Let's examine some of the costs...
Squad, 8 man: 1LSgt 1 Cpl, 2 LCpl, 4 Pvt.
Equip: CES + ACR + AutoPistol +MessDressUnif+ 2xServiceDressUnif+2xFieldUnif +LBE+2xCanteen+ETool + radio (CT Medium Range TL 10)+Watch
Initial Equip: Cr26480=8x3310= 8x(Cr1000 CES + Cr1000 ACR + Cr210 AP + Cr20 canteens + Cr20 LBE + Cr10 ETool + Cr250 Radio +Cr700 Uniforms + Cr100Watch )
Call the replacement schedule for it all on 5 years, at 13 mo/year for the OTU
Salary:Cr2900=Cr500+Cr450+(2*Cr400)+(4*Cr300) per month. (CT Bk4)
Housing: Cr2400=Cr400/mo per man (TTB)
Ammo: Cr1160= 8xCr145= 100rds/mo/man (minimal range time) on both weapons. 75 ACR 70AP (Bk4, TTB)
Gear Replacement Fund: ~Cr410 per month.
About Cr6870/mo, plus a rough at-hire outlay of KCr30.
For a squad.
For a platoon of 2 sections, quadruple that, and add a Lt, a LdSgt, a GySgt, and a Sgt
Salaries +2850=1000+700+600+550
Housing +1600
Ammo: +580=4*145
Gear Rep: +250 (Including hand comps for senior cadre)
Admin expendables: Cr100
about 32860/mo for a platoon
Squad, 8 man: 1LSgt 1 Cpl, 2 LCpl, 4 Pvt.
Equip: CES + ACR + AutoPistol +MessDressUnif+ 2xServiceDressUnif+2xFieldUnif +LBE+2xCanteen+ETool + radio (CT Medium Range TL 10)+Watch
Initial Equip: Cr26480=8x3310= 8x(Cr1000 CES + Cr1000 ACR + Cr210 AP + Cr20 canteens + Cr20 LBE + Cr10 ETool + Cr250 Radio +Cr700 Uniforms + Cr100Watch )
Call the replacement schedule for it all on 5 years, at 13 mo/year for the OTU
Salary:Cr2900=Cr500+Cr450+(2*Cr400)+(4*Cr300) per month. (CT Bk4)
Housing: Cr2400=Cr400/mo per man (TTB)
Ammo: Cr1160= 8xCr145= 100rds/mo/man (minimal range time) on both weapons. 75 ACR 70AP (Bk4, TTB)
Gear Replacement Fund: ~Cr410 per month.
About Cr6870/mo, plus a rough at-hire outlay of KCr30.
For a squad.
For a platoon of 2 sections, quadruple that, and add a Lt, a LdSgt, a GySgt, and a Sgt
Salaries +2850=1000+700+600+550
Housing +1600
Ammo: +580=4*145
Gear Rep: +250 (Including hand comps for senior cadre)
Admin expendables: Cr100
about 32860/mo for a platoon