
Gauss Heavy Machinegun: This is a powerful weapon firing the 10mm heavy gauss bullet. This weapon is usually mounted on a vehicle, but a tripod (Cr800, 24Kg) is available for it.
Heavy Gauss Rifle: A heavy, hypervelocity 10mm gauss weapon designed to replace the lower tech Light Assault Gun. While the recoil is less than that of the LAG, the heavier weight still requires the firer to either use the integral bipod or have STR 14+ (Unless in Battle Dress.) to avoid a –2 penalty to the attack roll.


2mm Gauss Pistol: A light civilian Gauss Pistol.
Arm Laser: An arm-mounted version of the Laser Pistol.
Battle Dress Gauss Rifle: A heavy, hypervelocity 10mm version of the standard Gauss Rifle. The enormous weight and considerable recoil requires that the firer to be size L or larger and have STR 18+ (Unless in Battle Dress) to avoid a –4 penalty to the attack roll.
Gauss SMG: A gauss version of the Submachinegun. This weapon is capable of accepting Gauss Pistol magazines in addition to it’s own larger capacity magazines.
10mm Magnum Gauss Pistol: This is a huge gauss pistol that shoots the same 10mm ammo as the Heavy Gauss Rifle (Although at a lower velocity).


Advanced Laser Weapons: At this Tech Level, advances in material and battery technologies allow more compact laser weapons with removable magazine-like power packs. The Assault Laser, Support Laser, and Laser SMG are capable of firing 4-shot bursts. The Support Laser is equipped with a bipod.
Plasma Pistol: A massive and intimidating weapon, the Plasma Pistol is designed as a sidearm for Battle Dress equipped troops. Due to it’s weight and recoil, a firer needs to have STR 14+ to fire the pistol (Unless in Battle Dress.) without suffering a –2 attack penalty. The compact removable power pack contains hydrogen fuel and a powerful battery.

Email me if you would like a PDF or Word copy.

Regarding gauss weaponry.
Not to nitpick the motivated individuals out there who are working on designs, but....
gauss weapons by their nature have no recoil. There is no propellant to ignite and cause the resulting "push" backwards that we call kick. Rather, the rounds are fed into one end of a magnetic field barrel and accelerated to muzzle velocity. One reason, possibly, for the small caliber (4mm). Asuggestion for someone wanting to play with designs would be to incorporate some sort of extra power requirements to create a gaussian field for a larger round. One can imagine researchers discovering that the 4mm caliber was the ideal for obtaining maximum velocity and accuracy as heavier rounds required disproportionately more power and infrastructure without the incredible muzzle velocities that make gauss weapons so devasating. Additionally, lighter rounds become unstable travelling through atmoshere and therefore lose accuracy as well as lacking stopping power.
This was not meant as criticism, but merely food for thought.
Good gaming to all,
Originally posted by socmeth:
Regarding gauss weaponry.
Not to nitpick the motivated individuals out there who are working on designs, but....
gauss weapons by their nature have no recoil. There is no propellant to ignite and cause the resulting "push" backwards that we call kick.
Bzzz. Any method of expelling a projectile at a high velocity will produce a kick. A gauss weapon can have moderately lower recoil than a CPR weapon (only the bullet contributes to recoil, the gases don't), and may use a small bullet with a high muzzle velocity (which also produces relatively low recoil relative to the weapon's power), but it will have recoil.