I think than basic knight in traveller would have than fief of 20 miles by 20 miles(400 square miles) on than agriculural world with 180,000 arces of farmland work by local people he or she act as than offical of the imperial government seeing that law are enforce that she or he handle minor legal fight
between local under her or he legal fight( he look at my wife the wrong) something the Imperial legal system doesnot like to get envold in it they can help
it. There can be good money make suppling food to near-by world that have population that will buy food
from near-by agriculural world at least 120 % plus over base price than basic price is list highter also. Selling natural linen and wool and wood also bring in good money. The people in your fief must be taken care of pay, you must have basic thing for your people like school's, hosipal(medecial care) and etc.
between local under her or he legal fight( he look at my wife the wrong) something the Imperial legal system doesnot like to get envold in it they can help
it. There can be good money make suppling food to near-by world that have population that will buy food
from near-by agriculural world at least 120 % plus over base price than basic price is list highter also. Selling natural linen and wool and wood also bring in good money. The people in your fief must be taken care of pay, you must have basic thing for your people like school's, hosipal(medecial care) and etc.