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Old Topics and Responding to Them

Is it Ok or Not Ok to Respond to Old/Very-Old Topics?

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SOC-14 1K
Netiquette on usenet groups strongly discourages responding to old threads.

I tend to feel that though this is not a usenet newsgroup, that similar rules of netiquette may apply. I looked around for a FAQ that would cover these things, as many usenet newsgroups have, but did not find one (ok, I only searched for 10 minutes).

I've been reading back through older topics. Sometimes I want to say something, but I've been avoiding it.

My question is: What do the people of CotI feel about seeing responses to topics that may be months or even years old? Ok/Not OK
Screw that.

If you see something interesting that you could contribute to, then by all means reply to it. At best, you restart a discussion that goes on for another few days because people who hadn't seen the original thread get involved in the 'resurrected' version. As long as it's not a flamewar or argument though - nobody likes resurrected flamewars.

At worst, you get called names by people... who you can just ignore :D
Good, so far the response is 100% go for it.

I agree completely with the good, er, Evil Dr. and usenetiquette be damned. Raise away resurrection man! Just because you come late to the party doesn't mean you should stay quiet when you have something constructive to contribute. In fact I think there's precedent here on CotI for raking the coals and reigniting old, oops, bad metaphor :eek: :rolleyes: yeah just stay away from the flames.

I for one welcome the occassional nudge of a topic I may have forgotten to get back to, and even the many I haven't forgotten but just haven't gotten back to, yet, but soon I hope. You know who you are and of what I speak ;)
Nettiquette Schmettiquette! Why not respond to old posts if you have something to add? Methinks its the machine itself that thinks this balderdash up, in a bid to save itself trouble and memory.

Yeah, I agree with the above folks. Hang the ettiquette. The CT books go back to the 80's, so I reckon the topics should too!

I suppose I'm a tad biased, in that I'm a new member. But, I reckon that everyone has just as important input as everyone else.

If the topic interests you, and you have some input, I reckon go ahead son :D

Errr... that's if the powers that be agree of course.. (grovel grovel)
Webboards like those are available in just one place and old threads don't go away. Why *not* replying to old threads if you have something relevant to say?

Write away, I say.
Without responding to old threads, how would I tell anyone about the books I just remembered to recommend on the "Suggested Reading" thread?
Err what old topics.
The games 30 years old and we still argue over 2d V 3d galaxy, I dont think you can get much older than that.
More sock race.
I assumme the sock race is still on.
Buy war bonds.
The alternative would be to start a new thread...and have everyone tell you that this has already been discussed ;)
I think it's OK as long as you have something meaningful to add.
Originally posted by mandelkubb:
The alternative would be to start a new thread...and have everyone tell you that this has already been discussed ;)
I think it's OK as long as you have something meaningful to add.
And therein, sir, lies the rub. What is meaningful, and to whom?

It is split hairs such as these that caused me to ask the question in the first place.
Hello RainOfSteel,

As Old Evil Dr. G indicates responding to old threads, not flame wars or arguements, can be very helpful to others. One example is on the T20 Q&A board in which someone asked about an automated character generation system. The closest item to this is a spreadsheet created by Michael E. Landon. Old Evil Dr. G, has rekindled languishing threads on a variety of topics which have proved valuable in enhancing aspects of Traveller in the various generations, CT, MT, TNE, MT, GT, and T20. Chris Thrash has also contributed to restarting threads on starship design and added to the resources for designing starships and other items. Of course there are topics that should be left sleeping, but these are in the minority. One of these topics is of course is which Traveller generation is the best. My view is that each generation has good and bad points, but the basic idea and formatting is what has kept Traveller, no matter the generation, around for 25 plus years.
Sure Doc anything you say, <stage whisper> Has he had has medications yet?

Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
As Old Evil Dr. G
OLD?! Me?! I'm er... not much older than Traveller is! :D
I understand about not resurrecting a Flamewar. I will do my best. But what seems to be a Flamewar to one person, may, to another individual, more thick-skinned (or maybe, in my case, just dimwitted), seem like a friendly discussion between old pals poking fun at each other, or two people vigorously defending their opinions without personally feeling animosity toward one another.
Hello again RainOfSteel,

You are correct in saying that what a single individual may consider a flameware, may not be. If however, a significant number of the people visiting the thread consider the comments to be a flamewar then the topic is a flamewar.

Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
I understand about not resurrecting a Flamewar. I will do my best. But what seems to be a Flamewar to one person, may, to another individual, more thick-skinned (or maybe, in my case, just dimwitted), seem like a friendly discussion between old pals poking fun at each other, or two people vigorously defending their opinions without personally feeling animosity toward one another.
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