Since 'culture is on hold', I may as well comment on the land thing - IMNSHO people are misunderstanding what a land grant in the term of nobility is (was). The land was _owned_ by the ruler but _administered_ by the noble. The noble then sent the net income from that land to the ruler as tribute/taxes/troops, while keeping some as essentially a 'wage'.
The nearest loose equivalent I can think of is the current British system. While the Royal family (the crown) technically owns large chunks of land, that land is administered and run by the Crown Estate, with the Royal owners being paid a stipend from the profits. (A _very_ loose analogy, it's much more complicated of course - sorry Welsh

This appears to be the layout of land grants (using T5) - It states that "
the holder [of the land grant] owns outright one Local Hex. That land may become the holder’s personal estate...".
So Count Bling, may have a land grant for 16 terrain hexes (104,000km2 or about the size of Iceland), he only _owns_ and has free swath on an area of 65km2 (a small island). You are not going to have a legion of local people squatting there once you throw in guards, servants and retainers.
So what is the rest of the 1099935km2 of the Count Bling's grant. It could be literally anything and definetly not one big chunk. A few km^2 of an industrial park here, 1000km^2 area with a mine there, a few hectares of a turnip plantation, etc. It all adds up. But one thing it isn’t is some sort of Imperial immunity enclave anymore than a foreign citizen's holdings are diplomatically immune to local laws. They may let the noble know things out of courtesy but are not obliged to.
Now where does the ~10KCr per hex income come from? It’s the stipend the noble receives for running the emperor’s property. The net profits from activities on the land – wether renting it out, producing things on it, or whatever you do with it gets bundled up and sent off to the next noble in line. He bundles up all his subordinates ‘tribute’ and sends it up the chain, thus providing the Imperium with a nice income.
And the noble’s station is dependent on this tribute – provide substandard tribute to what your superior expects and he will make a frowny face and utter words like ‘regrettable’ and ‘displeasure’. Continue with this and said noble may be “Reassigned to a world more befitting of his skills” – aka a two dog, one horse backwater world.
So said noble has to watch his demesnes income, subtly encourage the local leaders to support his income enhancing schemes, mollify local skeptics, keep abreast of local laws and loopholes, potential problem movements, etc. He has to walk the line of “All hail the emperor” without getting the locals restless and reducing his fiefs income. Stirring up waves for some idiot trying to ‘seek sanctuary’ on his personal fief had better have a big long term pay off otherwise he will simply say “The Imperium respects your local customs, here is the miscreant. By the way, about that planning document for the Widget factory…..”
If he is having difficulty in walking the line due to a persistent problem, perhaps those nice PC’s could be asked to do something ‘regrettable but necessary’ for the good of the Empire…..